Hepatitis C Introduction Hepatitis C is a blood borne infectious disease caused by hepatitis C virus (HCV) and it primarily affects the liver. It is a major public health concern in both developing and industrialized nations worldwide because of its contagious nature. According to Bartenschlager (2013)‚ Hepatitis C virus is a single stranded encapsulated RNA genome belonging to the genus Hepacivirus and flaviviridae family and the discovery of the virus in 1989 through virus isolation methods
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Human Hepatitis C In 2013‚ there were an estimated 29‚718 cases of acute hepatitis C virus infections reported in the United States. There were 3.5 million people who were reported to have chronic hepatitis C. Acute hepatitis C is a short-term illness that occurs within the first six months after someone is exposed to the hepatitis C virus. Chronic hepatitis C means the virus remains in the person’s body. Hepatitis C can last a lifetime and lead to cirrhosis or scarring of the liver or liver cancer
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Hepatitis B Vaccine Summary The hepatitis B virus is a serious infection that affects the liver. Hepatitis B can cause acute (short-term) illness‚ more common among adults‚ which can lead to symptoms such as; loss of appetite‚ tiredness‚ diarrhea‚ vomiting‚ jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes)‚ or pain in muscles‚ joints‚ and stomach (CDC‚ 2012). Some people go on to develop chronic (long-term) infection leading to liver damage (cirrhosis)‚ liver cancer‚ and death. Hepatitis B is spread through
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high risk behaviors contribute to high Hepatitis C infection rate among incarcerated males. DETECTION AND MANAGEMENT of hepatitis C in the US prison population is a major public health problem‚ as evidenced by the estimate that more than one third1 of the approximately 5‚400‚000 people in the United States with active hepatitis C enter correctional facilities yearly.2 In North Dakota (popu- lation 642 000)‚ the true inci- dence and prevalence of hepatitis C is not known; however‚ 25% of all positive
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What is hepatitis B? Hepatitis means the inflammation of the liver and hepatitis B is a specific type of this infectious disease caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). The symptoms of HBV infection vary from person to person. Many people with HBV infection don’t develop any symptoms‚ especially when they are young‚ and most patients with chronic HBV infection don’t develop any symptoms until late stage. However‚ HBV can damage the hepatocyte (liver cell) and cause liver damage and cirrhosis (scarring
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Hepatitis C is a contagious disease caused by a virus that infects the liver. Hepatitis C can cause fibrosis (liver scarring)‚ liver cancer‚ liver failure‚ and even death. There are two types of Hepatitis C infections: acute and chronic. Acute Hepatitis C is a short term infection while chronic Hepatitis C is a long term infection. Hepatitis C has various possible causes that might be as a result of toxins and chemicals drinking excessive alcohol. Autoimmune diseases that cause the immune system
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Hepatitis C Infection: Disease Management Considerations Agenda • US Prevalence of Hepatitis C Infection • Risk Factors and Disease Progression • Treatment Goals • Barriers to Treatment • Summary 2 Hepatitis C Infection Is the Most Common Chronic Blood-Borne Infection in the US • Accounts for up to two-thirds of newly diagnosed chronic liver disease cases1‚2 • Contributes to significant morbidity (cirrhosis‚ liver failure‚ liver cancer)‚ extrahepatic complications‚ and
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Hepatitis E viral Seroprevalence among Multiple Transfused Egyptian Children 1Maysaa El Sayed Zaki‚ 2Muhammad Magdy Abd El Razek‚ 3Hassan Magdy Abd El Razek Clinical Pathology‚ Mansoura University Hospital‚ Mnasoura Faculty of Medicine‚ Egypt Background: Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is endemic in Egypt. It is enterically transmitted virus. However other modes of transmission like blood transfusion is not excluded. No reports are available from Egypt about the prevalence of hepatitis E specific immunoglobulins
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diagnosed with Hepatitis C. Hepatitis means liver inflammation and refers to a group of viral infections‚ most commonly Hepatitis A‚ Hepatitis B‚ and Hepatitis C. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2009‚ ¶1) states‚ “Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the most common chronic bloodborne infection in the United States; approximately 3.2 million persons are chronically infected.” Neighbors and Tannehill-Jones (2006‚ p. 210) reports‚ “Over 12‚000 individuals die each year from hepatitis C.” HCV is
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Archives Des Sciences Vol 66‚ No. 5;May 2013 Title: New Toll to Predict Chronic Hepatitis C Treatment Result for Each Patient Ieva Tolmane (Corresponding author) Latvian University‚ Riga‚ Latvia Riga East university hospital‚ Infectology Center of Latvia‚ Riga‚ Latvia Address: Linezera Street 3‚ Riga‚ Latvia‚ LV 1006 Phone: +371 29266740‚ Fax: +371 67014568 E-mail: ieva.tolmane@inbox.lv‚ ieva.tolmane@aslimnica.lv Baiba Rozentale Riga Stradin’s University‚ Infectology and Dermatology