the Florida Supreme Court demanded a recount of the votes. This possibly violated the Constitution’s claim of equal protection and due process guarantees. The Supreme Court ruled against a recount‚ and gave instructions to undergo a recount that were impossible to carry out with the time given‚ thus essentially ending the election‚ and winning Bush the presidency. 2. The Constitution stated that there would be the Supreme Court‚ and Congress would create lower level courts as needed. With the creation
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Korematsu V. United States was a court case during the time of World War II. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor‚ people of Japanese descent were considered threats. As a result‚ Franklin Roosevelt issued the Executive Order 9066 on February 19‚ 1942. This Order demanded that each and every person of Japanese descent be moved to internment camps‚ regardless of citizenship. Fred Korematsu‚ a Japanese American citizen‚ refused to leave his home to go to the internment camp. Therefore‚ he was convicted
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they are on duty. The Federal Courts are use for impeachment of a Public Official‚ disputes between two or more states‚ and Federal Courts have total jurisdiction over people filing bankruptcy in the U.S.. In my opinion‚ having total jurisdiction over people filing bankruptcy in the U.S. is most important role of Federal Courts. Many of people go to the Federal Courts to fight for their rights‚ and the Federal Courts has the ability to help them. All federal court judges are nominated by the President
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In the case US v. Calandra (1974)‚ Calandra was being questioned by the federal grand jury about loan sharking business. The reason the jury was asking these question were based on the evidence obtained at his company. Calandra didn’t want to answer any questions because he felt that the search of the company was an unlawful search and that it violated his fourth amendment exclusionary rule. The refusal to answer the grand jury‚ was what was being question about this case. Calandra felt like because
Premium Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution
Do courts serve justice? When reading a piece of jurisprudence make us harshly question our morals and principles‚ and dispute what we thought undisputed. This is what I currently feel after reading Lon L. Fuller’s prominent classic The Case of the Speluncean Explorers. Fuller in his writing set up a hypothetical case in no more than thirty pages‚ up until now after around 70 years since it was published‚ legal scholars and students are still arguing and discussing the ideas presented in those
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There were two court cases that we were given to look at. The first court case was Darling vs. Charleston Community Hospital. According to McWay‚ this case was on a male football player that got injured during a game and was brought to the emergency room where they determined at the hospital that his left leg was broken and a doctor that did not have any experience with putting a cast on put the cast on wrong and then left it on for fourteen days (McWay‚ 2015‚ pg.78). I think the biggest mistake
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The Supreme court of the United States has been called by many the most influential branch of the United States government. Justices sit in seats of power without fear of public backlash through elections. While sitting in these seats of power‚ they make decisions that have long lasting and far reaching results. The decisions made by the Court impact the social and political aspects of the lives of every person living in the United States. With that said‚ the Court obviously influences certain
Premium Supreme Court of the United States Franklin D. Roosevelt President of the United States
Analysis of the Case of Salem Advocates Bar Association v. Union of India. (2005) 6 SCC 344 Facts of the Case The present case Salem Advocate Bar Association v. Union of India[1] is basically an aftermath of the original case Salem Advocates Bar Association‚ Tamil Nadu. v. Union of India[2]. The Honorable Judges presiding over the case were Y.K. Sabharwal‚ D.M. Dharmadhikari and Tarun Chatterjee. The subject is basically related to Constitution and is a case of civil nature. In the former case there were
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Report of a Court Visit Introduction I will briefly describe role and function of the Federal‚ State Court System and including Community Justice Centres and including Legal Aid. I will report my visiting at the Downing Centre Local Court and seeking the information about summons or attendance notice by speaking one of the court officers. I will present some nature of the matters as my observing court proceeding. I also provide a concise comments and soico-legal intervention from my personal point
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Juvenile and Adult Courts: A Comparative Analysis Zanetta Eave‚ Tasha Harris‚ and Lee Blackmon CJA/374 July 29‚ 2013 Cory Kelly Introduction The “Juvenile and Adult Courts: A Comparative Analysis” paper will compare juvenile courts with adult courts. This paper will present an overview of the juvenile justice system‚ a point-by-point comparison between juvenile and adult courts. The adjudication process by which a juvenile is transferred to the adult court system. This paper will also discuss
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