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    Ethical Theories

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    Business Administration and Hospitality Management Department of Business Assignment 1 Submitted to Mrs. Leena Thyagaraj BSAD489: Ethics and Values in Business Section A Presented by Roxanne Quailo ID#28090150 Date February 11‚ 2013 1. Kantian Theory Kantian ethics are deontological‚ revolving entirely around duty rather than emotions or end goals. All actions are performed in accordance with some underlying maxim or principle‚ which are deeply different from each other; it is according to this

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    Theories of Personality

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    with particular personality and intellectual characteristics). 2) Physiognomy -- the study of the face (based on the belief that personality was revealed by facial features. C. Physique and Personality -- Somatotypes (body types) -- Constitutional theory of personality -- William Sheldon. According to this view‚ there is al ink between a person’s body type

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    Individual Theories

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    Individual Theories There are many theories as to what motivates adolescents to commits crimes. There are many theories as to why other adolescents in the similar circumstances are not motivated to break the law. Everyone is different‚ and everyone has their own reasons for their actions. Some say it is situational‚ and others say it is biological. Personally‚ I feel it is a bit of both‚ children are easily influenced and their surroundings are sure to affect them in some way‚ whether it be

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    Theories of Personality

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    differ on the situations that they are into and people have to “fit in” to those situations. There are a number of theories that attempt to account for our personalities and explain how we come to be the way we are. Theories of Personality Theories of personality are explored in order to have a better understanding about different personalities that people exhibit. 1. Trait theories According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association (DSM-IV-TR)‚ personality

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    Expectancy Theory

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    Expectancy theory proposes that a person will decide to behave or act in a certain way because they are motivated to select a specific behavior over other behaviors due to what they expect the result of that selected behavior will be.[1] In essence‚ the motivation of the behavior selection is determined by the desirability of the outcome. However‚ at the core of the theory is the cognitive process of how an individual processes the different motivational elements. This is done before making the ultimate

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    Agency theory

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    Agency Theory and Its Consequences A study of the unintended effect of Agency Theory on Risk and Morality M.Sc. FSM Master Thesis: Agency Theory & Its Consequences Master Thesis at Copenhagen Business School Student: Thomas Rüdiger Smith Programme: M.Sc Finance & Strategic Management Advisor: Sven Junghagen‚ Department of Management Politics & Philosophy August‚ 2011 Total Pages: 78 (133 with appendix and summary) Characters: 181647 (246486 with appendix and summary) Thomas Rüdiger

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    Conflict Theory

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    2007 Essay #2 Soci 181 Conflict Theory With the end of World War II three perspectives on sociological theories emerged-structural functionalism‚ conflict theory‚ and symbolic interactionism. These three theories reflected "national cultural and political trends" in Northern Americ (Garner‚ 307). Structural functionalism created an ideology that society consisted of shared values and a system of social cohesion. In contrast of the functionalist theory; conflict theorist repudiated the notion

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    Theories of Leadership

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    leadership there are also many theories on how someone is able to reach the level of a leader‚ and even more so; how to become an effective leader. Two of those theories are the path-goal theory and the leadership model created by Hersey and Blanchard. In the following paragraphs the reader will receive an understanding of each theory‚ a discussion of how it is effective in an organization and then a comparison and contrast between the two. To begin with‚ the path-goal theory will be the first one covered

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    Attachment Theory

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    THEORY OF ATTACHMENT Attachment theory‚ developed by John Bowlby presents a set of organizing principles for understanding various facets of human psychological aspects. The theory offers a wide spectrum‚ which encompasses comprehensive theoretical paradigm for understanding diversities amongst relationships. Bowlby rejecting the old theories of attachment highlighted that attachment is not merely an internal drive to satisfy some need. This paper will focus on the seminal work and the principles

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    Theories In Retailing

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    THEORIES OF RETAIL DEVELOPMENT By RITA PRUSTY IBCS THE PROCESS OF RETAIL DEVELOPMENT REVOLVE AROUND THE IMPORTANCE OF:    Competitive pressures Investments in organisational capabilities Creation of sustainable competitive advantage THEORIES ARE: 1. 2. 3. Environmental Theory Cyclical Theory Conflictual Theory ENVIRONMENTAL THEORY: Change in retail is attributed to the change in the environment in which the retailer operate.  The various influences of the external environment are: 1

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