"Continental Army" Essays and Research Papers

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    Leaving Your Post (Army)

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    Leaving Your Post When I think of the phrase “failure to be at an appointed place of duty‚” the first thing that comes to my mind is being AWOL. AWOL is an abbreviation for the phrase absent without leave which is under the United States Army Article Eighty Six of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. This topic can be broken down into many smaller groups such as: discipline; military bearing; and common courtesy. Failure to be at your appointed place of duty can result in an Article 86. A few things

    Premium Uniform Code of Military Justice Military United States Army

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    Mel Gibson's The Patriot

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    played by Mel Gibson. Gabriel and Thomas‚ his two older sons‚ want to enlist in the “Continental Army”. Word comes in that congress is being held in Charleston regarding the war‚ Gabriel and Thomas decide to join their father. During congress it is voted that South Carolina joins the war against the British. Benjamin is not keen on the idea of having another war‚ but despite that his son‚ Gabriel enlists in the army without his father’s permission. Two years passes and the war is still in high gear

    Premium American Revolutionary War United States George Washington

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    1776 Book Report

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    experience leads to an unprepared Continental Army. The first battle described in the story is the Siege of Boston. The author discusses the military fortifications the British put in the city‚ which the colonists saw as a direct attack against them. The Continental Army managed to seize tons of cannons and artillery from the British army all without them knowing. Later that week‚ the Continental Army woke the British by firing at them‚ causing the British to retreat. The army soon began to transform from

    Premium American Revolutionary War George Washington Continental Army

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    Sometimes I ask myself‚ “Why am I in the Army?” There are days I love it‚ and days I am surprised to be here at all. My experience so far in the Army has been positive‚ for the most part. Tactically and physically I feel I have pushed myself. I enjoy being mentally and physically challenged‚ and that part of my personality played a major part in my desire to become an Army reservist in the first place. I never want to say I did not try my hardest or do my best. I have always believed I could do more

    Premium Military United States Army

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    quite after completing Valley forge. Valley Forge was a military camp Valley Forge was a military can’t just 18 miles northwest of Philadelphia. It’s where American Continental Army spent their winter of 1777 through 1778 during the American Revolutionary War. Some reasons I would have quit was because the Continental Army was low on food‚ clothing‚ equipment‚ and other supplies. Soldiers had food eat for a while but in December through February soldiers ran really low on food and started

    Premium Continental Army George Washington Army

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    The mission of the United States Army is to fight and win the nations wars. The army accomplishes this by providing prompt and sustained combat operations on land utilizing Active‚ Reserve and National Guard Soldiers. Medical readiness is a key part to the army’s ability to accomplish this mission. Medical readiness effects the availability of the Soldier to deploy‚ attend schools‚ and the overall strength of the unit. Deployable A Soldier is non-deployable if they fail to meet specified requirements

    Premium Military United States Army Army

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    My Life At Valley Forge

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    Miserable is the best way to describe my life at Valley Forge. I am wretchedly unhappy and uncomfortable. George Washington had retreated from New York City due to losing to the British. Many soldiers deserted the Continental army during this time. Even worse events‚ Congress did not even trust George Washington himself! They thought he was leading a grand retreat! This is when Washington decided to build a winter camp at Valley Forge where conditions are not good. Interestingly enough‚ some young

    Premium Continental Army George Washington American Revolutionary War

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    Why its good to follow orders On June 30‚ 1775‚ the Second Continental Congress established 69 Articles of War to govern the conduct of the Continental Army. On April 10‚ 1806‚ the United States Congress enacted 101 Articles of War (which applied to both the Army and the Navy)‚ which were not significantly revised until over a century later. The military justice system continued to operate under the Articles of War until May 31‚ 1951‚ when the Uniform Code of Military Justice went into effect. The

    Premium Uniform Code of Military Justice Articles of Confederation Continental Army

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    to have no soldiers. I am guessing that over half of the soldiers left after all of the things they went through including sickness and diseases probably would or did leave the Continental Army and did not even second guess their decision. So far in this essay I have been giving you all the bad things the Continental Army went through. The main reason I would stay is if I would be lucky enough to not get sick or get a disease and would have the people I liked in the same hut as me it would not be

    Premium Continental Army George Washington American Revolutionary War

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    that they are helping make a difference for the colonies. “Not easily concord” (Paine page 153) The army still wants to fight for freedom even though‚ it is not easy to receive. Patriotism is a reason causing me to re-enlist because I love my country. I will fight for everyone so they can live in a better life and future lives. I‚ as a soldier‚ want to re-enlist because I still have faith in the army that we will win the war‚ and will be granted our freedom‚ if we can try hard

    Premium Continental Army American Revolutionary War Army

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