American contribution to it‚ the Germans menace ended in Russia. Communist Russia Hard- pressed as Lenin’s party by the autumn of 1920 had prevailed over its enemies. The Communist victory in the Civil War‚ which extracted a staggering price. The Reds and Whites alike carried the tsarist tradition. In Communist Russia‚ some 1.2 million combatants on both sides perished. In addition‚ the Communists killed some 250‚000 peasants who resisted grain requisitions and executed tens of thousands of political
Premium Communism Marxism Soviet Union
Tory Macdonald 9.25.12 Ethics of War and Peace Essay #1 My question: Plato‚ Aristotle and Cicero all talked about Just War Theory‚ and emphasis on the Just Warrior. Obedience and loyalty ( can lead to destruction. Plato‚ Aristotle and Cicero‚ the fathers of the Just War tradition‚ develop and enhance the concept of civic virtue and the necessity to uphold such morality during the most chaotic‚ violent and brutal of times – war. They each defend the necessity of war; yet emphasize
Premium Laws of war Peace
united front‚ with a few notable exceptions in Iran and Iraq‚ it would appear that an agreed definition is no closer. If the world is to continue to remain united in the war against terrorism then it must first know what enemy it is fighting against. If they do not know who their enemy is then victory may be impossible. So why does no clear definition of terrorism exist? In their book Political Terrorism‚ Schmid and Jongman cite some 109 different definitions of terrorism‚ obtained primarily from
Premium Terrorism
The Arabic word Jihad literally means "holy struggle". It is not holy war. War is war. No war can be holy. The blood of humans is holy and sacred. The Quran says unjust killing of one man means the killing of the whole mankind. What is just killing and what is unjust killing. When some body kills a man without any reason or justification it is unjust killing. When the judge gives the capital punishment to this murderer and issues the order of his death‚ it is a just killing. Similarly‚ when
Premium Islam Muhammad Qur'an
Those men who shout the loudest often obtain longer‚ more lustrous legacies. Their exaltation results from “swinging mighty swords” and winning great victories over their enemies on the battlefield (Beowulf 23). For the Germans‚ recognition is deeply rooted in triumphs during life. Indeed‚ the Germans in heaven would likely openly celebrate the gory conquests of Beowulf and prefer them to the pious‚ righteous life of saints
Premium Christianity Protestant Reformation Christian terms
Torture in the United States English 1020 4/19/2012 Torture in the United States Torture has existed all over the world for millennia but what is torture in America today? The C.I.A. and the F.B.I. have recently used torture against terrorists who were suspected to have vital information concerning American safety. Since torture is illegal in the United States‚ most of this torture took place at Guantanamo Bay in the southeastern corner of Cuba. Detainees at the detention camp were not
Premium Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Torture Al-Qaeda
The staff ride was literally an educational tool for me. Unlike the classroom instruction‚ the staff ride put me on a actual piece of terrain‚ were I was able to have a visual of the past operational situation; as an effective stimuli. I was not very familiar with the Battle of Horseshoe Bend and its consequences prior to the trip‚ therefore visiting the military national park gave me the opportunity to reflect on the past. The trip met its purpose of providing me with professional development
The United States Army is a complex organization made up of several commands and managed by different command levels. The U.S. Army is an organization different from that of a business in many unique ways. Specific examples of these differences include: financial reporting‚ disciplinary review procedures‚ and tactical operations. Although different in many ways‚ the Army shares many similar characteristics of a normal profit business. Army personnel are managed by supervisors arranged in a command
Premium United States Army Management United States
have legal rights at all but we live in a country that promotes freedom and allows everyone to be innocent until proven guilty. In the United States we are provided civil liberties that protect us‚ but can those rights get in the way of stopping an enemy and protect the wrong person? In the following paragraphs I will discuss in detail one legal action that was created to protect you and me‚ but in recent years has raised questions that challenge us to see that protection differently and maybe allow
Premium Supreme Court of the United States United States Common law
In his article‚ “Irregular Warfare: One Nature‚ Many Characters[1]” by Dr Colin Grey‚ he asserts “that the United States should undertake little irregular warfare. It would be a political and strategic mistake to identify irregular warfare‚ COIN especially‚ as America’s dominant strategic future (Grey 1).” I disagree‚ I would assert that due to the United States’ superior military power and technology‚ more stable political system (democracy)‚ and globally dominate economy‚ we can and will‚ be
Premium World War II United States Central Intelligence Agency