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    Infection control

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    description of the scenario is attached as Appendix 1. The nurse was trying to minimize risk of cross infection as clothing and footwear could be contaminated by surfaces (Kumar‚ Saunders & Watson‚ 2000). The student nurse needs to have a good understanding of MRSA‚ protocols and research and evidence based approaches to deliver safe and appropriate care whilst minimizing risk of cross infection. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a

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    Infection Control

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    INFECTION CONTROL Pathogen- Infectious agent Colonization- If microorganism is present or invades host‚ grows and/or multiplies but does not cause infection. Communicable disease- if infectious disease can be transmitted from one person to another. -Symptomatic-if pathogens multiply and cause clinical signs/symptoms. -Asymptomatic- if no s/s are present *CHAIN OF INFECTION: 1. An infectious agent or pathogen 2. A reservoir or source for pathogen growth 3. A portal of exit from the

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    Infection Control

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    Level 2 Award in the Prevention and Control of Infection (7395) Centre resource pack 500/4272/5 www.cityandguilds.com September 2008 Version 1.0 About City & Guilds City & Guilds is the UK’s leading provider of vocational qualifications‚ offering over 500 awards across a wide range of industries‚ and progressing from entry level to the highest levels of professional achievement. With over 8500 centres in 100 countries‚ City & Guilds is recognised by employers worldwide for providing qualifications

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    infection control

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    Unit ICO1 The principles of infection prevention and control Outcome 1 Understand roles and responsibilities in the prevention and control of infections 1.The main roles and responsibilities of the employee in relation to prevention and control of infection are as follows: To use protective clothing when needed to stop cross contamination. This includes gloves‚ aprons and masks. To wash hands regularly and effectively. This needs to be done after handling food‚ personal care‚ toileting etc

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    infection control

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    NVQ LEVEL 3 UNIT 19: The principles of infection prevention and Control Learning Outcomes and assessment criteria (question and answer) 1. Understand roles and responsibilities in the prevention and control of infections 1.1 Explain employees’ roles and responsibilities in relation to the prevention and control of infection Answer: Control of infection is very important specially on a care homes because I as a healthcare service provider is working on vulnerable adults or old people‚ it is

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    Infection Control

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    NVQ Certificate in Health and Social Care Level 2 Assessment Infection Control 1.1 Explain employees’ roles and responsibilities in relation to the prevention and control of infection Within the last few years it has been highlighted that there is a very high increase in service users contracting healthcare related infections. It is therefore important that I take full responsibility to ensure that I take all the necessary precautions to prevent myself‚ service users and the general

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    Infection Control

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    pressure. Bacteria- are tiny‚ one-celled forms of life that cause many diseases and infections. Bactericidal- An agent that destroys bacteria Bacteriostatic- Preventing bacteria from growing and multiplying but possibly not killing them. Cleaning- Cleaning using detergents helps to remove micro-organisms. Disinfection- Using specialized cleansing techniques that destroy or prevent growth of organisms capable of infection. Host- Immunity- The condition of being immune; the protection against infectious

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    Infection Control

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    Causes and Spread of infection Q 1.1 - Identify the differences between: bacteria‚ viruses‚ fungi and parasites. * Bacteria are unicellular‚ prokaryotic microorganism found almost in all kinds of habits. Some bacteria are beneficial like those involved in nitrogen fixation and some pathogenic‚ which cause diseases. * Viruses are unicellular‚ tiny organisms which is mostly composed of DNA (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid) and protein. Its body

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    INFECTION CONTROL IN SOCIAL CARE/EDUCATIONAL SETTING What we’ll look at Law legal duties Infection & the infection cycle School/hotel associated infections Waste Hand washing PPE Housekeeping Pets Occupational health for staf Part One Infection Control and the Law Legal System  Two relevant branches of law exist with in health and safety.  They are separate from each other but they are closely related Civil law Criminal law Duties of care at work Employer has DoC to employees and non

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    Section Two: Task 3 Risk Assessment 4. Understand the importance of risk assessment in relation to the prevention and control of infections. 4.1 Define the term risk According to Wikipedia risk is defined as… Risk is the potential that a chosen action or activity (including the choice of inaction) will lead to a loss (an undesirable outcome). The notion implies that a choice having an influence on the outcome exists (or existed). Potential losses themselves may also be called "risks". Almost

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