"Mammalian dive reflex" Essays and Research Papers

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    The Eye

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    Chapter 9: The Eye * Light is electromagnetic energy that is emitted in form of waves; waves crash into objects and are absorbed‚ reflected‚ scattered‚ and bent * Half of human cerebral cortex is involved with analyzing visual world * MAMMALIAN VISUAL SYSTEM: begins with eye‚ back of eye is retina (contains photoreceptors specialized to convert light energy to neural activity) * Eyes have features to track moving objects and keep transparent surface clean (i.e. by tears) * Each

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    Zoology - Study Notes

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    Exam: 46.4‚45‚47‚48 Lecture outline for the zoology unit revised 2010 Introduction to animal form & function and regulation of TB (ch. 40 & Concept 42.4) This first reading assignment reviews 5 major principles re living organisms: 1. Physical laws & the environment constrain the size & shape of organisms. 2. Form & function are correlated at all levels of organization. 3. Chemical energy in food is used to sustain form & function. 4. Many animals (& other organisms) regulate

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    2. At a party‚ Dickson was challenging his friends to see who could hold their breath and dive longest in the pool. Hoping to extend his time underwater‚ Dickson hyperventilates for several minutes before diving into the pool. Shortly after entering the water‚ he lost consciousness and nearly drowned. Explain what might have caused this. Hyperventilation is defined as breathing in excess of the metabolic needs of the body‚ eliminating more carbon dioxide that is produced‚ and consequently‚ resulting

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    NPB 101L Final Exam Review Lab 2 – Skeletal Muscle 1. Describe basic setup a. What was manipulated? Intensity‚ frequency b. What was measured? Twitch tensions c. What concepts were investigated? i. Frog‚ sciatic nerve‚ gastroc‚ d. What was investigated? i. Effects of stimulus frequency and intensity on contraction-the more intensity‚ the higher the twitch tension. The more freq- the more twitch tension (By ~4.0pps we start to see summation of the twitches and by ~15pps we see no single twitches

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    will contract Muscle Fibers Extrafusal - impulses from brain cause chemical reaction producing a collapse of cross-bridges allowing actin and myosin to slide - Contraction Intrafusal - muscle spindles information changes in length and tension. Reflex action in response to a stretch on a muscle‚ a stronger contraction to reduce the stretch Muscle Contraction Action potential - electrical current to the muscle fibers (sarcolemma) Release of acetylcholine causes excitation of the sarcolemma (Baechle

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    Evolution of Dolphins

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    been a trend within mammalian evolution towards colonization of land‚ however in some instances this trend has been reversed; there are three large orders of mammals that have separately re-adapted to marine life‚ the Cetacea (whales‚ dolphins and porpoises)‚ the Pinnipedia (seals‚ sea lions and walruses)‚ and the Sirenia (dugongs‚ sea cows and manatees). This “re-adaptation” is most extreme in the cetaceans which have evolved a totally fish-like form‚ masking their true mammalian ancestry (Coffey‚

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    Topic: Types of Hybrid Animals General Purpose: To Inform Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the hybrid animals. Central Idea: There are three types of hybrid animals such as avian hybrid‚ mammalian hybrid‚ and reptilian hybrid. Introduction I. The phrase “hybrid animal” refers to a crossbreeding process of two different animals species. II. Many people do not believe that this kind of animal do exist. III. Hybrid animals are unique species that not like the other animals. Connective

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    Chapter 4 & 5 Study Guide

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    Chapter 4 Study Guide 1. What are the two main functions of the sympathetic nervous system? (A) Activating system that arouses the body‚ mobilizing its energy in stressful situations – fight/flight (B) Regulates strong emotional reactions 2. What are the two main functions of the parasympathetic NS? “Rest and Digest‚” Calming system that conserves energy. 3. How do the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems work together (what are some images and metaphors used to describe them)?

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    Principles of Life Hillis • Sadava • Heller • Price Test Bank Chapter 37: Gas Exchange in Animals TEST BANK QUESTIONS (By Paul Nolan) Multiple Choice 1. If you were atop Mt. Everest‚ how many cubic meters of air would you need to breathe in order to gain the same number of oxygen molecules that you would gain from one cubic meter of air at sea level? a. 2 b. 3 c. 5 d. 9 e. 10 Answer: b Textbook Reference: 37.0 Introduction Page: 729 Bloom’s Category: 3. Applying 2.

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    away. It also shows the human habit of denial‚ where all the boys including Ralph completely deny any part in the killing. In the book‚ Simon is shown to be a true unsung martyr. The littluns in the book resemble the common man in society and his reflex reaction to conform‚ whereas the other bigguns resemble the followers and tails of the leaders. A biggun who distinctly stands out is Roger‚ he acts as second in command to Jack and it is he who is responsible for Piggy’s death. All the boys fight

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