Human life is full of events and incidents. Some are good ones while others we don’t even want to remember. But most of them remain in our memories. Sometimes we recall these memories and become happy while others gives us pain‚ so its better not to recall those that gives us pain or make us unhappy. God has given us only one life‚ so we should always try to be happy. A situation had come in my life which was most embarrassing for me. I was in my degree. Having studied from a non-coeducation
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The Most Memorable Experience in My Life Perhaps‚ since I am a high school student‚ somebody might say that I have my entire life ahead of me‚ with all of its beautiful experiences. But‚ despite being so young‚ I already have a personal breath-taking experience‚ which‚ I am sure‚ I will carry with me until my last days. What I am talking about here is my first hike to the mountains. Though traveling is not a big deal today‚ and lots of my peers rolled over the whole US or even abroad‚ before my
Premium High school Fog Wind
The Most Vital Thing in Life Vs A Poison T. The Perrine’s Literature structure‚ sound & sense define poetry‚ “Poetry as a kind of language that says more and says it more intensely than doe’s ordinary language”. Some of the cases poetry tries to teach‚ or deliver messages‚ which can be advice before we do something in which we can’t regreate what we did in the past making the poem fail. According to Perrine’s a poem fail if a poem is sentimental‚ rhetorical and didactic. In this case‚
Premium Meaning of life Poetry Emotion
Along the course of my life I have learned a lot such as who to trust‚ who your real friends are‚ and what is and isn’t ok. During my 18 years on this earth I have had a lot of positive things in my life‚ but also a lot of disappointing times. Example in 5th grade I told my supposed “best friend” a secret that I haven’t told anyone before. The next day the whole school knew…I was humiliated and hurt. I never talked to him again. That’s just one example of many. Another thing that I have learned is
Premium English-language films High school Psychology
Friendships: Enrich your life and improve your health Friendships can be good for you. Find out about the connection between your health and friendship‚ and how to promote and maintain healthy friendships. By Mayo Clinic staff Friendships can have a major impact on your health and well-being‚ but it’s not always easy to build or maintain friendships. Understand the importance of friendships in your life and what you can do to develop and nurture friendships. What are the benefits of friendships
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1) Life Is Worthwhile If You Learn Quite simply‚ it is the natural order of things to grow and or expand. The best way for us to grow as people‚ and as individuals is to learn. The more we learn‚ the better we become‚ the better we become‚ the better we make the world for everyone that we come into contact with. A lot of people think that they can be of benefit to others by improving themselves for others. The thing they most often seem to miss is the fact that they can benefit others most by
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Introduction to AutoCAD Commands Command Line Keystroke Icon Menu Draw > Line Result Draw a straight line segment from one point to the next Draws a circle based on a center point and radius. Erases an object. Enables the Print/Plot Configuration Dialog Box Undoes the last command. Draws a rectangle after you enter one corner and then the second. Draw parallel lines based on the parameters you define. Trims objects to a selected cutting edge. Line / L Circle Circle / C
Premium Graphical user interface Line
the Ramayana and Mahabharata are relevant in modern times and teach people the ways of life. Writers like Gandhi have put forward to us their life on a platter to understand their goals and teachings. When we read books‚ we are in the company of the best and the noblest minds of all ages. They enrich our minds by providing us with knowledge and widen the frontiers of our imagination. Books play important role in influencing our character and personality. A man is known by the company he keeps
Premium Friendship Leisure Knowledge
HISTORY & PHYSICAL EXAMINATION HPI (history of present illness) ALL CASES: OPD CSF AAA PAIN: OPD CSF LIQR AAA OPD CSF ABCDO FLUIDS: (Vomiting‚ Diarrhea‚ constipation‚ cough‚ vaginal discharge) O Onset of the symptom + precipitating factors P Progression D Duration C Constant /Intermittent S Settings F Frequency L Location of the symptom (forehead‚ wrist...) I Intensity of the symptom (scale 1-10‚ 6/10) Q Quality of symptom..BCDSPP(burning‚Cramping‚dull‚Sharp‚pulsating‚pressure like) R Radiation of
Premium Symptoms Pain
The special person in my life I am very lucky to have a lot of special people in my life. The one person who I have been very fortunate to have in my life is my grandma. She has been there for me since day one‚ she saw me come into this world
Premium Family Grandparent