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    (Clinopodium douglasii) Yerba Buena is an herb of the mint family. It is an aromatic plant used as herbal medicine worldwide. This perennial plant’s growth ranges from 0.6 meters to 1 meter. It has elongated leaves and in summers‚ it bears small whitish or purplish flowers. Such flowers possess both male and female organs that allow it to be pollinated by bees and animals of the same nature. The word Yerba Buena is Spanish for "good herb" and was the former name of the California city of

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    Executive Summary CIP is Community Involvement Project which widens the students’ knowledge and experience inside the organization. In this project‚ IPMI give us the opportunity to work together with PT. Persadaraya. PERSADARAYA is an organization that brings together practitioners of autonomous‚ non-profit‚ is not affiliated with any political organization‚ promoting professional development of practitioners in particular with plant material‚ animals‚ preparations sarian (galenic)‚ mineral or

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    Traditional Medicine

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    Traditional healers are people who make others believe in their customs and practices in order to make them get well or to heal them while herbalists give medicinal herbs which are mainly extracted from plants therefore‚ Traditional medicine is basically a combination of beliefs‚ facts‚ customs‚ practices as well as medicinal herbs. These are usually passed on from one generation to another. Although most people are resorting to traditional medicine‚ it has its own merits and demerits as discussed

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    Herbal Medicine

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    Herbal medicine is the extraction of herbs or plants which have a medicinal value in treating illnesses and diseases (Brody 1). A herb is known as a plant that does not have a woody stem and usually dies back at the end of each growing season. It is also known as a "natural" drug because they are derived from nature. This is unlike pharmaceutical drugs‚ which are synthesized from chemicals. Herbal medicine dates back a very long time. More than 4‚000 years ago‚ the Chinese emperor Qien Nong

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    Report on Herbal Medicine

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    around the world)‚ (abc.herbalgram.org) since 1988. http://www.herbpalace.com Facts and Finding 1. Herbal medicine is the oldest form of healthcare known to mankind. Herbs had been used by all cultures throughout history‚ In 2735 B.C.‚ the Chinese emperor Shen Nong wrote an authoritative treatise on herbs that is still in use today. 2. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 4 billion people‚ 80% of the world population‚ presently use herbal medicine for some aspect of

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    10 Herbal Medicine

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    The Philippine Department of Health (DOH) has endorsed ten (10) medicinal plants to be used as herbal medicine in Philippines due to its beneficial effects. These herbal medicines have underwent clinical studies through the Philippine Department of Health’s "Traditional Health Program" to offer as alternative to conventioanl medicines. Below is the list of these medicinal plants: 1. Akapulko (Cassia alata) Common names include "bayabas-bayabasan" in tagalog‚ "ringworm bush or schrub" and "acapulco"

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    Greece. Known as one of the oldest recorded herbs in the history of botany‚ rosemary has a deep rooted past in ancient and even modern culture. Rosemary was a very important herb in ancient Grecian culture. The ancient Greek wore garlands of rosemary to improve their memory (and even today‚ rosemary aroma is said to help with mental alertness). (Cumo) Greek scholars would wear sprigs of rosemary when taking a test because they believed that the herb helped their performance. (Collins) Due to the

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    Herbal Medicine

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    God said‚ behold‚ I have given you every herb bearing seed‚ which is upon the face of all the earth‚ and every tree‚ in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. And to every beast of the earth‚ and to every fowl of the air‚ and to everything that creepeth upon the earth‚ wherein there is life‚ I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so." This verse from the bible has a powerful‚ but simple meaning; all herbs shall be taken in to our body as the meat

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    Herbal Remedies

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    beneficial to the immune system. The use of herbs to treat conditions such as allergies‚ arthritis‚ colds‚ diabetes‚ some heart diseases‚ and mental disorders is as old as human history (Cass‚ 2004). Early pioneers used herbal remedies for these conditions. Over time‚ these forgotten remedies substituted with conventional medicines and doctors have once again become popular‚ due to their numerous benefits. Herbal medicines consist of vitamins and herbs that are better at strengthening the immune

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    Herbal Medicine

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    realm of foods. Examples include gentle herbs‚ like chamomile and mint‚ and many of the western “tonic” herbs traditionally consumed as teas‚ such as nettles and green oats. Many of the herbs commonly used in cooking‚ have specific indications for the treatment of health conditions. For example‚ dill reduces gaseousness and colic in children‚ parsley has mild diuretic action (reduces excess fluid in the body)‚ and ginger may reduce nausea.(2) A few other herbs‚ termed “heroics”‚ have a history of

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