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    DBQ: Rise and Fall of Ottoman Turkey‚ Safavid Iran‚ Mughal India What factors contemporaneous observers attributed the rise and fall of the Muslim empires which factors made them successful‚ which factors weakened empires? Discuss overall strengths and weaknesses additional documents to help access rise and fall of Ottomans‚ Safavids‚ Mughals? Documents: Document 1: SAFAVID “great liking for warfare and weapons of war…fine soldier and very skilled‚ and his men so dexterous—use of muskets””realm

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    AP world history

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    The Conrad-Demarest Model of Empire: Basic Principles for the Roman‚ Han Chinese I. Necessary preconditions for the rise of empires: a. State-level government: Rome: republic then empire with emperor Han: kept most of Qin centralized government in place b. High agricultural potential in the area: Rome: wheat‚ grapes‚ cattle Han: wheat‚ millet‚ pigs c. An environmental mosaic Rome: Alps‚ Mediterranean Sea‚ forests‚ Tiber and other rivers‚ hills Han: Tianshan mountains‚ Yellow

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    Ap World History

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    Grammar as Rhetoric and Style The Appositive An appositive is a noun or noun phrase that tells the reader something about a nearby noun or pronoun. In each sentence below‚ the appositive is underlined. The italics shows the noun or pronoun that the appositive details. It turned out that one of the top students‚ Denny Davies‚ had learned of this rule. Kennedy‚ a wiry fifty-nine-year-old who has a stern buzz cut‚ was in 1997 the principal of Sarasota High School. In 1981‚ two professors

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    ----------------------- Expanded Core=2 AP requires you to expand it to 2; however‚ you write 3 to get the points from expanded core section. Process: 1. Box Question 2. Read Documents ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Group 2. Extra Document 3. P.O.V “Not Surprisingly” 4. Pre-write Outline: I. Intro a. Thesis b. Extra Doc. II. Body a. G1 b. G2 c. G3 III. Conclusion AP Exam Multiple Choice=50% Essay=50% DBQ=50% FRQ*1=25% FRQ*2=25% ***4 specific examples

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    AP World History 18 October 2012 As Buddhism spread throughout China during the first century CE‚ people had a variety of responses‚ both positive and negative. Many Chinese accepted Buddhism and its beliefs‚ yet some criticized the religion and how foreign it was‚ having been originated in India. Documents 1‚ 2‚ 3‚ and 5 are supportive of Buddhism and documents 4 and 6 discourage it. Documents 1‚ 2‚ 3‚ and 5 all support Buddhism’s beliefs and encourage the practice of this religion. Document

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    DBQ World History

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    Toni Dixon Period 1 Era of Good Feelings The period of history after the War of 1812 was an “Era of Good Feelings” and “Era of Bad Feelings”. The spirit of nationalism and the American system brought about a positive aura during this time. However‚ there were negative aspects of this time period‚ especially with slavery. Era of Good Feelings did occur a few times after the War of 1812. Nationalism (C) being one because Americans proved to themselves that they can stand up for

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    World History Dbq

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    of wanting to be a state that was independent of European culture. For example starting in the year 1635‚ as Japan grew increasingly xenophobic in order to end the spread of Christianity‚ they closed all ports and connections to Europe and the New World. This was with the exception of only one port open called Nagasaki in order to maintain trade with the Dutch. This way‚ they could still stay up-to-date with limited contact with the European technologies and knowledge through books. This was a social

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    World History DBQ

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    1. Questions of periodization 1. Nature and causes of changes in the world history framework leading up to 600 C.E. – 1450 as a period During the postclassical era‚ we’re dealing with the rise of Islam‚ developments in Europe and the Byzantine Empire‚ developments in Asia‚ the rise and fall of the Mongols‚ developments in Africa‚ and the developments in the Americas. Technologies and innovations in this era include warfare and ship building. The role of women also changes‚ the wealthier

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    AP DBQ

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    Grant Benick 10-16-14 AP World AP World History Free-Response Questions (DBQ) Buddhism was founded in India in the sixth century B.C.E and was brought into China by the first century C.E. Gradually winning converts‚ the fall of the Han dynasty in 220 C.E caused a period of political instability and disunity. There is the Buddhist who support Buddhism and praised the Buddha as their god. However‚ there were some people who are against Buddhism and didn’t like it as a religion so they went against

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    Ap World History Answers

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    AP World History-Lakeside High School 2013-2014 Welcome to Advanced Placement World History! You have chosen to join in the AP program that over 14‚000 high schools participate in and over 4‚000 colleges accept AP credit for. Colleges look for students who challenge themselves in a high school environment with the rigor AP courses entail. We have thirty-three chapters to cover in approximately 34 weeks‚ as well as focusing on key concepts‚ content‚ and skills‚ which will be crucial to master

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