The Crucible Tone Paper In Arthur Miller’s book/play The Crucible‚ the tone he adopts towards the subject of witch trials and witch hunts‚ and towards the characters that maintain them‚ is carefully written. His ironic and cynical tones throughout the play poke fun at the religious officials doing what they thought was right‚ executing people they thought were witches. They also further the outlook on the lack of justice in a harsh‚ Puritan society. Miller continually uses irony in situations
Premium Salem witch trials The Crucible
Scapegoating is used as the theme for the play by the display of sporadic events in which individuals accuse others and place blame on the accused for actions they did not take part in. For example‚ one of the earliest incidences of scapegoating within The Crucible occurs in Act I of the play when Abigail intentionally placed the blame of the witchcraft incident in its entirety on Tituba although numerous others were involved‚ including Abigail herself. Another incident in which scapegoating is apparent within
Premium Salem witch trials The Crucible Witchcraft
The Crucible Act 4 Three villains in The Crucible are Ann Putnam‚ Thomas Putnam and Abigail‚ each representing the evils of jealousy‚ greed‚ and vengeance‚ respectively. Ann Putnam‚ an antagonist of Rebecca Nurse‚ is very jealous of Rebecca. Rebecca has “eleven children and [is] twenty-six times a grandma.” On the other hand‚ Ann Putnam has “laid seven babies un-baptized in the earth‚” and now her one and only child Ruth “walks‚ and hears naught‚ sees naught‚ and cannot eat” because her “soul
Premium The Crucible Salem witch trials Elizabeth Proctor
Katherine Pajewski Ms. Little English Period 6 10/10/13 The Crucible and McCarthyism Paralleled In the play The Crucible‚ Arthur Miller creates a tragic story of the Salem Witch Trials in 1692 which parallel McCarthyism during the 1950s. Miller published this play in 1953‚ after feeling the effects of McCarthyism during the 1950s and the Great Depression of the 1930s. Miller paralleled McCarthyism by writing about the events and ways of thinking that prompted the outbreaks‚ the immediate reactions
Premium Salem witch trials Witchcraft The Crucible
English 11H 5A 13 May 2013 Crucible Paper The witch trials of 1692 in Salem‚ Massachusetts are evidently a part of the development of the United States of America. The crucible started from a collection of girls who showed strange behaviors that were mistaken as commands from the devil by the strict Puritan populace. False testimonies‚ jealousy and grudges used as ammunitions to fuel the hysteria. The trials successfully depicted how intolerance and hysteria can combine to tear even the strongest
Premium Salem witch trials Salem, Massachusetts The Crucible
A crucible: A severe test or trial or a pot where metals are melted under a high heat. When things are under extreme stress or pressure they change into something else and react in different ways. People can change just like metals do in crucibles. They can change personalities do things that no one expected them to do. Reverend Parris‚ Reverend Hale‚ and John Proctor in The Crucible‚ changed under pressure and did things that were unexpected when they were were under great pressure. Reverend Parris’s
Premium Salem witch trials The Crucible Witchcraft
Fear is a topic frequently addressed in plays novels. Fear may cause an individual to try to gain control over other people. Some use fear as an advantage over others.Throughout the play The Crucible‚ the author develops the theme that the fear of the unknown causes hysteria.This theme is seen throughout the novel and is used mainly by Abigail Williams who gains power during the Salem witch trials of 1692. She uses the fear factor to protect herself and to manipulate others.Other factors of Fear
Premium Salem witch trials The Crucible Witchcraft
Huston 1 Zakary Huston Mr. Montalbano AP English Language and Composition 11 August 2014 The Scarlet Crucible Both Arthur Miller’s The Crucible and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter include instance of settlers of the New England colonies being affected by Puritan law. Their commentary on Puritan society is spread throughout their works. Their views on the laws set forth by Puritanism are easily found within their stories about the various occurrences in a theocracy
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Alena 7th period Crucible Essay Abigail Williams is supposed to be a Puritan in the Puritan society. In the Crucible many people think that her character is a victim of the Puritan society against which she rebels. But she is also was the one lying about witchcraft‚ having people murdered for no in particular reason. I find that she is not a victim‚ in puritan society .I think she is just a negative icon in the puritan society that shows you all people are not who they seem. In Act one
Premium The Crucible Salem witch trials John Proctor
Corruption and gullibility drove Salem into panic and fear. The Salem Witch Trials were written in the book The Crucible by Arthur Miller. The Crucible is a story about the trials in town called Salem; in this town a group of girls led by Abigail goes to the woods and dances. Abigail’s uncle‚ Samuel Parris‚ found them dancing in the woods‚ which causes the whole town to go into hysteria. The town starts accusing each other of witchcraft. Samuel Parris is a minister that is terrified that the town
Premium Salem witch trials The Crucible John Proctor