There is a lot that I want to learn about substance abuse. I find that since the first initial class I have felt more at ease and want to be involved with class discussions. I thought a lot about my own past with drugs‚ and want to figure out what I can do to help others find the tools to make better decisions in their own lives. I started out using when I was about 14 with pot and it progressed into my 20’s. I tried a little bit of this and that and in the process lost friends family
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Jesus’ Son Reaction Paper In Jesus’ Son‚ by Denis Johnson‚ there are several characters whom are fractured‚ disconnected‚ and apathetic to the world around them and often resort to violence or drugs as a means of connecting and feeling things. One example of such would be from the story “Car Crash While Hitchhiking”. (pg. 8) “Moving toward the other car I began to hear rasping‚ metallic snores. Somebody was flung halfway out the passenger door‚ which was open‚ in the posture
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Emmanuel D. Alcantara BSHRM III-A Reaction Paper to Ethics In chapter 1 we discuss the study of “ETHICS”. Ethics came from the word ethos which means the characteristic way of acting and its Latin word is mos.‚ mores which means the traditional line of conduct or custom. It is form this root word that the word moral or morality is derived. Example of ethos of man as man is revealed that he is able to distinguish between good and evil‚ right or wrong‚ moral and immoral. Ethics is defined as the “practical
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Hindu Analysis/Reaction Paper The Bhagavad Gita‚ the “Song of the Divine One”‚ is a Sanskrit text from the Mahabharata. The Gita consists of 700 versus‚ and is spoken mainly by Krishna‚ who is explaining the purpose of life to Arjuna. The main goal of one’s life is to attain enlightenment‚ knowledge of the universe. Essentially‚ God is infinite‚ and everything and everyone is a part of his energy. One must realize this‚ and devote himself to worshipping and serving God. Right before the beginning
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Allegory of The Cave Reaction Paper Plato argues that perceptions of material objects are imperfect reflections of an unchanging form of truth that can be pursued through the quest for knowledge and belief. He outlines the order in which the escaped prisoner would ascend in understanding; “At first it would be easiest to make out shadows‚ and then the images of men and things reflected in water‚ and later on the things themselves… last of all‚ he would be able to look at the sun and contemplate
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REACTION PAPER At the age of 16‚ what are you doing at this age? Ordinary teenagers at this age used to go to school particularly high school‚ and enjoy their teenage years. Aside from this routine‚ teenagers may earn money by different stuffs around them. Most of the teenagers enjoy playing online computer games as for now. And who knows you can use this stuff to earn money and lead your first step to become a successful entrepreneur or I should say technopreneur. Like Ittipat who is now a successful
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FST 11 Reaction Paper Food‚ Inc. is an American documentary film directed by Robert Kenner. The film is about corporate farming in the United States‚ concluding that agribusiness produces food that is unhealthy‚ in a way that is environmentally harmful and abusive of both animals and employees. The film is narrated by Michael Pollan and Eric Schlosser. The film opens with the sentence‚ “The way we eat has changed more dramatically in the past 50 years than in the previous 10‚000 years.”‚ which
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Reaction Paper Ch. 6-7 As reading chapters six and seven‚ I learned a lot of new information. The topics that stood out the most to me were the social structure theories‚ social disorganization theory‚ strain theories‚ cultural deviance theories‚ and socialization and crime. The Social structure theories is the idea that kids that are brought up in poorer communities are more likely to commit crimes than kids that are wealthier. Most social structure theorists challenge those people that suggest
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BOMBONIN REACTION PAPER HSTORY 222 CALATRAVA SATOLAS AIRPORT RAILWAY STATION‚ LYON CALATRAVA SATOLAS is a structure that serves as a railway station hall and entrance for an existing railway and an airport. The beginning of the movie discussed the life and background of the architect of the structure; ARCHT. Santiago Calatrava. Followed by the conceptualizations of the project . The Lyon-Satolas Station is the terminus for the TGV trains connecting the airport
Reaction Paper # 3 Definition: Goodness benefits all the people of a society equally and fairly‚ and equal opportunity for all. Justice prevails through goodness‚ and will override evil. Motto: Justice and Equality for all. Goodness rewards all. Together we work as a whole for the benefit of all. Social: Each person has the same power and society level. No one is more powerful or better than the person‚ all people are created equal to serve upon this earth for a purpose. Finding the purpose is
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