–BA/BCom/BSc/BBA/BCA/BCS… First Year Objectives: 1) To encourage the students to speak English 2) To enable students to use English in day-to-day communication 3) To build up their confidence in the usage of English 4) To expose them to light prose and poetry 5) To develop their written communicative competence 6) To prepare them for competitive exams Semester-I Textbook entitled ‘Prism: Spoken and Written Communication‚ Prose & Poetry’ published by Orient Longman I. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) II. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) III. Prose:
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important considerations when assessing students’ threats made at schools. In recent articles‚ M. Reddy et al. (2001) presented four approaches to assessing the risk of school violence. Three commonly used approaches was submitted with an alternative 4th approach suggesting a more logical alternative approach that should be taken more into consideration when assessing threats in school violence. The 1st approach is Behavioral profiling- assessing students behavior‚ physical‚ demographics‚ personality
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Chapter 2: Towards Sustainable Development Academic Year : 2012 1 Chapter 2: Towards Sustainable Development I. The Concept of Sustainable Development II. Equity and the Common Interest III. Strategic Imperatives 1. Reviving Growth 2. Changing the quality of Growth 3. Meeting Essential Human Needs 4. Ensuring a Sustainable Level of Population 5. Conserving and Enhancing the Resource Base 6. Reorienting Technology and Managing Risk 7. Merging Environment and Economics in Decision Making
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before the start date the documents are sent to the customer. • It is possible that the customer cancels the trip at any time before the start date. E. Pelz M2 ISIAD MPW 1 Exercise 3 Complaints Handling (Exercise workflow process definitions) Each year travel agency Y has to process a lot of complaints (about 10.000). There is a special department for the processing of complaints (department C). There is also an internal department called logistics (department L) which takes care of the registration
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My learner is a 19 years old female‚ on her first placement as a first year nursing student. Permission was obtained from her‚ to use her experience in making this portfolio. Student nurse F‚( not her real name) NMC (2008) The code ; Standards of conduct‚ performance and ethics for nurses and midwives‚ states that‚’you must respect people’s right to confidentiality’‚ was a cadet nurse prior to this course. Student F was introduced to me as her associate mentor. I have welcomed‚ orientated her in
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things that are assigned to you and to develop a lot of new skills. The traditional path gives you success‚ because it led you to finish college. The nontraditional path helps you develop skills that can come in handy in your life. To conclude this essay‚ I could tell people that if you choose either one path‚ both will
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www.ccsenet.org/ijbm International Journal of Business and Management Vol. 7‚ No. 12; June 2012 Factors That Affect Tax Compliance among Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in North Central Nigeria Ojochogwu Winnie Atawodi1 & Stephen Aanu Ojeka1 1 Department of Accounting‚ Covenant University‚ Ota‚ Ogun State‚ Nigeria Correspondence: Ojochogwu Winnie Atawodi‚ Ahmadu Bello University‚ No. 74 Area F‚ Dodo Mustapha Ring‚ Zaria‚ Nigeria. Tel: 234-813-901-8298. E-mail: chogwuwin@yahoo
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Two Years Before the Mast Richard Henry Richard‚ Jr. narrated an episode in his life in his book‚ ‘Two Years Before the Mask’‚ which depicted the reality of the life of a common sea man. The book showed realistic descriptions of abuses undergone by his fellow sailors which made it an American Classic. The book is a nonfiction narrative that gives readers adventurers journey at sea with clear descriptions of the landscape and strong desires by the author to heal himself by spending his time with
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Sociology is the study of society and the different social structures within it. Sociology examines the role of the individual within society; it is viewed as the scientific study of society P1: An introduction to sociological perspectives. Functionalism: According to the functionalist perspective of sociology‚ each aspect of society is interdependent and contributes to society’s stability and functioning as a whole. For example‚ the government provides education for the children of the family‚ which
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1 Cardiovascular Disorders Case Study 1 Heart Failure Diffi culty: Beginning Setting: Emergency department‚ hospital Index Words: heart failure (HF)‚ cardiomyopathy‚ volume overload‚ quality of life Scenario M.G.‚ a “frequent fl ier‚” is admitted to the emergency department (ED) with a diagnosis of heart failure (HF). She was discharged from the hospital 10 days ago and comes in today stating‚ “I just had to come to the hospital today because I can’t catch my breath and my legs are as big
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