Counselling Reflective Diary During this week’s counselling lesson we discussed the Egan model stages of counselling. This is a three stage process which is used to help people to solve problems and develop opportunities independently. The three stages work best when Carl Rodgers core conditions are followed. The three main questions which need to be addressed are: -What is going on? -What do I want instead? -How might I get what I want? The model comes in 3 main stages the first stage is the present
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[pic] Course: Counselling theories 1. According to the Nature Versus Nurture theory‚ it is the debate between whether our upbringing or our inheritances determine who we are. In Steven’s case‚ I feel he was over-nurtured by his parents which led him to consciously rebel against their wishes and then led to the decision to live a double life‚ his parents established nothing but boundaries and in his adolescence he thought of nothing but tearing through them. This shows
Premium Human nature Nature versus nurture Psychology
on the reflective practice of counsellors’ belief system. Wong-Wylie (2007) defines reflective practice as an individual that reflect on their personal experiences of others. The first case study focuses on a married couple that have asked for counselling they are disputing the husbands’ fidelity. The first section will examine the married couple and the two belief systems of the counsellor. The next section will research the second case study and two belief systems of the counsellor. The case
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Nichola Hanson-Jones The Importance of Insurance in Counselling There are two main reasons that as a counsellor you will need to be insured and they are : first of all for the safety of the client both Physical and Psychologically. And secondly to protect you the counsellor from costly expense. You may think that there is little to no risk involved in counselling‚ and while for most part you would be right there are of course instances where things go wrong. It is for these times
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Introduction. This Presentation will look at the psychodynamic approach to counselling‚ focusing on how problems arise and continue. Then how therapy seeks to resolve these problems. We will look at conflict between ID and superego and unresolved childhood problems. Then we will look at defence mechanisms. From there we look at how therapy brings the unconscious into the conscious to resolve conflicts. Slide 2. In psychodynamic theory‚ there is the structure of the personality‚ which consist of three
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Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one of the effective‚ and empirical proven therapies in counselling‚ mentoring‚ and coaching (Connor‚ & Pokora‚ 2017‚ p.111-112; Dobson‚ & Dozois‚ 2001‚ p.10-11). CBT approach states that individual’s attitudes‚ feelings‚ and thoughts are connected and influence each other. Individuals’ defeating‚ self-limited thoughts‚ and interpretations of specific event or the world around them‚ produce grief and have a negative influence on their doings (McLeod‚ 2013‚ p
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client’s consent greatly assist ethical accountability. Consequently‚ in some situations law forbids the counselor to inform the client that confidential information has been passed to the authorities. 2. Autonomy - The principle of Autonomy in counselling emphasises the importance of developing the client’s ability to be self-directing within therapy and all aspects of life. This principle is referred as respecting client’s right to be
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All clients are entitled to good standards of practice and care from their practitioners in counselling and psychotherapy. Good standards of practice and care require professional competence; good relationships with clients and colleagues; and commitment to and observance of professional ethics. Good quality of care Good quality of care requires competently delivered services that meet the client’s needs by practitioners who are appropriately supported and accountable. Practitioners should give
Premium Informed consent Interpersonal relationship Profession
PRE MARITAL COUNSELLING WHAT IS IT? Premarital Counselling is therapy with two people prior to their marriage‚ to help give them more realistic ideas of what to expect and how to cope with living with another person as a spouse; relating to each other as a committed pair. By taking the time to explore the reasons you came together‚ your similarities‚ your differences‚ your hopes and your dreams‚ as well as your expectations of one another‚ it is sometimes possible to avoid the disappointments
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PYC3 7 0 5 Ex am Pre p 2 0 1 2 Sem 2 Tuto rial 2 0 2 2 0 1 2 The e x amination Ple as e note that the s tudents regis te red for this module are required to submit the two compulsory as s ignments (i.e . As s ignment 01 and As s ignment 02) in orde r to gain examination admis s ion. Unfor tunate ly the re is no fur the r oppor tunity to gain e xamination admis s ion. We have de cide d to put toge the r more s pe cific guide line s on what to s tudy for the e xams with the hope that this will
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