In order to know what my crucible is the word needs to be understood. A crucible is a literary device in which a character is put through a series of trials. The character is pushed to their very limits. Their mettle is strengthened to become even stronger. My crucible is my first year of band camp when I was in 8th grade. As I tell the story‚ why this is my crucible will become very clear. Being in the high school band is something I take pride in. My first year being involved with the high
Premium The Crucible Salem witch trials Salem, Massachusetts
“What is a crucible?” Why does the author choose to name this play The Crucible? However‚ two definitions of the word can apply to the play The Crucible‚ which could mean “a severe test” or could also mean a piece of laboratory equipment used to heat chemical compounds to very high temperatures or to melt metal. The symbolism is very clear here because the village of Salem was actually a very strict community‚ which kind of ties in with a crucible because the people were accused of witchcraft in
Premium Salem witch trials The Crucible Witchcraft
In the Miller’s Why I wrote the Crucible a quote that he uses is “What terrifies one generation is likely to bring only a puzzled smile to the next.” This quote shows how in The Crucible‚ witchcraft was an actual problem and fear among the people of Salem‚ but when looking at the situation today it is amusing because we know that it is impossible for women to
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It is said that‚ “small slights were made out to be witchcraft‚” and “others had hidden motives for accusing their neighbors” (The Crucible- Witch Trials NP). Similarly‚ people have the eyes of a hawk in Salem‚ so whatever happens‚ there is always someone who knows and they spread like wildfires. Presently‚ those suspected of witchcraft often confessed to save themselves of more trouble
Premium Salem witch trials Witchcraft The Crucible
The Crucible “Crucible”: A place or occasion of severe test or trial. This definition adequately describes what this story is about because it is based on a crucible that dealt with witchcraft‚ deceit‚ and revenge. In literature‚ there are 2 main types of characters‚ dynamic and static characters or ones who change and ones who stay the same. In “The Crucible” the biggest dynamic character is John Proctor. Another dynamic character was Reverend Hale. To me‚ Abigail Williams was a static character;
Free The Crucible John Proctor Salem witch trials
by Chris Crutcher and I felt that this book really ties into the courage that jk Rowling talks about. In this book‚ the main characters Eric Calhoun and Sarah Byrnes embody the image of courage that JK Rowling mentioned above. They do things that most of us would say that we could do but put under the pressure would craft like tempered glass hitting concrete. I believe after pondering the topic and reading this book that courage and bravery for that matter are not some extraordinary adrenaline
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“The Crucible” by Arthur Miller talks about a time where people felt conflicted between what the church stated and what was happening in society. Miller states‚ “The Salem tragedy…developed from a paradox….Simply it was this: for good purposes‚ even high purposes‚ the people of Salem developed a theocracy‚ a combination of state and religious power whose function was to keep the community together‚ and to prevent any kind of disunity that might open it to destruction by material or ideological enemies”(I
Premium Salem witch trials The Crucible John Proctor
Irony in The Crucible Irony is a contrast between what is stated and what is meant‚ or between what is expected to happen and what actually happens. The Crucible is a play by the American playwright Arthur Miller‚ and is filled with examples of irony throughout the play to build suspense and create anxiety. Arthur Miller used three kinds of irony‚ and they are dramatic‚ situational‚ and verbal irony. The Crucible is filled with many examples for each kind of irony through the play. The dramatic
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The Crucible The 1996 film version of “The Crucible”‚ portrays the infamous Salem witch trials that took place in Massachusetts during the 1600’s. Author Arthur Miller portrays many events and characthers true to that of what happened in salem in 1692. However‚ many of the historical events are concentrated around the movies non-fictional relationship that Abigail Williams and John Proctor have. The movie is have many inaccurate elements that are not true to what really happened.The fictional
Premium Salem witch trials The Crucible Witchcraft
The Arise of Witchcraft in The Crucible In Arthur Miller’s‚ The Crucible‚ the story is set in Salem‚ Massachusetts‚ during the time that the Salem Witch Trials were beginning. The society was paranoid because the concept of witchcraft scared them and‚ even more than scared them‚ enraged them. Due to how paranoid the people were‚ the leaders began implementing new rules/laws that would prevent witchcraft from happening. In the play‚ by the end of Act 1‚ the girls dancing in the woods (and dabbling
Premium Salem witch trials The Crucible John Proctor