Working Paper Corporate Social Responsibility Does Not Avert the Tragedy of the Commons -Case Study: Coca-Cola India Aneel Karnani Stephen M. Ross School of Business The University of Michigan E-mail: Ross School of Business Working Paper Series February 2014 This paper will be published in Economics‚ Management‚ and Financial Markets‚ forthcoming. Keywords: corporate social responsibility; tragedy of the commons; common-pool resource; environmental sustainability. I would like
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is an AED? Where are they found? AED is an automatic external defibrillator that uses electricity to reestablish a normal heart beat. Commonly found in airports‚ schools‚ shopping malls‚ and among other sites. 2. What is CPR? Why is it used? Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is an emergency procedure that is used to help preserve brain functioning during a cardiac arrest. 3. What are the three degrees of burns? How is each characterized? 1st degree- skin is red and somewhat swollen 2nd degree
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manipulation classification‚ "the CPR included five factors including current symptom duration of less than 16 days‚ a score on the work subscale of the Fear-Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire (FABQ) of less than 19‚ hypomobility of the lumbar spine as assessed with posterior-to-anterior pressure‚ internal rotation of at least 1 hip greater than 35°‚ and symptoms not extending distal to the knee" (Fritz et al.‚ 2007‚ p. 293). When four out of five factors are positive on CPR in the patient with LBP‚ chances
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costs as well. These costs used to be a large amount of money. Also similar packages help to create a “billboard” effect in retail shops which means stocking some identical or similar packaging products together can increase their visibility‚ like Campbell soup. Besides‚ there was a research on 98 consumer brands in 11 markets‚ it found that sub brand spent much less on advertising than other new brand name product. (Mary W. Sullivan‚ June 1992). It is because there are more products using the same brand
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First aid example only Get a persons consent before you help the person use personal protective equipment‚ plastic bags if u dont have gloves to protect your self Dont do rescue breath just do cpr if u got no protection Response are you ok can you hear me‚ can u open your eyes can you blink‚ can you feel this can you feel Touch person if u think its safe to do it Dont touch above shoulders‚ squeeze shoulders‚ talk and touch‚ Send. For help; phone ambulance 3 conditions
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practice that goes into being capable of rescuing a life. I went through hours and hours of training workshops and CPR training classes in order to get my lifeguard certification. At the end‚ the only thing that makes all the training and exhaustion worth it is when you are able to successfully put yours skills to the test. As a lifeguard‚ you do not wish it upon anyone to have to give CPR to a five-year-old little girl‚ but on one hot summer day; that was me. Adrenaline rushing through my veins as the
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Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation course and provide verification‚ in the form of a card or certificate. Online CPR courses cannot be completed for HOPE course credit. The typical CPR class completed at a local facility is three to four hours in length. You should begin planning your CPR class early‚ as it takes time to enroll‚ attend‚ and receive your verification of completion from the facility. Please review the CPR Getting Started Guide for more information. Teens in different communities face many different
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song genres‚ one specific song comes to mind that represents a large part of my life. That song is “Stayin’ Alive” by the Bee Gees. Did you know that music can help save a life? It’s true. When performing a life saving act‚ such as compressions for CPR‚ the key is all in the timing. It just so happens that this
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Reaction Paper about First Aid Basic first aid refers to the initial process of assessing and addressing the needs of someone who has been injured or is in physiological distress due to choking‚ a heart attack‚ allergic reactions‚ drugs or other medical emergencies. Basic first aid allows you to quickly determine a person’s physical condition and the correct course of treatment. You should always seek professional medical help as soon as you are able‚ but following correct first aid procedures
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victim of injury or sudden illness before professional medical help arrives. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a method of combining chest compressions with rescue breathing to maintain a flow of oxygen-rich blood to the brain while the heart is not working. The procedures of giving CPR are literally as easy as A-B-C. A Airway‚ B Breathing‚ and C Circulation. When beginning to administer CPR on an adult follow the step.Steps for A Airway: Place victim flat on his/her back on a hard surface.
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