"Biodiesel" Essays and Research Papers

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    Hydrogen from Algae

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    Algae Could Solve World’s Fuel Crisis Von Philip Bethge Dan Robertson is working on algae that can produce biofuel. Genetically modified blue and green algae could be the answer to the world’s fuel problems. Bioengineers have already developed algae that produce ethanol‚ oil and even diesel -- and the only things the organisms need are sunlight‚ CO2 and seawater. For reasons of data protection and privacy‚ your IP address will only be stored if you are a registered user of Facebook and you

    Premium Biofuel Petroleum Carbon dioxide

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    Biodiesel Fuel

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    Biodiesel Fuel The biggest problem the United States faces today when we talk about becoming energy independent is replacing the gas we use to power our vehicles. When we talk about replacing gasoline as the fuel we use to power our vehicles‚ biomass‚ hydrogen‚ and fuel cells are the three most talked about alternatives. Biomass‚ which is organic material made from plants and animals‚ contains stored energy from the sun. Biomass in the form of bio fuels can be used to make the same products

    Premium Energy development Natural gas Fossil fuel

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    Introduction I. Attention Catcher: Mmm…carbon dioxide. Tastes good‚ doesn’t it? No? No. You’re right. Tastes horrible. To us‚ anyway. But plants seem to enjoy it… II. Listener Relevance: So how does this affect you? As long as we have trees‚ we’re fine‚ right? III. Speaker Credibility: Well‚ after reading everything on the subject…yes‚ everything! Including Piscina and Homs’ Chemical Society Reviews on October 25‚ I know that these amazing little green things can offer a lot more than

    Premium Biofuel Ethanol fuel Carbon dioxide

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    gas prices

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    Analysts expect gas prices to decrease or remain mostly flat not only in 2014‚ but for years to come. Nonetheless‚ drivers in some states will see higher prices at the pump‚ starting January 1. Gas prices may not have seemed all that cheap in 2013. But in fact‚ prices for the year as a whole were less expensive than they have been. According toAAA’s year-end report‚ American drivers paid $3.49 per gallon of regular‚ on average for 2013. That’s the cheapest per-gallon average since 2010; the national

    Premium Diesel fuel Gasoline Price

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    Andrew McClarren Each of the articles were notably different from each other based on the perspective the author took when discussing the usage of biofuels. In the first article‚ On the Horizon‚ Planes Powered by Plant Fuel‚ Author Matthew Wald reviews jet fuels‚ both alternative fuel based as well as petroleum based and the advantages and disadvantages of each. He established where he believes the issues lie and that is within the costs and land accessibility. The fruit jatropha is being used as

    Premium Peak oil Biofuel Ethanol fuel

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    installation) | $350 000 | Glycerol purification equipment (including installation) | $0 000 | Tanks | $100 000 | Biodiesel production equipment (incl. delivery and installation ) | $250 000 | Utility network | $000 | Advertising/Promotion | $5 000 | Land leasing | $0 | Raw materials (1 quarter of operations) | $660 000 | Salaries | $353 000 | Biodiesel production costs (chemicals‚ utilities‚ maintenance for 1 quarter) | $84 000 | Rent | $0 | Total Start-up Expenses

    Premium Asset Inventory Revenue

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    Biodiesel production yields varied from 81.7 to 88.0 (wt%)‚ the lowest yields being the ones obtained using waste frying oil and lard alone as raw materials. The obtained products fulfilled most of the determined quality specifications according to European biodiesel quality standard EN 14214. Minimum purity (96.5 wt%) was closely obtained when waste frying oil was used alone and when 0.2% of lard was incorporated in the raw material (96.3 wt%); however‚ it ranged from 93.9 to 96.3 (wt%)

    Premium Linoleic acid Fatty acid Fat

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    Oleic Acid for Biodiesel Production Catalyzed by SnCl2: A Kinetic Investigation Abiney L. Cardoso‚ Soraia Cristina Gonzaga Neves and Marcio J. da Silva * Departament of Chemistry‚ Federal University of Viçosa‚ Viçosa‚ Minas Gerais‚ Brazil‚ 36570-000. * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; E-Mail:silvamj2003@ufv.br Received: 5 August 2008; in revised form: 16 September 2008 / Accepted: 17 September 2008 / Published: 24 September 2008 Abstract: The production of biodiesel from low-cost

    Premium Catalysis Fatty acid Ester

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    resource that is being used in place of gasoline is biodiesel. A renewable fuel‚ produced from agricultural resources such as vegetable oils‚ biodiesel has more than one good thing going for it. It reduces the emission of gases responsible for global warming‚ promotes rural development‚ contributes toward the goal of energy security‚ is renewable‚ and reduces pollution. Biodiesel provides better engine performance and lubrication. Using biodiesel causes less maintenance issues than normal fuel‚ but

    Premium Supply and demand Economics Microeconomics

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    Alternative Fuels in America

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    like E85 ethanol and biodiesel that can help to put an end or decrease in these issues. These two sources are also sources that can be run in today’s conventional gasoline and diesel engines with in some cases little to no modifications. Alternative fuels such as e85 ethanol and biodiesel need to be more widely used in America because it would lift foreign

    Premium Petroleum Internal combustion engine Biofuel

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