In my opinion passing the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA) was necessary to protect the extinction of wildlife. Scientists have proven that one extinction can cause a disruption in the food chain‚ which has a domino effect on other extinctions. These extinctions can cause harm to humans. In all the environment is related to humans‚ if we like it or not. My belief is that implementation this act has not only helped with the preservation of wildlife and ecosystems‚ but also has benefits on humans
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"Taking" Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA)‚ 16 U.S.C. § 1532(19) (2006). - "The term ’take’ means to harass‚ harm‚ pursue‚ hunt‚ shoot‚ wound‚ kill‚ trap‚ capture‚ or collect‚ or to attempt to engage in any such conduct." § 1538 (a)(1)(B) - "it is unlawful for any person subject to the jurisdiction of the United States to . . . . take any such species within the United States or the territorial sea of the United State." "Knowingly" United States v. McKittrick‚ 142 F.3d 1170‚ 1177 (9th Cir
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idea of bringing back a species from extinction throughout his essay. With examples such as the Pyrenean ibex‚ mammoths‚ passenger pigeons‚ and gastric brooding frogs‚ he discusses how technology and science have advanced to the point that de-extinction is close to being a reality. Zimmer then shifts to the benefits and problems that could arise if we are able to revive an extinct species. As a result‚ Zimmer raises the question that should we bring back an extinct species just because we can? Even
Premium Extinction Evolution Endangered species
Word Count: 1766 The Arguments in the Origins of Species Evolution involves organisms developing better adapted traits over time. Darwin explains how these specific traits come about through his “one long argument.” In this paper‚ I argue that Charles Darwin’s approach to natural selection is the most accurate depiction of our earth’s history. I begin with a breakdown of Darwin’s theory of evolution‚ then incorporate Darwin’s thoughts on “fitness” and why other scientists may contend against them
Premium Evolution Charles Darwin Natural selection
The Importance of Endangered species in our world Importance of Endangered Species in our world INTRODUCTION The term endangered is used by international and national organizations to define plants and animals currently in danger of becoming extinct. Although the term endangered is universally used‚ the definition of an endangered species is greatly varied. In most cases‚ the factors causing an organism to become endangered are human- related. ABSTRACT Geographic distribution
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commercial harvest and biomass. Their analysis also shows that there will be a continued increase in population size (Irons et al. 2007). They also did a study to see how other types of fish communities were affected by the Asian carp. The other species of fish were gizzard shed and bigmouth buffalo. The research team studied the decline before Asian carp were a big problem. After the integration‚ of Asian carp the gizzard shed and bigmouth buffalo declined rapidly. There were not very many other
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Mivart’s ‘Genesis of Species’ In George Mivart’s ‘Genesis of Species’‚ Mivart thoroughly reviews Darwin’s theory of natural selection. Mivart concludes that Darwin’s theory of natural selection is flawed because it cannot account for all of the mechanics of inheritance‚ specifically the initial developments of useful characteristics. He disputes that natural selection can account for the passing of negative or unnecessary traits‚ or for individualized traits occurring in only one species. He also asks
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U.S. Fish and Wildlife services have officially removed the gray wolf from the endangered species list calling the recovery‚ “one of the most remarkable success stories in the history of conservation.” “There are an estimated 7000 to 11‚200 gray wolves in Alaska‚ 3‚700 in the Great Lakes region and 1‚675 in the Northern Rockies” (Defenders of Wildlife 1). The gray wolf is no longer on the endangered species list because the numbers have risen so dramatically. Hunting should be allowed‚ as there is
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What is biodiversity and what are the impacts do invasive species have on biodiversity? Biodiversity is the variety of animal and plant life in a particular habitat; it also means all of the different natural processes on the earth. There is estimated to be more than 11000 tree species in the amazon rainforest‚ that a huge amount of different species and that’s only for one part of the world. It is important to have biodiversity‚ Biodiversity boost ecosystems productivity. What is productivity?
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Darwin and the Origin of Species Hawa Dia 11.14.14 Charles Darwin is well known for being an evolution scientist and is credited for discovering the Theory of Evolution through Natural Selection. Charles Robert Darwin was born in a town called Shrewsbury‚ Shropshire England on February 12‚ 1809. Darwin ’s most famous expedition was the HMS Beagle. Being on this voyage helped him to study natural selection from across the world and collect some data to bring back to England. In the beginning
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