"Legal secretary" Essays and Research Papers

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    legal system

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    WASHINGTON STATE‚ SNOHOMISH COUNTY COURT DISTRICT 1. What is the maximum dollar amount of a small claims case? The maximum dollar amount of a small claims case that can be filed in Snohomish County cannot exceed $5‚000. http://www1.co.snohomish.wa.us/Departments/District_Court/SmallClaimInformation.htm Paragraph one “Who can sue and be sued?” updated August 21‚ 2012 accessed January 17‚ 2014. 2. Can the small claims court impose equitable relief (non monetary relief such as an injunction

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    Legal Factors

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    Legal factors Legal factors are those that impact businesses in a legal way. The legal factors would be ranked and analysed. They include: providing a framework for businesses‚ consumer protection and employment law‚ ensuring fair and honest trading. PROVIDING FRAMEWORK FOR BUSINESSES This law is very important because it gives businesses legal protection and also gives them some degree of certainty as to what the business has to gain and loss in extreme cases such as business bankruptcy

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    Legal Issue

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    Legal Issue: Respecting the privacy of user posted information Likelihood: Moderate Impact: High Ease of fix: Moderate Description Implementing communication methods such as video or instant messaging presents several legal implications and there are various areas to consider when looking at the legalities of communication methods. Some of the main aspects to take in to consideration involve respecting the privacy of user posted information and be aware of not disclosing personal or confidential

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    Political & Legal

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    Political and Legal Assignment 2 1. The First Amendment is the freedom of speech‚ the Fourth Amendment is search and seizure‚ the Fifth Amendment is fair proceedings‚ and the Fourteenth Amendment is anti-discrimination. A. The First Amendment grants all the freedom of speech and protects people who do. Items of everyday normality like “table talk” and “tailboard” criticisms are legitimate uses of free speech and regulations against them would not stand up. The display of items on a uniform are

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    A Legal High

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    When most people think of marijuana‚ they imagine a teenager down in his basement getting high while his friends play video games. What people do not know is that the teenager had just got back from chemotherapy and found that smoking marijuana was the only way to stop himself from feeling nauseous. When people hear stories like this they do not know what to think about medical marijuana. It is therefore very important to look in depth at the effects and potential uses for this trending medicine

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    legal philosophy

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    opriate to take a break for your holiday thus I was irritated when I had to work during Christmas and Easter. I am taking Religion and Work because I believe all religious holidays should be favored. Individuals should be able to worship and celebrate their respective religion because it is what they believe in. I would like to further my studies in diversity‚ workplace discrimination and the realities between religion and work. Part 2: Examining News & Views Overview Article #1: Sikh

    Free Osama bin Laden September 11 attacks Assault

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    Legal Argumentation

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    Models for the Analysis of Legal Argumentation EVELINE T. FETERIS Department of Speech Communication‚ Argumentation Theory and Rhetoric University of Amsterdam Spuistraat 134 1012 VB Amsterdam Netherlands e.t.feteris@uva.nl Introduction In their classical works on argumentation the philosophers Chaïm Perelman and Stephen Toulmin presented the procedures and practices of legal reasoning as a model for a rational practice of argumentation. In the 50 years since the publication of Perelman and

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    Legal Ethics

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    generally agree that paralegals may not: a. Give legal advice; e. Plan strategy; f. Make legal decisions; or g. Chart directions of a case The National Association of Legal Assistant (NALA) Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility: Canon 3: A legal assistant must not (a) engage in‚ encourage‚ or contribute to any act which could constitute the unauthorized practice of law; and (b) establish attorney-client relationships‚ set fees‚ give legal opinions or advice or represent a client before

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    Legal Transnationalism

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    The growth of ’legal transnationalism’‚ that is‚ the reach of law across nation-state borders and the impact of external political and legal pressures on nation-state law undermines the main foundations of sociology of law. Modern sociology of law has assumed an ’instrumentalist’ view of law as an agency of the modern directive state‚ but now it has to adjust to the state’s increasingly complex regulatory conditions. The kind of convergence theory that underpins analysis of much legal transnationalism

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    Legal Methods

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    CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF EASTERN AFRICA LEGAL METHODS – 1ST TRIMESTER NOTES – LECTURER FREDA KABATSI Faculty Vision: To train the students in the Faculty of Law to become conscientious and ethical lawyers who have an excellent grounding in legal principles and who will provide leadership in Kenya‚ East Africa and beyond. OVERVIEW OF LEGAL METHODS * Legal Methods is the study of how law operates in the society and how lawyers‚ judges and legislative think and do things according to the law.

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