Chapter 7- Outline IntroductionA. Mid 9th century losing control1. Rebellious governors2. New challenging dynastiesB. …but still creative – ironically – a golden age without political stability1. architecture2. fine arts3. literature4. philosophy5. mathematics and scienceC. Territorial growth – warriors‚ traders‚ wandering mystics1. political conquest2. peaceful conversionD. Conduit for exchange – between urban/agrarian centers and between nomadic peoples1. ideas2. plants and medicines3. commercial
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Chapter 5 apush outline I. Conquest by the cradle 1. Population growth: in 1700 contained fewer than 300‚000 people (20‚000 of them were black) by 1775 2.5 million people inhabited the 13 colonies (Half 1 million were black) 2. Political consequences: in 1700 there were 20 English subjects for each American colonists. By 1775 the English advantage and numbers had fallen to 3:1. This set a shift in balance of power between the colonies and Britain. 3. Cities: East of the Alleghenies was where the
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1) The Shapes of Human Communities 1. In 1500‚ the world had all different societies‚ gatherers and hunters to empires‚ but it was different 2. Paleolithic Persistence a) gathering and hunting societies (Paleolithic peoples) still existed throughout the world but they had changed over time b) b. had new & improved technologies and ideas‚ e.g.‚ outrigger canoes‚ fish hooks‚ etc (had not adopted agriculture) c) exchanged goods over hundreds of miles and developed
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Chapter 1 Cost Accounting: Information for Decision Making Key Concepts 1 Describe the way managers use accounting information to create value in organizations. ♦ Cost accounting helps manages achieve the maximum value for their organizations by providing information for decision making and by measuring the effects of decisions on the value creation of the organizations. ♦ Value chain is the set of activities that transforms raw resources into the goods and services end users purchase
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How would you explain the several issues - including the political‚ economic‚ and social - that revolve around the subject of immigration and border security? Do illegal immigrants take jobs away from americans? Americans do not want bomb-carrying terrorists crossing the borders undetected. Are U.S. schools over-taxed by the needs of immigrant children? Do uninsured aliens in emergency rooms drive up the costs of health care premiums for the insured? What are some of the reason why illegal immigration
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Sanaz M. Shaghaghi Period 3‚ APUSH 1/8/13 Irish and German Comparison The new world experienced high immigration rates of German and Irish decent during the 1830’s to 1860’s. Many comparable hardships were given to them which caused them to leave it all behind to hopefully find a future in the prosperous America. Both of these German and Irish races moved to America because they were forced to leave under harsh times and for economic prosperity. During this era almost more than half
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Chapter IX. The French Revolution pp. 361-415 France “replaced the ‘Old Regime’ with ‘modern society‚’ and at its extreme phase it became very radical‚ so much so that all later revolutionary movements have looked back to it as a predecessor to themselves.” The French Revolution occurred in the most advanced country of the day‚ the center of the Enlightenment. It was the most powerful‚ wealthy nation in Europe. It had the largest population (24 m) under one government. Paris was smaller than
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Chapter 2: The Role of Ethics in Decision Making I. Contemporary Business Ethics 1. Ethics and Society a. Public Education and Family Structure b. Economic Interdependence c. News Media and the Internet II. The Nature of Ethics 1. Ethics and Morality a. Morality- the collection of values that guides our behavior. b. Ethics- a systematic statement of right and wrong together with a philosophical system that both justifies and necessitates rules of conduct. c. The Good- the end result of
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CASE 6 – ACCIDENT OR HOMICIDE? The shooting of Yoshi Hattori CHAPTER 6 – PRINCIPLES OF THE CRIMINAL LAW Factual guilt- guilty based upon the facts‚ though not necessarily legally guilty Legal guilt - proof of criminal liability beyond a reasonable doubt by admissible evidence within a court of law. Criminal liability - the degree of blameworthiness assigned to the defendants as a result of legal adjudication Elements of a crime – the five key elements common to almost all criminal statutes
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Chapter 25: Nation Building and Economic Transformation in the Americas‚ 1800-1890 1. Introduction a. The French under Napoleon III seized power in Mexico b. Maximilian deposed c. Spanish and Portuguese colonies in the Americas gain independence 2. Independence in Latin America a. Roots of revolution‚ to 1810 i. Great works of the Enlightenment and Napoleon III’s decision to invade Portugal ii. The Junta Central iii. The growth of American Nationalism b. Spanish south America‚ 1810-1825
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