"Autocratic ideologies" Essays and Research Papers

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    Domestic and Global Business

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    Domestic Business Environment [pic] Introduction India’s business environment has improved considerably after the initiation of economic reforms in early 1990s. Domestic and foreign investors are finding it easier to do business after the reforms‚ which are aimed at reorientation of the centrally-controlled economy to a market-oriented one in order to foster greater efficiency and growth. This is being done by introducing greater competition in the economy through progressive internal deregulation

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    Alan Sinfield

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    Cultural Materialism^ Othello‚ aed the Politics of Plausibility Alan Sinfield Alan Sinfield’s Faultlines (1992) is one of the best examples of Cultural Materialism at work. This chapter on Shakespeare’s Othello is an especially forceful rendering of the Cultural Materialist argument that texts are not simple registers of social power. Rather‚ they must necessarily harbor dissident‚ fractious energies that undermine the sense of cohesive certainty that ruling elites seek to impose on a culture

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    gage one’s beliefs about government and its role in daily life. Those distant in generations often differ in beliefs greatly rather than those who are more similar in age. Like one’s experiences and hardships shape their outlooks on life‚ political ideology is often shaped by events that occur in federal and state government. World War II‚ the Great Depression‚ and the recession of 2008 are all events that may have affected individuals in different aspects. Even those from different regions may hold

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    Canadian Journal of Sociology Online November-December 2006 John A. Hall and Ralph Schroeder‚ eds. An Anatomy of Power: The Social Theory of Michael Mann. Cambridge University Press‚ 2006‚ 409 pp. $US 34.99 paper (0-521-61518-6)‚ $US 80.00 hardcover (0-521-85000-2) In an endnote buried deep in his own contribution to this volume editor John Hall questions: “[I]s it the case that Mann has been so overwhelmed by historical material that he has in fact ceased to be a sociological theorist‚

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    way in which the audience thinks to agree with a particular mindset of beliefs or values. I therefore proclaim that‚ in this essay‚ I intend to investigate the legitimacy of this idea particularly through the Marxist philosophy. By applying the ideologies of Marxism to different means of literature and film it is possible to put forward the notion that the texts that we consume have been crafted in such a way as to manipulate us into pre-determined reactions compared to those of our own accord.

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    between two newspaper articles with different views on the same event but different representations of the event and other aspects strategically placed to determine whether words have the power to manipulate or persuade ones thoughts through the ideologies of their own. Article 1’s headline is more elaborated and uses much more animated lexical choices‚ which paint more of a picture in the readers mind. Article 2 is more simplified and straight to the point‚ summarising bluntly. A1 is in the present

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    In our current popular culture‚ images are a major means of communication as we are bombarded with imagery every day. Most of the imagery we see is used as combination of facilitating propaganda and as a means to sell (I do not see any distinction between the two motives in our current culture). This imagery not only reflects reality‚ but it shapes it. However‚ it is not an accurate representation and its influence cannot completely dictate reality. The relationship between visual art and

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    Soctec2 Power Relations

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    SOCTEC  2 Science‚  Technology  and  Society  2 Master  Lecture:  Dr.  Robert  Javier‚  Department  of  Psychology‚  W602  D LSU-­‐M Key  Concept  Points  for  Understanding: Topic  3:    Science‚  Technology  and  the  Human  Person  and  Communities:   Impacts  of  Science  and  Technology  to  the  Human  Personhood‚   Social  Institutions  and  Practices  and  Power

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    Sectarianism in Pakistan

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    deteriorated peace of Pakistan and caused hatred in people for each other. Now people of different sects are loosing respect for one another. Careful study reveals that sectarianism has narrowed vision of people. Once they are obsessed with a religious ideology they are not only unwilling to change their ideas but the dilemma is this that they consider it their right to censure other school of thoughts publicly. I am confused to understand that some religious scholars who were supposed to be the preacher

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    Political Behavior

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    political system adopted by the state and it is through this system that citizens develop political culture and political socialization. Some governments dictate the political culture and socialization of their citizens so that programs and political ideologies can be implemented and structured properly with total support from the people. These types of government usually resort to violence in enforcing reforms and do not tolerate dissent among its people. Though political cultures are dependent on the

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