"1917 espionage and sedition act and patriot act" Essays and Research Papers

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    The impacts and consequences that the Alien actsSedition acts and Kentucky and Virginia resolutions where important. These things are important because they strengthind our government and country. The Alien and Sedition acts were a series of laws passed by Congress in 1798. These acts where brought up to silence opposition to an expected war with France. It was supported by President Adams and his Federalist Party which controlled Congress. It was opposed by Thomas Jefferson and other Democratic-Republicans

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    | Alien and Sedition Acts | Historical Essay | | Emilee Lord | 8/25/2012 | A brief essay on the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 and why they were a poor decision by the United States’ young government. | When viewing the era of the Adams’ administration‚ with all the political turmoil that is associated with it‚ historians continually come to analyze one set of acts in particular‚ The Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798‚ to try to determine whether or not these acts were a wise move

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    Alien and Sedition Acts During the late 1700’s a war was starting to brew with France. The president at this time was Federalist John Adams who was preparing North America for war. Adams and congress thought that the best idea would be to enlarge the size of the army in order to help decide the fate of North America if the war with France was to happen. In August of 1798 the war with the French became known as the “Quasi-War”. This is when the Anti-Federalists or also known as the Democratic Republicans

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    Usa Patriot Act Of 2001

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    The USA Patriot Act of 2001 is legislation that was sponsored by President Bush and his administration following September 11th. It is to allow increased responsibilities for the criminal justice system and other agencies. “The USA Patriot Act has ten sections or titles outlining new powers for government operations.” (White 2014 p. 393) “Title II‚ designed to improve surveillance. Grands authority to federal law enforcement agencies to intercept communications about terrorism‚ allows searches

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    of a war with France and political turmoil surfacing in America‚ the Federal Congress passed four laws in 1798‚ signed by President John Adams‚ that came to be known as the Alien and Sedition Acts. These laws became a source of bitter controversy across the country‚ causing many to be furious and claim that the acts violated their personal liberties such as the right to free speech. Others‚ however‚ sought to defend the decrees and prove that they were constitutional‚ affecting only foreigners and

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    praise their efforts for reform. Whistleblowers are people that expose illegalities and corruption in government because they believe that it is better for the public to know for their own well-being. Oftentimes whistleblowers are charged under the Espionage Act for exposing measures of national security‚ although the determination of what is and is not considered national security information is a very precariously drawn line. Government secrets decided to be national security are officially supposed

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    October 2012 Alien and Sedition Acts In 1798 the United States was involved in an undeclared war with France. “The United States again stood on the brink of war with a major European power‚ only this time instead of Great Britain the hostile nation was France.”(Hay 141) Later on the Federalist Party passed a series of four laws which were called the Alien and Sedition Acts and the Federalists saw foreigners as a deep threat to American security. There were a series of four acts that were adopted to


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    George W. Bush put the Patriot Act into effect on October 26‚ 2001. PATRIOT would stand as an acronym for “‘Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism‚’” (Unknown‚ 2005). This act would be established to detect and dispose of threats to cities and people around the world. Over the past

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    government of the United States of America found the need to take measures that would protect the lives of the people of America. Hence in relation to these attacks the then President Bush set an act in motion that would prevent further terrorist attacks. This act came to be known as the U.S.A Patriot Act. This act aimed by giving all the enforcement agencies tools so that they could combat terrorism. It has become one of the most imperative weapons that the state has against terrorism. It also breaks

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    quickly passed the USA PATRIOT Act‚ also known as the “Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism” Act. The Patriot Act‚ as it is more commonly referred to‚ was created with the goal of providing government agencies the tools to seek out and prosecute any terrorists planning an attack within the country. Unfortunately for the American people‚ Congress was indifferent to the fact that many provisions of the Patriot Act were a violation of

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