"Autocratic ideologies" Essays and Research Papers

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    What defines civilization? What makes humankind the superior animal? Is it the fact that humanity can exchange intellectual thoughts with one another and build upon those ideologies that are discussed‚ or is it that humans can work together to achieve peace and harmony? If one were to extract a certain number of individuals out of a civilized nation and place them together in an isolated venue‚ would the strong mold the weak into their ideological perspective‚ would it benefit themselves or others

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    --Role of media in political life: Media mediates‚ informs the public about political news‚ sometimes biased. --Frankfurt School: schools of social criticism in Germany can propaganda change people’s minds? --Goal/purpose of media: overall purpose is to inform the public about relevant social/political news --Media Bias—Conservative‚ liberal‚ other? The extent to which news outlets report the news biased in favor of a target audience based on demographics; different media outlets have different

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    Ideology is a way of thinking that reflect the social needs and political doctrines of an individual or group. There are many different people and different circumstances this results in a variety of different ways of thinking‚ values and beliefs. Our ideology grows with us from childhood. <br><br>From the moment you are born the family influence begins to impact your thought process. A child is like a sponge that absorbs ideas and beliefs. Beliefs are taught to a child in subtle ways such as just

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    situations determine them and it has different meaning in different cultures (Zipes). Writers and critics of the teenage and children’s literature are adults and literary works are evaluated by adults‚ too. Ideology is the predominant part of the adult’s world and it is subdue of the creation. Ideology limits going further to discover new things. Even imaginations are impressionable. There is a gap between a reader and a writer who assumes the addressees as the Others and wants them to be like an adult

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    Argument of Hegemony

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    Question: In his development of the concept of hegemony‚ Gramsci is concerned to investigate‚ among other things‚ how a dominant class wins free consent of a subordinate class. Using his analysis‚ write an essay on how patriarchy might establish hegemony. Use no more than two religious traditions to provide concrete illustrations of your argument. In order to understand Gramsci and the concept of hegemony‚ one has to look briefly at the work of Karl Marx. Marxism viewed everything in life as

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    Power Politics

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    Power Politics Introduction: Power is a discursive phenomenon existing significantly from the psyche of an individual to the structure of the whole universe. In between these the power has an influential authority in the discussion of politics. In relation to the politics the word power is explained as “the ability of one person to cause another to do what the first wishes‚ by whatever means”. On the other hand‚ politics‚ at first as the making of decision‚ has a second characteristic

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    Race is a topic in today’s society that is unavoidable in many situations‚ because of the representations and ideologies of race in the world. Frantz Fanon‚ Louis Althusser‚ and Hunt Hawkins have each studied race and interpellation in the modern world. Fanon explored race and racial interpellation in The Fact of Blackness‚ Althusser explored interpellation in Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses‚ and Hawkins explored how race is displayed in Heart of Darkness‚ by Joseph Conrad. Conrad’s character

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    ideological perspective focusing on classical conservatism or individual’s rights and freedom. Luddites‚ Chartists and the Sadler Committee were among those groups and have been fighting for their right as an individual or as a human. Luddites was an ideology that was created in response to classical liberalism during the 1800s in Europe wherein the working class started a movement asking for reforms as they suffers from poverty and dangerously poor conditions; thus‚ gave birth to the Army of Redresser

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    Government Intervention

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    Everyone has a different ideology and different perspective relating to what kind of government control should be in effect in the world around us. Within these political perspectives and ideologies many different factors and pressures affect what one may believe is the correct amount of government intervention. The first source displays the Machinist Union logo‚ a more left wing‚ collectivist‚ idea. Unions want collective action and representation to affirm and ensure their rights and values

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    Marxist Media Theory

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    References: "XAllen‚ Robert C. (Ed.) (1992): Channels of Discourse‚ Reassembled. London: Routledge "XAlthusser‚ Louis (1971): ’Ideology and ideological state apparatuses ’ "XAlvarado‚ Manuel & Oliver Boyd-Barrett (Eds.): Media Education: An Introduction. London: BFI/Open University "XBennett‚ Tony (1982): ’Theories of the media‚ theories of society ’ "XBerger‚ Arthur Asa (1982):

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