Interior Monologue This is really scary. I don’t even really understand how we got here. I don’t even know why we are here. It seems like we’re on an island‚ but I don’t think I’m going to have fun. I want to leave and go home because I’m scared. I’m with other boys my age‚ but we’re all so small‚ I don’t think we can do much. There must be older boys here too‚ but they probably won’t even care about us. We’re too young for them to care. They’ll probably let us get lost. I’m scared. All of a sudden
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Interior monologue (Ms. Schacter) Where are my sons and husband? Why am I here? Why is it so hot? Who’s that keep stroking my hand? How did all of these people get inside our house? Hey where are my sons? Hey what’s that? It’s shinny. It yellow. Wait it’s red‚ is it a fire. It’s getting bigger. Oh my god! It’s huge! “Fire! I see a fire! I see a fire!” (24). “Look! Look at this fire! This terrible fire! Have mercy on me!” What are they doing! Can’t they see the fire? It’s enormous! Maybe
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Interior Monologue Dr. Spivey sits down at his desk and puts his glasses on. He shuffles his papers and begins to review the events of the previous weeks in his journal. Spivey then contemplates the letter requesting his resignation. These past weeks have been hard on everyone. As much as Mr. McMurphy has changed this ward for good‚ there are moments when I wish he had never been committed. Before McMurphy there had been an age of oppression. The patients’ life schedules were forced down their
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Sometimes I wonder if you even know that I exist. It’s always my fault. I AM ALWAYS WRONG! I come home; you don’t even ask me how I am or even where I’ve been‚ not even once. Jeez. I could be dead for all you care. I come back from work early and you ask me if I got fired. I sent you so many letters during that summer and you don’t bother to answer even one? I ask you why and you tell me that “I’m not one for the letters.” What a load of bullshit. When Lennie was at camp one summer working as a
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Macbeth hears such great news but in shock and curious and yearns for the witches to tell him more about how he is to be the Thane of Cawdor. Even though he is confused and doesn’t know how he will become the Thane of Cawdor‚ the mystical powers of the “woos” remind force him to keep wanted to want more and to become king. The sirens lure people and control their minds. During Lady Macbeth’s monologue‚ while she is reading the letter from Macbeth‚ the Concerto is played because it gives the notion
Is Lady Macbeth a “fourth witch” as critics claim? OR Is she a victim punished for acting in an “unnatural” way? LADY MACBETH VS. THE THREE WITCHES How they are similar/ different Lady Macbeth The Three Witches Wants the best for her husband Plays with Macbeth’s ambitions Very strong and ruthless Work by persuasion Plots against Macbeth Plays with Macbeth’s ambitions Very powerful Works by evil powers Shakespeare uses Lady Macbeth and the three witches‚ as a sense of the power of a
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Macbeth has invited other lords and me‚ to be guests at his coronation; where we’ll be attending dinner at his castle. As I walked in the room with the other well dressed guests‚ we all took our seats at our respective places at the table. I worked my way to my seat and was immediately greeted with the powerful aromas of all kinds of foods and spices. I looked across my seat to notice an empty chair. “Banquo must be running late”‚ I thought to myself. As Macbeth started greeting the guests‚ I noticed
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of those predictions and proved myself worthy of what was told. I defended my character and spoke up for what I stood for. I would not weaken in the face of temptation. (Standing) Since the day on the heath where those foul hags told Macbeth and I our fates‚ Macbeth has not been himself. As if overcome by some evil spirit‚ he has changed his ways‚ actively seeking his future through deceit‚ wicked speculations and regicide‚ what I now no longer suspect him of‚ but believe he committed. Firstly‚
Premium Macbeth
The air was laden thick with the musky scent of the woods and the dried herbs. Macbeth stumbled towards his chamber doors. The “firm-set earth” (II.i.69) beneath his feet echoed the fear that he carried in his heart‚ he was desperately looking for a place to hide. Overwhelm by guilt and fear he tried to control his racing heart beat and the panting. He had an uncanny feeling that he was being watched and hence he looked around the dimly lit hall. He wanted to be sure that he wasn’t being watched
Premium Macbeth English-language films Macbeth of Scotland
I was never destined to have someone murder me at the hands of my best mate. That fool Macbeth and his wife Lady Macbeth are too blame‚ they adopted beliefs from some witches that they were “superior” and “ admirable” and are now pursuing a killing spree in order to remove anyone who threatens to take his Scottish Throne; again a ‘coward’. When I met the witches I advised Macbeth to be cautious‚ “But ‘tis strange‚ and oftentimes to win us to our harm‚ the instruments of darkness tell us truths‚ wind
Premium Macbeth English-language films Macbeth of Scotland