and inclusion in the health and social care or children and young people setting. Unit SHC 23 Diversity can be expained in many different ways‚ for example a "diverse work force" is when a work team has many differences in all different aspects‚ in example a work team which includes different races‚ ages‚ gender and interests. Equality is described in which all individuals arre treated equaly‚ equal oppurtunties plays a big part within the health and social care setting. Discrimination is when
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Unit 6 Task 2 (5.3) Promote children & young people’s positive behaviour. Unit 6 Task 2 (5.4) Promote children & young people’s positive behaviour. The behaviour policy must by law set out measures which aim to: ← Promote good behaviour‚ self discipline and
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Play in the Early Years Fred Rogers (1999) “Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.” Play in the early years is a massive contributor to children’s learning. Play begins from an early age and is developed through early years settings in order to prepare children for school. The principle of the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (from September 2014) focusses on
Premium Learning Developmental psychology Psychology
Every child should achieve wealth and economic well-being. Means that children experiencing poverty should have same opportunities ad their peers. Clear link between poverty and employment. Children more likely to live in poverty if: • Children in care. • One or both parents unemployed • Parent is a teenage or lone parent. • Parents are disabled‚ have mental health or addiction problems. • Parents are from an ethnic or minority group. • They have a disability. Family income influences the type of
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Health‚ a person’s relationship with his/her environment‚ is broadly defined as “a multifaceted phenomenon encompassing physical health‚ emotional well-being and social cohesion”. Quality of life is “a person’s sense of well-being that stems from satisfaction or dissatisfaction with areas of life that are important to him/her.” “Wellness is a multidimensional state of being describing the existence of positive health in an individual as exemplified by quality of life and a sense of well-being
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Managing Health and Safety In the Workplace There are many different potential risks in to a business when it comes to health and safety. Businesses have to make sure that they protect the employees and the general public from the health and safety risks. The many risks that a business can be effected with are: * Fire risks * Accident risk * Stress * Injuries These effect a business‚ because they have to make sure that every risks is thoroughly checked and that it
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factors and explain how they can impact on wellbeing. In Maslow’s hierarchy to reach self-actualisation‚ which is at the top‚ you must go through; the physiological needs‚ safety needs‚ social needs‚ esteem needs to then finally reach the top and these all affect your wellbeing. The factors affecting wellbeing are physical‚ emotional‚ economic‚ social‚ spiritual and cultural. These 6 factors contribute to the quality of people’s lives and affect a person’s overall wellbeing. Theses factors
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Explain how to establish and maintain a safe and supportive learning environment 7.3.1. Explain how to establish ground rules with learner’s to promote respect for each other. 9.3.2. Explain how to promote appropriate behaviour and respect for others. 7.3.2. When considering teaching in Further education‚ I assumed that managing behaviour and having to establish ‘ground rules’ had been left at the school gates‚ amidst an onslaught of eggs‚ signed uniforms and flour. Of course‚ having had a
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activities of an early years setting. For each one explain how both the parents and the children can benefit. We always make parents welcome to stay and help in any of our sessions. This would give the parents a chance to see their child in a different environment and also to help parents gain the knowledge on how to progress the child in a steady way. It would be good for the child to be able to show their parents around and all the work they do‚ the child might gain pride in their work. This would
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9.3.2 Explain how to establish ground rules with learners to promote respect for others. Ground rules are a set of rules which are used to give all learners an equal chance of learning. They should help to eliminate disruption‚ allow everyone to participate and promote respect for each others contributions. As identified by Gravells ()‚ learners like to know the limitations within which they are expected to work. Ownership of the ground rules is very important. Ground rules set solely
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