1. Amazon.com‚ Peapod‚ Dell‚ and many furniture manufacturers use push-pull supply chain strategies. Describe how each of these companies takes advantage of the risk-pooling concept. To better understand the strategies used by the three (3) companies and furniture manufacturers‚ the definition of Push or Pull is established below: Push Strategies – when the manufacturer uses its sales force and trade promotion money to induce intermediaries to carry‚ promote‚ and sell the product to end users.
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The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at www.emeraldinsight.com/0960-0035.htm IJPDLM 37‚8 594 Postponement: an evolving supply chain concept Christopher A. Boone‚ Christopher W. Craighead and Joe B. Hanna Auburn University‚ Auburn‚ Alabama‚ USA Received January 2006 Revised July 2007 Accepted July 2007 Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to assess and document the progress of postponement research‚ identify current gaps‚ and provide
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CASE 14-2: TRIGO EXPORT CO.‚ LTD. The pricing of products for export sale is covered here‚ with logistics practices and costs having considerable influence. Question 1: Ziola’s export packaging materials consisted of at least 40% recycled contents. Should this be mentioned in the quotation given to the potential Brazilian buyer? It would not hurt in case somebody reviewing the bid happened also to be interested in environmental protection. However‚ note that they are buying tractors to use in
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acquisition process. (need to advertisement‚but competitive is very differcult) l. Ensure supply continuity. (if competitive bidding‚ price high‚ supplier will leave) 4. When compared with single sourcing‚ multiple sourcing -> (lower risk)has the advantage of: dual and cross also double supplier‚ -dual is 2 different supplier to support same product. Cross is the supplier supply A‚ also need to supply B at the same time. m. spreading risk. n. volume leveraging. o. lower
Premium Supply chain management Management Logistics
to failure is as long as 1 year but they are very expensive. Each part can cost at least $100‚000. Hence the parts are very costly to hold as inventory. The firm is looking for a supply chain solution that can meet its needs. (a) What is the competitive strategy if you want to service this firm? (b) What supply chain infrastructure and flows do you think would be appropriate to service this customer? You will need to justify your recommendation. (You can surf the internet to get some ideas.
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Initial idea: Offer affordable sports equipment for children Products: − Used (second-hand) products − Surplus equipment from manufacturers and retailers Current situation (December 2007): − Demand has been growing steadily over the last years − The products are distributed to the U.S. customers through a single (and small) warehouse in St. Louis − The warehouse is leased on a year-to-year basis − The current network design‚ in particular the distribution network and warehouse
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INTRODUCTION The operation plays key role in firms because it affects operation managers understand their customers and translate their customers’ needs into performance objectives. "In turn‚ the performance objectives (and especially the relative importance of each one) influence the overall operations strategy of the business". (Slack et al.‚ 2010‚) The reason is that managers can based on performance objectives to do decision because it is reflection of corporation strengths and weaknesses. This
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issn=19369735&issue=v2i1-4&article=28_getmom Week 2 1. Chopra & Meindl Chapters4‚ 10 2. Fisher‚ M. L. (1997). What is the right supply chain for your product? Harvard Business Review‚ 75(2)‚ 105-116. http://ezproxy.libraries.wright.edu:2048/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=9705150574&site=ehost-live 3. Lee‚ H. L. (2004). The triple-a supply chain. Harvard Business Review‚ 82(10)‚ 102-112. http://ezproxy.libraries.wright.edu:2048/login?url=http://search.ebscohost
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HP DESKJET 1. HP is in an inventory crisis. What should it do? Qualitatively evaluate the options given in case A: (a) Build a new European factory‚ (b) Utilize air shipments for Europe (c) Do better forecasting (d) Reduce customer service by lowering fill rate (e) Keep more inventory. a) HP has 3 distribution centers. Those of Europe and Asia Pacific Distribution Centers are in an inventory crisis. Especially crisis is becoming deeper in European Distribution Center. Is it a solution
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Master’s degree thesis LOG950 Logistics Warehouse improvement with Lean 5S - A case study of Ulstein Verft AS Iva Gergova Number of pages including this page: 86 Molde‚ 21.11.2010 1 Publication agreement Title: Warehouse Improvement with Lean 5S - A Case Study of Ulstein Verft AS Author(s): Iva Gergova Subject code: LOG 950 ECTS credits: 30 Year: 2010 Supervisor: Associated Professor Bjørn Guvåg Agreement on electronic publication of master thesis Author(s) have copyright
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