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    processing plant. Equipped with Stateof-the-art facilities‚ it would employ modern processing technology for collection‚ drying‚ extraction‚ formulation‚ preservation and storage of the herbs and other active principals from MAPs. The plant would be set up on 2 acres of land and apart from the basic processing of raw herbs would have following specialized functional units: 1. Extraction unit for Neem and other non-volatile oils 2. Aloe Vera gel and powder unit 3. Volatile oil extraction unit 4. Herbal

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    Swot of Hft in Hong Kong

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    other non-herbal beverages‚ and snack (like dim-sums and sausages) on a price range of $8-$250. HFT also set up point of sales in the USA‚ Canada‚ Australia‚ England‚ Netherlands and Singapore‚ etc. The slogan of HFT on missions and values are ‘Herbs Life: Popular & Convenience’ and ‘True and Natural’. HFT clearly stated their market position by these slogans. General Environment Due to the changing lifestyle‚ consumers are more demand for ready-made herbal tea. It is nearly impossible for

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    Celestial Seasoning

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    Celestial Seasonings was found by small countryside family aiming to bring natural herb benefits to the customers in 1969. Celestial’s herbal tea was sold through local stores initially. Celestial Seasonings went through major change when it was bought by Kraft Inc in 1984. Kraft brought Celestial products to new markets before selling it back to the Celestial’s old management in 1988. The selling and re-purchase of Celestial benefit the company to get into national market and exposure to wider

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    bemore ALTERNATIVE HEALING © Luceluceluce | Dreamstime.com Tulsi The Queen of Herbs Can you cure a headache without a pill and get yourself a personalised immune-boosting programme without a bill? Yes‚ it is possible only with tulsi‚ the queen of herbs By Kamakshi Vyas-Fernandes They say that “the whole is only as strong as the sum of its parts.” When applied to healing‚ it would mean that it is counterproductive to treat only the illness or its symptoms; you should treat the

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    Archana A. Bele et al. IRJP 2011‚ 2 (12)‚ 56-60 INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PHARMACY Available online www.irjponline.com ISSN 2230 – 8407 Review Article STANDARDIZATION OF HERBAL DRUGS: AN OVERVIEW Archana A. Bele*‚ Anubha Khale H.K College of Pharmacy‚ Jogeshwari (W)‚ M.S.‚ India Article Received on: 19/10/11 Revised on: 22/11/11 Approved for publication: 13/12/11 *Email: scientific.cell@hkcollege.ac.in ABSTRACT Herbal drugs have been used since ancient times as medicines

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    Pakistani Food

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    The oil is poured on with hesitation. Kata kat is not made for those who have cholesterol or heart problems. There is no fat free version to it. The steam is flowing from the meat‚ and the fire is crackling underneath. The cook throws the spices and herbs on‚ I’m surprised to see that no measuring cups are using. Only

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    10 HERBAL MEDICINES These is the list of the ten (10) medicinal plants that the Philippine Department of Health (DOH) through its “Traditional Health Program” have endorsed. All ten (10) herbs have been thoroughly tested and have been clinically proven to have medicinal value in the relief and treatment of various aliments: 1. Akapulko (Cassia alata) – also known as “bayabas-bayabasan” and “ringworm bush” in English‚ this herbal medicine is used to treat ringworms and skin fungal infections. 2.

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    Antibacterial Activity

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    are becoming resistant to medicines. Peperomia pellucida‚ also known as “pansit-pansitan” or “ulasiman bato” is one of the 10 herbal medicinal plants that were scientifically validated by the Philippine Department of Health in 2007 and an annual herb that is usually seen in shady damp areas. Peperomia pellucida leaves and stems may also be eaten as vegetable. This plant is proven to be an effective herbal medicine for many ailments. The use of plant extracts and phyto chemicals‚ both with known

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    Miracle of Love

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    are so many different cuisines and food preferences built by cultural and ethnical backgrounds‚ geographical locations and social classes. Food can tell us a lot about the history and traditions of various nations and regions. Meat eating habits‚ herbs and crops – everything makes its contribution to the traditional cuisine and culture. India is a land of spices‚ Africa is a continent of sauces‚ Europe discloses esthetical beauty of food and opens up new opportunities and inventions for those who

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    My Essay

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    Worried customers wanting a refund on cash coupons from a local herbal chain store accused of selling mouldy jelly had a frustrating time trying to get through to its hotline yesterday. Hoi Tin Tong said yesterday any customers who wanted a refund of their coupons could call its hotline during office hours‚ but the line was engaged all day. It came after allegations this week from a former shareholder of the company that its workers were cleaning off mould-covered jelly before selling it as fresh

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