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    EXCRETION Excretion is the removal of unwanted substances such as toxic materials and wastes products of metabolism from organisms. These unwanted substances can be :- 1. Waste products from body metabolism (chemical reactions in the body). 2. Excess water and salts taken in with the diet. 3. Spent hormones. 4. Drugs and other foreign substances. Excretion occurs in specialized organs of the body called the excretory organs. There are two excretory organs in human body :- a) Lungs b)

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    Chapter 10 review

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    chapter 10 Student: ___________________________________________________________________________ 1. Antidiuretic hormone is released by: A.anterior lobe of the pituitary B.posterior lobe of the pituitary C.hypothalamus D.adrenal glands 2. Excretion primarily rids the body of: A.excess fuels B.undigested food C.minerals D.substances that were involved in metabolism E.All of the choices are correct. 3. Benign prostatic hyperplasia: A.is prostate cancer B.involves enlargement

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    The Urinary System

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    The Urinary System is a group of organs in the body concerned with filtering out excess fluid and other substances from the bloodstream. The substances are filtered out from the body in the form of urine. Urine is a liquid produced by the kidneys‚ collected in the bladder and excreted through the urethra. Urine is used to extract excess minerals or vitamins as well as blood corpuscles from the body. The Urinary organs include the kidneys‚ ureters‚ bladder‚ and urethra. The Urinary system works with

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    Biology Questions Icse

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    xylem‚ Soil water‚ endodermis (absorption of water by the plants) Answer: Soil water‚ Root hair‚ cortical cells‚ endodermis‚ xylem (i) Renal vein‚ Renal artery‚ Afferent arteriole‚ Efferent arteriole‚ Glomerulus (pathway of blood through glomerulus). A(i)Renal artery‚Afferent arteriole‚Glomerulus‚Efferent arteriole‚Renal vein. [1] (e) Given below are six sets with four terms each. In each set a term is an odd one and cannot be grouped in the same category to which the other three belong. Identify

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    renal medulla -Nephron is functional unit of vertebrate kidney -Consists of single long tubule and ball of capillaries called the glomerulus -Bowman’s capsule surrounds the glomerulus -Kidney regulates the composition of the blood and produce urine -Filtration occurs as blood pressure forces water‚ urea‚ salts‚ and other small solutes from the blood in the glomerulus into the Bowman’s capsule -Nonselective -Filtrate goes into proximal tube‚ loop of Henle (a hairpin turn with a descending limb

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    Nephron System

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    As long as you are alive‚ your body will constantly metabolize organic molecules and produce waste products. If you can not get rid of these metabolic waste products‚ they will accumulate to toxic levels and poison your body. The urinary system is very important because it perform the essential function of getting rid of these metabolic wastes. Main Structures of the Urinary System The main structures that make up the urinary system are two kidneys (contains nephrons)‚ two ureters‚ one bladder‚ one

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    study guide 14

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    loops of Henle and collecting ducts of the nephron. This is also the site for the counter-current system that concentrates salt and conserves water and urea Where is the site of blood filtration? Glomerulus What does a nephron save for the body? water Where is the glomerous located? The glomerulus is surrounded by the Bowman’s Capsule How are kidney stones formed? Crystallization of calcium‚ magnesium‚ or uric acid salts that are precipitated down to the renal pelvis What are the symptoms

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    medical assisting

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    the number of the following structures using the numbered lines in the diagram in the lab book of the nephron: _10__ afferent arteriole _8__ collecting duct _4__ distal convoluted tubule _9__ efferent arteriole _3__ glomerular capsule _2__ glomerulus _6__ nephron loop _5__ peritubular capillaries _1__ proximal convoluted tubule _11__ renal papilla _7__ vasa recti Activity 3 – Matching Number the following urinary system parts in the order a molecule of urea on its

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    Anatomy Online: Kidney Blood Filtering http://www.innerbody.com/image/card08.html 9. Imagine how the 3-D structure of the nephron would appear. For example‚ the Bowman’s capsule is a cup-like chamber containing the glomerulus. The filtrate that occurs due to high pressure in the glomerulus empties into the Bowman’s capsule and drains into the proximal convoluted tubule. If desired‚ sculpt a 3-D Bowman’s capsule out of clay and place it on top of your diagram. 10. Use markers or colored pencils to

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    Case Study: Urinary‚ Fluid & Electrolyte balance The cardiovascular system and the urinary system are intimately entwined. When the cardiovascular system experiences stress‚ the urinary system can be directly impacted. For example in hemorrhagic shock‚ when the body is rapidly depleted of circulating blood volume‚ the kidneys are often one of the first vital organs affected due to lack of perfusion. The kidneys are dependent on the sufficient cardiac output that the heart delivers. So when the

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