Vegetal pattern, one of the major types of ornament, is also can be called Arabesque which means “in the Arab fashion†in French. Arabesque is a repetition in Islamic art which is used in many places in Islamic art. Vegetal pattern is used very often in Islamic art, because people do not portray images of human. The reason that human portrayals cannot be found as many as vegetal patterns is that Muslims feared to depict the human form, since they thought it is idolatry, which is forbidden in the Qur’an. Actually, Qur’an doesn’t contain any rule about forbidding the images of human, but a stern warning against the worship of idols. Eventually, this warning against worship of idols led to a doctrine forbidding images of animate beings in religious context. Even Qur’an itself as a religious text, it was never illustrated with images of any animate beings. Instead, it is ornamented with patterns, such as vegetal patterns and geometric patterns.
Vegetal patterns are used in many different places like in architectures, carpets, potteries, Qur’an, and so on. Usually, Mihrab, a niche that indicates the direction of Mecca, is decorated thoswith greater skill than other elements in mosque. This example of Mihrab is from the Madrasa Imami in Isfahan. It is composed of a mosaic of small monochrome-glaze tiles. These small tiles consist of blue and white hues. Blue and white tiles form inscriptions, and blue, light blue and white tiles form vegetal patterns and geometric patterns. In some parts, brown tiles are also used to form vegetal patterns and geometric patterns. The inscriptions are from muhaqqaq script, and they run on the center of the niche, an arch of the niche, and borders. Spaces not occupied by the inscriptions are filled with patterns. Floral patterns can be employed alone, but in this Mihrab, it is in combination with another major type of ornament: geometric patterns.
As mentioned above vegetal