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    English Language Teaching

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    Characteristics of English Language Teaching Methods: COMPARISON Adapted from Richards and Rodgers (2001) and Gültekin Boran‚ http://w3.gazi.edu.tr/web/gboran/eltmethodstogether.doc T: teacher‚ S: Student; SS: students Grammar Translation Method and Direct Method |METHOD |Grammar Translation Method |Direct Method | |Proponents/Advocates

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    Discourse Analysis

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    out that interlocutors would maintain a conversation by making their contributions prominent (McCarthy‚ 1991). According to McCarthy‚ this is the maxim of manner. It requires that interlocutors speak briefly‚ orderly and avoid ambiguity by using language that provides only one meaning. When interlocutors obey the co-operative principle‚ they would thus maintain a conversation because all participants would be able to correctly interpret what is said and this would enable them to proceed with the

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    Discourse Analysis

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    Entry on conversation analysis This entry attempts to analyze a conversation between a teacher and two students in the classroom. The key issue will be discussed is turn-taking‚ especially overlap and interruption when speakers take turns. The following episode was chosen from a textbook which is now used for discourse analysis. The conversation was produced by a lecture and two students in a university tutorial. The lecturer asked student Kylie and Tadashi about certain topics which

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    the poem “Discourse on the Logic of Language” By M. NourbeSe Philip and about the essay “The transformation of silence into language and action” by Audre Lorde. First‚ I would like to say that the poem “Discourse on the Logic of Language” is a very powerful and interesting poem that tries to manifest its idea through a very innovative way. The poem describes the frustration of being born into slavery and the confusion of having to learn to communicate in a different language than what


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    Discourse Analysis

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    Discourse analysis  Discourse analysis (DA)‚ or discourse studies‚ is a general term for a number of approaches to analyzing written‚ vocal‚ or sign language use or any significant semiotic event. The objects of discourse analysis — discourse‚ writing‚ conversation‚ communicative event‚ etc. — are variously defined in terms of coherent sequences of sentences‚ propositions‚ speech acts or turns-at-talk. Contrary to much of traditional linguistics‚ discourse analysts not only study language use ’beyond

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    Q1) Write about your past formal or informal language learning experiences (any which is not your first language).Would you consider them to be effective or ineffective? Give reasons for your answer. A) I had just passed my 4th std and was on vacations to a remote village in Karnataka where my mother was posted as a headmistress for a government primary school. I had no plans of leaving my mother and returning with my father to belgaum and continue with my school . Nevertheless I was cajoled

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    Kotler 4P’s of marketing Faculty of Business and Management University of Balamand January‚ 2011 Copyright © 2011 All Rights Reserved Acknowledgement Thank you Dr. Fadila for your continuous support and the perseverance‚ tolerance that you have provided us throughout the semester. Table of Contents Acknowledgement ii Table of Contents iii Chapter 1 1 Introduction 1 Chapter 2 4 Body 4 Chapter 3 7 Model Application 7 Chapter 4 9 Conclusion 9 List of References:

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    LANGUAGE TEACHING AND TRANSLATION   The use of translation as an inherent part of FLT was prevalent until early in the present century. The Grammar-Translation method‚ dominant during the first half of the century‚ stressed translation and grammatical analysis‚ and put greater emphasis on accuracy than on fluency‚ preferring academic erudition to communicative competence (Titone& Danesi 1985). At the turn of the century‚ the Grammar-Translation method gradually gave way to the Direct Method

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    Communicative Language Teaching Today Jack C. Richards cambridge university press Cambridge‚ New York‚ Melbourne‚ Madrid‚ Cape Town‚ Singapore‚ São Paulo Cambridge University Press 32 Avenue of the Americas‚ New York‚ NY 10013-2473‚ USA www.cambridge.org © Cambridge University Press 2006 This book is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements‚ no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge

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    Situational Language Teaching (Oral Approach) The Oral Approach or Situational Language Teaching is  an approach developed by British applied linguists in the 1930s to the 1960s. It is little known by many language teachers although it had an impact on language courses and was still used in the design of many widely used EF/ESL  textbooks in the 1980s such as Streamline English The Oral Approach and Situational Language Teaching relied on the structural view of language. Both speech and structure

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