"Auditory system" Essays and Research Papers

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    involves damage to tiny hair cells in a part of your inner ear called the cochlea. These hair cells usually pick up the vibrations of sounds and send them to the brain through the auditory nerve. When they’re damaged‚ sound can’t reach that nerve. A cochlear implant skips the damaged hair cells and sends signals to the auditory nerve directly. A hearing aid sends sound vibrations entering the ear. Surviving hair cells detect the larger vibrations and changes them into neural signals that are passed along

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    Ateneo de Zamboanga University College of Nursing NURSING SKILLS OUTPUT (NSO) Report No. 1 EAR DROPS INSTILLATION & EAR IRRIGATION I. DESCRIPTION: Ear drops instillation: Medication can be introduced into the ear to soften wax‚ relieve pain‚ or treat disease. The instillation of medication to the ear is a clean procedure‚ except when the tympanic membrane is not intact‚ in which case sterile technique is needed. Ear irrigation: Before an ear can be irrigated‚ it must be examined with

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    iffany Goff Margaret Jenkins General psychology 7/11/04 Structures of the eye and ear We use our ears for the hearing sense‚ and we use our eyes for vision. Both are very important senses and would be hard to get along without. We rely on hearing for communication‚ navigation‚ entertainment and many other purposes Now for our eyes we use them for vision‚ their like our own personal camera’s‚ both have and use lens to focus on images.

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    travel along the outer ear and vibrate tympanic membrane. This vibration is transferred along the malleus‚ incus‚ and stapes. The mechanical vibration is then taken up as energy by the inner ear and is transmitted as an action potential along the auditory nerve to the brain‚ where it is interpreted. There are two main types of deafness: conductive and perceptive. These are divided into many other types based on their cause‚ symptoms‚ treatment. Conductive hearing loss occurs when conduction of

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    Case Study 16

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    In the eye where the detachment occurred‚ a loss of color vision and visual acuity would occur. But Dan could use rods and still have some peripheral vision. 7.Muscles of the tensor tympani and stapedius serve a protective function by tensing the auditory ossicles preventing damage to the inner ear neurons. 8.The tympanic membrane is composed of epithelial and connective tissues that readily regenerate. The inner ear is mostly composed of neural tissues. Neurons do not heal well and can rarely be

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    Music Appreciation Notes

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    work. Listening to music—a physical reaction to disturbance in our environment A sound machine creates a vibration and creates sound waves and processed by inner ear and converted into electrical signals and transported by neurons and primary auditory cortex in the center of the brain and increased dopamine = Mood enhancement Low pitched sounds vibrate slowly High pitched sounds vibrate rapidly Musical sounds tend to be regular in their vibration Acoustics remain the same but the means of

    Free Music Musical notation Sound

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    C=Conceptual F=Factual Level (1)=Easy; (2)=Moderate; (3)=Difficult LO=Learning Objective SG=Used in Study Guide p=page MULTIPLE CHOICE The ABCs of Perception Learning Objective- 3.1 What is sensation and how does it enter the central nervous system? 1. ______ are the raw data of experience‚ based on the activation of certain receptors located in the various sensory organs. a) Perceptions Incorrect. Perception is the mental process of sorting‚ identifying‚ and arranging the raw data

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    Wind Chimes

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    Wind Chimes Wind chimes produce clear‚ pure tones when struck by a mallet or suspended clapper. A wind chime usually consists of a set of individual alloy rods‚ tuned by length to a series of intervals considered pleasant. These are suspended from a devised frame in such a way that a centrally suspended clapper can reach and impact all the rods. When the wind blows‚ the clapper is set in motion and randomly strikes one or more of the suspended rods-- causing the rod to vibrate and emit a tone

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    midterm study guide

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    Electrical impulses Otogenic development Germ layers of embryo (no function) Action Potential Inhibitory vs. Excitatory neural response Main types of neurotransmitter Temporal coding vs. frequency coding in neurons Afferent vs. Efferent auditory pathways Units of measure Intensity Frequency Air pressure (SPL) Different types of hearing loss Conductive Sensorineural Mixed Conductive vs. sensorineural mechanism Degrees of Hearing loss Congenital vs. Acquired Hearing

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    o Inner Ear – the part of the ear were mechanical vibrations occur o Cochlea – a snail-shaped structure made of bone‚ where chemicals are released from tiny hair cells • Two Nerve Systems o Vestibular nerve- balance signal o Auditory nerve – the nerve system responsible for sound signals • Six Steps to the Listening Process 1. Presence of Stimuli 2. Psychological reception of Stimuli 3. Mental Focus on Stimuli 4. Recognition

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