Using SPSS for Data Analysis: Support Document for SPSS Output Tables 1 OFFICE OF PLANNING‚ ASSESSMENT‚ RESEARCH AND QUALITY Using SPSS for Data Analysis: Support Document for SPSS Output Tables Prepared by: UW-Stout Office of Planning‚ Assessment‚ Research & Quality (PARQ) Tynan Heller Susan Greene Revised on 8/29/12 Prepared for: UW-Stout Campus Report distributed to: UW-Stout Campus DOCUMENT NO: BPA-900 APPROVAL: Susan Greene The user is responsible for ensuring this is the
Premium Statistics Student's t-test Statistical hypothesis testing
Data Mining Turn in your answers‚ along with excerpted output as relevant. In this assignment‚ we will explore RFM segmentation‚ a technique used to group customers according to their aggregate purchase history with a company. We specifically look at how recently customers have purchased (R – recency)‚ how often they have purchased (F – frequency)‚ and how much they have spent (M – monetary). We will then consider how these different segments responded to the offer to buy “The Art History of Florence
Premium Regression analysis Logistic regression Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient
tension modulus of elasticity in the direction perpendicular to the alignment of the flakes‚ in pounds per square inch (psi). For these data‚ a two-way ANOVA was run and the partial ANOVA table is given below: df SS MSS F p value Source Size 157.44 .613 7256 Species Size∗ Species 41707 Error 12262 Total 17 206664 a. Fill in the blanks b. In the ANOVA table‚ the test for the main effect of size has a P-value of 0.613. What does this indicate? i. The effect of particle size probably varies considerably
Premium Regression analysis
Evaluating the Impact of Movie Piracy on the Tamil Movie Industry Business Research Methodology Report MS Table of Contents Background description of the problem...................................................................................3 Main Research Problem............................................................................................................4 Scope of Research.................................................................................
Premium Copyright infringement Tamil cinema Cinema of India
Introduction The Midway Maritime Foundation Inc (MMFI). is a non-stock‚ non-profit institution and a pioneering maritime education institution in Nueva Ecija. It offers CHED authorized full maritime educational courses. It was founded in1988 and was originally known as Midway Technical School built in Midway Park Subdivision‚ Quirino Highway‚ Novaliches‚ Caloocan City. It was only in 1993 wherein it was first called MMFI and was transferred in Bitas‚ Cabanatuan City. It was also during this time
Premium Statistical hypothesis testing Statistical significance Analysis of variance
Q1.Explain the process of problem identification with an example. Answer : Problem Identification – A Process : One of the most important first tasks of research is to identify and define clearly the problem you wish to study. If you are uncertain about the research problem or if you are not clear in your own mind about what you want to study‚ others who read your proposal will also be uncertain. A well-defined research problem statement leads naturally to the statement of research objectives
Premium Statistics Sampling Sample size
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) One Way Classification Random samples of size n are selected from each of k populations. It will be assumed that the k populations are independent and normally distributed with means [pic][pic] and common variance [pic]. We wish to derive appropriate methods for testing the hypothesis: [pic] [pic] [pic] at least two of the means are not equal. Table 1 K random samples | |Population
Premium Statistical hypothesis testing Null hypothesis Statistical power
Research types Experimental - uses independent (random‚ representative‚ etc.) vs. dependent (observed outcomes)‚ free of confounds. Make causal claims about why things happen‚ prevent bad stuff‚ promote good stuff. “experiments" Correlational - descriptive‚ observational. Does not make causal claims. “studies" Variable types (SS Stevens‚ 1946) Nominal - assign item to category; are discrete / categorical Ordinal - rank order items; are categorical‚ but often treated
Premium Variance Statistics Regression analysis
Running Head: Prayer and Healing: A Persuasive Argument Prayer and Healing: A Persuasive Argument Charletha Joiner Grand Canyon University: HLT 302 Prof LaShandra Span September 16‚ 2012 Many people ask the question‚ does prayer really work? Many people pray because they were raised up in a home where they grew up praying. The most important aspect of the power of praying is not the result of the individual praying but it is the creator who the individual is praying to
Executive Summary The local chapter of sales professionals in the greater San Francisco area wanted to assess relationships‚ if any‚ between differences in salary for inside and outside sales representatives‚ and years of experience. For the experiment 1-10 years was considered low‚ 11-20 medium‚ and 21+ high. 60 inside salesman and 60 outside salesman were interviewed‚ for a total of 120 observations. We were asked to conducted an analyses on the data furnished. The hypothesis is that
Premium Standard deviation Normal distribution Variance