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    Globalisation‚ Business and Society Producers or Consumers- Where does the responsibility for Climate Change lie? Word Count: 3626 GLOBALSIATION AND CLIMATE CHANGE PRODUCERS OR CONSUMERS – WHERE DOES THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR CLIMATE CHANGE LIE? Globalisation is a terminology that can be defined in numerous ways but the underlying concept is it’s a “system of interaction amongst countries of the world in order to develop the global economy” (http://hubpages.com)

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    Globalization refers to the growing phenomenon in which world societies‚ cultures‚ politics‚ and economies are becoming ever closer together (Kiely and Marfleet‚ 1998). Singh (2005) referred to globalization as a world in which complex economical‚ political‚ cultural‚ and social processes interact and operate irrespective of national boundaries and distance. Sibert (1999) analyzed globalization from an economic perspective. He defines globalization as the reduction in market segmentation and the

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    My Speech Text for Downside of Globalisation in Education Assalamualaikum warahmatulla hi wabarakatuh and a very pleasant morning I wish to all of you- undeniably patient ladies and gentlemen especially Mr. Zahar Ibrahim. Respected audience‚ I humbly hope that you will lend me your ears. Thank you To begin with‚ under the theme of impact of globalisation in education‚ my speech title would be the downside of globalisation in education- focusing on the concerning issues rose once education

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    Gains from Globalisation

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    Gains from Globalisation Globalisation can lead to improvements in efficiency and gains in economic welfare. Trade enhances the division of labour as countries specialise in areas of comparative advantage Deeper relationships between markets across borders enable and encourage producers and consumers to reap the benefits of economies of scale Competitive markets reduce monopoly profits and incentivize businesses to seek cost-reducing innovations and improvements in what they sell Gains

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    Globalisation on Jamaica

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    globalization cases with causes and effects: * The first one involved Jamaica’s dairy industry. Due to free trade agreements between the United States and Jamaica‚ dairy farmers in Jamaica had to directly compete with American farmers without any subsidy aid from the government. This resulted in the influx of cheaper powdered milk into Jamaica from the USA‚ destroying its entire dairy industry altogether and farmer selling cows to the slaughterhouse at a loss. The effect of globalization on Jamaica in

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    Globalisation Homogenous

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    Globalization makes the world homogeneous Introduction * “Globalization is a process in which worldwide economic‚ political‚ cultural‚ and social relations have become increasingly mediate across time and space” (Rantanen‚ 2005:3). Globalization is the process that keep on going and there would be no exactly time when it started. Even globalization has already started along time ago when people did migration to all over the world. However Globalization in the context of media‚ there are only

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    the past half-century‚ Globalisation has been imminent throughout the world. Globalisation can be defined as the movement of mainly economic activity around the world‚ within a borderless marketplace. In other words‚ the economies of countries are becoming increasingly integrated with one-another‚ and influences on one country will cause dramatic ripple effects on others. Globalisation brings both positive and negative effects. One country in which the positives of globalisation have far outweighed

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    Is globalisation a good development? Nowadays‚ there are a lot of influences from other countries noticeable in our lives. We can walk into stores founded in the United States or any other possible country. We couldn’t imagine living without having access to famous worldwide brands‚ stores‚ food‚ music and beliefs‚ which have enriched us through globalisation. Globalisation‚ defined by people like us‚ is a very nice thing… unfortunately this doesn’t affect two thirds of the population of this

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    Pros and Cons of Globalisation There are many advantages and disadvantages of globalisation. Some of these good and bad points of this worldwide phenomenon are discussed below: Advantages of Globalisation Globalisation has the potential to make this world a better place to live in and solve some deep-seated problems like unemployment and poverty. The pros of globalisation are many and some are as follows: 1. Globalisation promotes global economic growth‚ creates jobs‚ makes companies more competitive

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