"Adoption speech outline" Essays and Research Papers

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    The Influential Rise of David Guetta Specific Purpose Statement: After listening to my speech‚ the audience will be able to discuss the highlights of David Guetta’s life along with his major accomplishments and influences on the music industry. Central Idea: David Guetta rose from modest beginnings and used his vision‚ creativity‚ and charisma to influence how worldwide music is produced and inspire many people‚ including me. INTRODUCTION Attention-Getter: Show preview from David Guetta’s

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    vnabors@ccc.edu ASSIGNMENT: Persuasive Speech: 5 to 8 minutes DUE DATE: See Syllabus GRADE POINTS: 140 converts to 15% of your overall grade EVALUATION: Grading Rubric distributed and posted on Blackboard ► Typed Full Sentence Outline Draft is due one class prior to your assigned presentation date. Partial handwritten outlines will not be accepted at all. ► Students MAY NOT present a speech without an approved outline. *If you are absent on the day your outline is due‚ you must submit it to my office

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    ORGAN DONATION: They need it as much as you do Audience: Those who are in doubt and reluctant to make a contribution in organ donation. General speech purpose: To convince the audience in donating an organ. Specific speech purpose: After hearing my speech‚ the audience will be able to cite the advantages in donating an organ. I. INTRODUCTION A. Attention-getter: Did you know that one person die every 90 minutes waiting for transplant? Maybe the person next to you may need your organ

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    Huzair Kalia Speech 1100 Informative Speech Social Anxiety General Purpose: To inform my audience of the symptoms of Social Anxiety‚ its causes and treatment. Specific Purpose: To help my audience understand symptoms of Social Anxiety so they can recognize if they suffer from it and to inform them of the treatments out there Introduction: Attention Getter: If you have or had Social Anxiety you’re not alone. Social anxiety disorder is the second most common type of anxiety disorder. According to

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    Mikala Stevens Professor Tracie Kriska Public Speaking 6th March 2013 Working Outline Topic: Sleep Apnea General Purpose: to inform Specific Purpose: to inform the audience on Sleep Apnea Thesis: Sleep Apnea is becoming more of a dangerous disease that more people are starting to be diagnosed with. It is extremely important that Sleep Apnea is emphasized so that more people are aware of it. Introduction: “The National Sleep Foundation” says that a lot of people don’t know what sleep

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    Aggressive Driving Specific Purpose: To persuade the audience that aggressive driving is dangerous and is a serious problem on the roads today. Introduction I. Attention Getter: Speeding past someone‚ verbal abuse‚ physical abuse‚ and inappropriate and dangerous driving maneuvers that could hurt you and other drivers. Many of us know when we see it‚ this is called aggressive driving and I’m going to inform you about the dangers and easy solutions to fix this growing problem on the roads. II

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    beautiful pictures but me personally never had a chance to visit the islands but soon I will. D. Thesis: The Galapagos Islands are located in the eastern Pacific Ocean‚ a beautiful and exotic pace for your next vacation. E. Preview: In this speech‚ I will show you the beauty of these islands. II. Body F. About the islands 1. The Galapagos Islands are located in South America‚ 600 miles west from its mainland Ecuador‚ in the Pacific Ocean. [VISUAL AID] 2. 13

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    Brittany Hirsch Speech November 6‚ 2014 Informative Speech Topic: Native American tribes from my area Title: Trail of Tears I. Native American tribes primarily in my area A. How many of you actually know about Native American tribes and the history of them? B. I’m going to be going over and inform you about the differences and common similarities between the two main tribes in the south Florida area known as the Seminole Tribe of Florida and the Miccosukee Tribe of Indians in Florida. II. Similarities

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    rated? According to Brandon Gaille‚ three out of four people suffer from fear anxiety‚ which means there are multiple people in this class‚ including myself‚ that are terrified to get up here in front of each one of you and share their informative speech. B. Relevance: Fear is something that is widely looked upon as a weakness. While experiencing fear‚ people feel as if they will

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    approximately 2.4 million inmates in all prison and jails.” II. Topic: My topic today is the death penalty in the United States. III. Credibility: I am qualified to discuss this case because I have spent several hours researching this topic for this speech. IV. Preview: Today I will talk about three

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