"Irony araby" Essays and Research Papers

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    Wilfred Owen Speech

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    Wilfred Owen Have you ever thought about what it would feel like to be a soldier in World War 1? Well Wilfred Owen was a soldier; his poems explored the hardship of government exploitation and the horrific treatment the soldiers had to go through. The two poems Parable of the old man and the young and Anthem for doomed youth‚ talks about how war has a negative impact on our humanity. In the poem ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’‚ Owen conveys the futility of conflict on a bigger range. He was writing

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    imagery‚ simile and metaphor although it is good to note that the free structure keeps the focus on the images and ideas. Atwood’s ironic/sarcastic/humourous tone is also an effective device for conveying her ideas) - Atwood’s poem is rich with irony (humour) and linguistic inventiveness/ fun with words. It is written in her trademark free verse style‚ with little structure or formality. - Her “us” is not a strong blank narrator because her situations are specific experiences and not general

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    The Thin Red Line

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    degree‚ that the image of others is completely opposite of how it is in reality. This is what each character in Higson’s short story The Red Line experiences. Higson questions and plays with the role identity have in our postmodern society by using irony in the characterization and by the use of a dynamic point of view. Berto and the nameless man each have contradictory personalities and looks. This is seen because the reader and the characters are introduced to different sides of the people in

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    Theme of Duplicity in

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    of attention. One clue to the real meaning of James’s stories is the irony employed. Most of James’s narrators are unrealiable in the sense that they are deceptive. Their unreliability is either a result of their blindness or unawareness of their situation and environment‚ or an egotistical engagement in their own affairs so as to distort reality. The unreliable narrator misleads the reader. The Jamesian irony clarifies the story‚ brings out the real meaning beneath the apparent and reveals

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    Fiction Essay

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    Lottery” are what will be compared and contrasted. II. The themes in these two stories are quite different when you pick them apart. A. “The Rocking Horse Winner” is all about different types of irony and its theme is materialism. B. Verbal irony‚ dramatic irony‚ and situational irony are all wrapped up into Paul’s character and Paul’s mother. Paul’s mom is said to be unlucky‚ but in the true sense of the word‚ she is really lucky. Paul dies trying

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    plot as it goes. In comparison to Lennie‚ for instance‚ he is able to realize that he has hurt Lennie in the past and feels Imagery: Theme: The theme is the importance of friendship and how rich and poor people have same dreams all over the world Irony: Lennie’s last name is small. Lennie is a big‚ strong‚ powerful worker who doesn’t use his physicality to harm people (on purpose). Symbols: The pool by the river is the place where Lennie and George’s story begins and ends. It is a safe sanctuary

    Premium Human English-language films Irony

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    Text Analysis

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    GENERAL NOTIONS 1. Kinds of Literature Literature can be subdivided into various kinds according to various criteria. It can exist in oral (folklore) or written form; literary speech can be prosaic or poetic. Literature can be divided into fiction and non-fiction. Non-fiction is a prose writing that presents and explains ideas or tells about real people‚ places‚ events. The main forms/genres of non-fiction are character sketch‚ journal‚ letters‚ memoirs‚ biography‚ essay etc. Fiction is

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    Allan Poe‚ the character of Montresor feels he was insulted and desires retribution‚ causing him to become maniacal and manipulative. Poe develops the character of Montresor by using irony‚ viewpoint‚ and character motivation to demonstrate the strong desire for vengeance. Poe’s application of dramatic and verbal irony creates Montresor’s sick

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    United Nation General Assembly. This quote is explaining that people must stop fighting in war or war will kill everybody. This quote relates to the short story‚ The Sniper and the poem‚ The Man He Killed. Through the literary devices of plot‚ irony and theme. The short story “The Sniper” by Liam O’Flaherty and the poem “The Man He Killed” by Thomas Hardy both share similarities and differences throughout the plot. The author stated how the plot was similar by saying‚ “Here and there through

    Premium Irony Fiction Literary technique

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    Heart of Darkness

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    Heart of Darkness Irony of situation plays a major role in the shaping of events in the novel Heart of Darkness. For instance Joseph Conrad does not use light as a symbol for bringing knowledge and truth to a situation; rather he uses light as an indication of a hidden truth. These occurrences include “There was no joy in the brilliance of sunshine. The long stretches of waterway ran on‚ deserted‚ into the gloom of overshadowed distances. (Conrad 30)” This shows the feelings that Marlow is having

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