CHAPTER 3 The Competitive Environment Learning Objectives Upon completing this chapter‚ you should be able to: Identify the structural characteristics of the environment faced by the firm and how these drivers influence both competition and value creation Choose the appropriate level of specificity in environmental analysis‚ depending on the locus of the decision-making group Predict how changes occurring in the environment might influence future competition and value creation Incorporate understanding
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References: Bai X‚ Imura H (2000) A comparative study of urban environment in East Asia: stage model of urban environmental evolution. Int Rev Environ Strateg 1(1):135–158 Bai X (2001) Industrial relocation in Asia: a sound environmental management strategy?. Environment 44(5):8–21 Bai X (2002) Process and mechanism of environmental change: an evolutionary view. Int J Environ Pollut 19(5):528–541 BMRDA (1996) Draft
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Chapter 4 The External Environment The Environmental Domain Organization Environment is composed of all elements that exist outside the boundary of the organization that have the potential to affect all or part of the organization. Its domain is the chosen field of action. The environment comprises several sectors or subdivisions of the environment that contain similar elements (ie. industry‚ raw materials‚ human resources‚ market‚ technology‚ financial resources‚ economic conditions‚ government
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The Causes of the Gap Between Developed and Undeveloped Countries Yusuf Enes Fırat 010130552 The size of the gap between developed and undeveloped countries is one of the greatest problems world is facing today. But what is the term of “gap” in this statement? In fact‚ there are lots of criterions determine the gap‚ it is hard to explain it with one definition. We live in
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emissions and deforestation. The process undermines traditional values and attitudes that have helped preserve the natural environment throughout history‚ and propagates an increasingly consumerist culture. Does globalisation increase environmental degradation? Does trade liberalisation necessarily harm the environment? Does investment liberalisation necessarily harm the environment? Does globalisation necessarily shift polluting industries and environmental degradation from rich to poor countries
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Consumerism and the Effect on the Environment Tammi Bradbury Consumerism and the Effect on the Environment Consumerism is a concept that was created before the Great Depression‚ which‚ by definition‚ means “the concept that an ever-expanding consumption of goods is advantageous to the economy; the fact or practice of an increasing consumption of goods”. In other words‚ consumerism has meant the transformation of citizens into shoppers. In fact‚ after the tragedy of 9/11‚ we were not asked
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The deterioration of the environment The deterioration of the environment is one of the most serious problems now and although many groups and associations have tried to preserve planet green‚ pollution continues to affect many parts of the world‚ especially in industrialized countries. The main cause of deterioration is due mainly to the growth of cities and industry development. In recent years‚ both governments and environmental organizations and scientists seeking solutions to limit human
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Robert Gray‚ Arthur Miller and Rachel Carson are writers that each explores the 20th century interaction and relationship between humans and their environment. From their texts ’The meatworks’‚ ’North Coast Town’‚ ’Death of a Salesman’ and ’Silent Spring’ we learn of conflict between man and his environment-which can be everything from man’s surrounding area‚ conditions and influences. And this conflict harms both man and nature causing degradation‚ exploitation and destruction for nature whilst
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THE CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT The article focuses on classroom environment and its characteristics. The environment in the class influences how teachers and students feel and behave. What is more‚ its qualities can have a lasting effect on our lives. The teacher’s challenge is to make the classroom environment functional‚ thoughtful‚ enjoyable and literate. However‚ there are things in real life that make it difficult for teacher to create specific classroom environment. Among these we can find‚ for
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HARD COPY Learning Environment This ideal learning environment optimizes wellbeing. It reflects a positive school ethos that makes the school an exciting‚ stimulating and welcoming place. 10 Characteristics of a Highly Effective Learning Environment 1. The students ask the questions—good questions This is not a feel-good implication‚ but really crucial for the whole learning process to work. The role of curiosity has been study (and perhaps under-studied and under-appreciated)‚ but
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