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    Definition of a Test Plan

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    Test Plan A test plan is used to provoke a system to fail in order to be able to make improvements to the system to prevent these mistakes from happening again. By testing the main aspects of my spreadsheet‚ I am able to prove that my spreadsheet works or fails and make amends to my spreadsheet to prevent errors in the future. |TEST NO |TESTS |EXPECTED RESULT |OUTCOME | |1 |When the

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    B. Figurative Language Figurative language or figure of speech is a word or group of words used to give particular emphasis to an idea or sentiment. The special emphasis is typically accomplished by the user’s conscious deviation from the strict literal sense of word‚ or from the more commonly used form word order or sentence construction. “Figure of speech is any way of saying something other than the ordinary way”‚ or in other definition‚ figures of speech are combinations of words whose meaning

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    Western Civilization The Witch-Figure and the Sabbat Robin Briggs Today‚ there remains a relic of the European witch-hunts predominant at this time of year. Halloween decorations are flooded with depictions of tall thin hats‚ and haggard old women flying on broomsticks. For a time period of approximately the middle fifteenth century to sometime into the eighteenth century witches were thought to be a serious threat to the community. Skeptical Roman authorities finally helped put an end to

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    Following is an example of student writing in which figures of speech are overworked and actually impede rather than enhance the clarity of images. Cool water flows through the rocky banks of the creek and into a wide pond. Reeds and cattails surrounding the bank embrace the pond like a mother’s enfolding arms reaching out to caress her sleeping child. Like a beaming‚ proud mother’s eye‚ the sun drenches the scene with its loving warmth. Just beneath the sparkling surface of the water‚ minnows

    Premium Metonymy Synecdoche Figure of speech

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    Windows 8

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    Introducing Windows 8 ® An Overview for IT Professionals Jerry Honeycutt PUBLISHED BY Microsoft Press A Division of Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond‚ Washington 98052-6399 Copyright © 2012 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher. Library of Congress Control Number (PCN): 2012950240 ISBN: 978-0-7356-7050-1 Microsoft Press books

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    blue skies above

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    written words being mighty over the violence and destruction‚ and force. For example‚ the word "pen" is not always standing in for the written word; often‚ it just refers to the physical object of a pen. Metaphor The definition of a metaphor is "a figure of speech containing an implied comparison‚ in which a word or phrase ordinarily and primarily used of one thing is applied to." A metaphor is different to a simile‚ but it is related‚ which is also a comparison. The primary difference is that

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    Gi Joe Essay

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    The GI Joe Case History and Current Situation Released in 1964‚ G.I. Joe was marketed to children as the “Real American Hero”. G.I. Joe marked the birth of the action figure‚ a doll for boys. The toy was the creation of Stan Weston and the of the Hasbro team. Today Hasbro is the second-largest toymaker in the United States. It has become a $3 billion sales year player over the last 20 years‚ with 16% of the market share. Most of this growth has come from acquisitions‚ creating a toy market

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    Belonging The desire to belong is universal. Acceptance‚ understanding‚ establishing identity‚ relationships‚ choice‚ circumstance‚ culture context‚ nationalism‚ psychology motivations‚ jealousy‚ greed‚ racism‚ xenophobia (irrational fear of what is perceived to be foreign or strange)‚ desire‚ family group. Belonging: Identification‚ expectation‚ conformity‚ unity‚ familiarity‚ socialisation‚ connection‚ assimilation‚ inclusion‚ duty‚ religion‚ intrinsicality (genuineness)‚ relations‚ agreement‚

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    A number of jurors attempt to influence the decision‐making process. Using the above framework‚  explain why the architect (Juror 8) is so much more effective than the others.  Henry Fonda‚ who works as an architect is considered to be a consciousness person‚ a man with values  and commitment to the task assigned to him. During the trial Henry Fonda juror number 8‚ had serious  doubts about the defendant’s lawyer and the evidence presented in the case. Henry believed the lawyer  did not pressure or weaken the prosecution witnesses

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    Simon Christ-figure Vs. Roger Satan-figure Lord of the flies was written by William Golding in 1954. After his participation in World War II he began teaching and writing. Lord of the flies is a simple adventure story of schoolboys on an unhabitated island after their airplane crashed. The children make a set of rules to follow‚ but eventually the rules are broken. The children are then divided into two different tribes. Among the two tribes there’s a Christ-figure and a Satan-figure. In Ralph’s

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