Play Therapy Play therapy is a type of mental health‚ educational‚ or developmental intervention that is designed to help children grow up as happy and well-adjusted as possible. It involves the use of play to communicate with children and to help children learn to solve problems and change their negative behaviors. The Association for Play Therapy defines play therapy as “the systematic use of a theoretical model to establish an interpersonal process wherein trained
Premium Mental health professional Play therapy Psychology
D317 Social Psychology: personal lives‚ social worlds Understanding The Self Edited by Richard Stevens 1 The Open University‚ Walton Hall‚ Milton Keynes MK7 6AA © The Open University 1996 First published in 1996. Reprinted 2000‚ 2002. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may e reproduced‚ stored in a retrieval system‚ transmitted or utilized in any form or by any means‚ electronic‚ mechanical‚ photocopying‚ recording or otherwise‚ without permission in writing from the Publishers
Premium Sigmund Freud Psychodynamic psychotherapy Carl Jung
Speech Therapy Cleft lip and/or palate have many implications on speech‚ so an integral part of repair is speech therapy provided by a speech-language pathologist. Due to cleft lip and/or palate’s effect on speech and language development‚ speech therapy is an important part of the treatment process. Speech therapy can help children learn how to properly use their articulators after the anatomy has been structurally repaired. Speech therapy helps with the articulation and language development early
Premium Cleft lip and palate Sound Speech and language pathology
CASE OF THE CHILD WITH MENTAL RETARDATION * INTRODUCTION: Mental retardation (MR) is a generalized disorder appearing before adulthood‚ characterized by significantly impaired cognitive functioning and deficits in two or more adaptive behaviours. It has historically been defined as an Intelligent quotient score under 70.Once focused almost entirely on cognition the definition now includes both a component relating to mental functioning and one relating to individuals’ functional skills in their
Premium Mental retardation
PSYCHOLOGICAL THERAPIES FOR DEPRESSION To read up on psychological therapies for depression‚ refer to pages 459–468 of Eysenck’s A2 Level Psychology. Ask yourself How can the behavioural approach be applied to the treatment of depression? How can the cognitive approach be applied to the treatment of depression? Which psychological therapy do you think will be most effective for depression? What you need to know PSYCHODYNAMIC THERAPY BEHAVIOUR THERAPY COGNITIVE AND COGNITIVE-BEHAVIOURAL
Premium Cognitive behavioral therapy Psychotherapy Major depressive disorder
Every day whether at work or at home‚ there are things that we do that can be improved upon. One way to improve upon them is to look at the processes and identify any issues or bottlenecks. Bottlenecks can occur at any point within the process from preparation to the completion of the process. To steam line a process it is imperative to identify possible issues where bottlenecking occurs. My flow chart for this assignment looked at the time it took me to get ready for work in the morning and getting
Premium English-language films Bottleneck Project management
Major Psychological Disorders Psychological disorders affect a person’s everyday life‚ as well as the lives of the people around them. “Psychologist typically define abnormal behavior broadly‚ considering it to be behavior that causes people to experience distress and prevent them from functioning in their daily lives” (Feldman‚ 2009‚ p.518). In order to diagnose psychological disorders we need to be able to judge what normal and abnormal behavior is. In this essay I will address the topic of
Premium Abnormal psychology Panic disorder Anxiety
Abstract Bipolar Disorder is a mental illness in which a person’s mood alternates between extreme mania and depression. Bipolar disorder is also called manic-depressive illness. In a related disorder called cyclothymic disorder (sometimes called Bipolar III)‚ a person’s mood alternates between mild depression and mild mania. Some people with cyclothymic disorder later develop full-blown bipolar disorder. Rates of bipolar disorder are similar throughout the world. At least fifteen percent of people
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Language and Thought Two claims about the impact of language on thinking: 1) Vygotsky: Once acquired‚ language alters the way that children think 2) Whorf: The particular language that children acquire alters the way that they think Piaget (1923) ‘The Language and Thought of the Child’ • Piaget observed what he called ‘egocentric’ speech: young children speak out loud in the presence of others but do not direct their remarks to anyone in particular. • He emphasized that children only slowly
Premium Linguistic relativity
can take on many definitions. However‚ generalized anxiety disorder focuses on the events in everyday life. When someone like James in our case study‚ worries excessively about day to day events over a period of six months or more‚ they should seek treatment right away before the symptoms worsen. Researchers have still yet to find a cure for GAD. In this particular case study I will point out how the environment influences this disorder. These influences will include family‚ social class‚ interpersonal
Premium Cognitive behavioral therapy Generalized anxiety disorder Anxiety