Many people are critical of the Hong Kong Education system‚ saying that it is too exam oriented. To what extent do you agree? Hong Kong is one of the cities having the highest educational level in the world. It seems that Hong Kong have a well education system in the world. However‚ I agree with this statement about the educational system in Hong Kong. To begin with‚ the majority of students are provided with 12 years of education as the Hong Kong government increases the years of compulsory
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doing perfect research” (Griffiths‚ 1998‚ p97). Do you agree? The statement by Griffiths (1998) that there is no hope in doing perfect research (97) has raised a few eyebrows and has become a highly controversial issue over the past decade. Reading and Writing sources (2010) defines research as a systematic examination to obtain facts. According to this definition‚ research is obtaining accurate‚ reliable information‚ with the use of a method. Now‚ how do we define accuracy and reliability in a world
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turn our lives for the worst. In Pain won’t kill you by Jonathan Franzen‚ he talks about our social life which is revolving around technology rather than the society itself. In every moment of our lives the advance of technology is thriving and expanding exponentially. We humans cannot do anything but get greedy and try to get our hands on everything possible. The act of socializing with the people around us has disappeared and the new gadgets have taken over. People are becoming narcissistic and
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here‚ the one we read in our holy books‚ the one which many people spoke about but didn’t prepare themselves for. It was looked upon as a myth‚ but for us it spiraled around fusing itself with time‚ making the war between worlds reality. Nothing that I was grown to know‚ or to believe‚ was true today. As a nonbeliever‚ I was made to believe that nothing existed outside of Earth. I didn’t believe in God‚ I believed in science‚ in what I could see‚ in the physical because to me there was no spiritual
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Heimat struggle in The Head Strong Historian One is not born free to completely choose one’s path. Through different bonds that come from one’s family and community‚ a connection with certain characteristics are stuck to each person. This phenomenon is commonly known as heimat. Even though this Germanic word can be associated with homeland‚ it does not have a direct translation to the English language. Vilém Flusser‚ a Czech Jewish author‚ describes how in order to be free one must detach oneself
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How far do you agree that family is at the centre of Jerusalem and Death of a Salesman? Compare and contrast the presentation of familial responsibility in both plays. The concept of family has changed since the 1950’s‚ compared to the present day. Back then‚ the old fashioned family value system was seen as the norm – the wife typically stays at home taking care of the domestic side of the household including looking after the children‚ cleaning and cooking. While the husband goes out and does
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however‚ some inventions simply originated to serve the whims and fancies of some men in authority who abused their influence and knowledge to invent something which put a questionmark on mere existence of human race on this planet. An invention without which this world would be a much better place is the invention of weapons of mass destruction also known WMDs. A weapon of mass destruction is a nuclear‚ radiological‚ biological‚ chemical or other weapon that can kill and bring significant harm
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it has a place on every fruit stand. Secondly‚ many people get employment in this field. Small farmers have a chance to expand globally and it increases the overall economy of the country. Finally‚ it helps in developing good relations between countries which helps in international cooperation and peace. If countries are dependent upon one another’s economic success then armed conflict would be less likely. On the other hand‚ importing food can have a negative effect on local culture. This can be
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to nurture their talent and a healthy competitive environment will develop. Co-education helps both genders to gel well with each other. It helps them how to behave and cooperate and work together. For example‚ students studying in boy’s colleges do not generally know how to talk to a female or behave in front of them. On the other hand‚ females studying in girl’s colleges are too shy to face boys. Co-education will help to eradicate this kind of demerit in both. Universities giving both genders
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following any subjectas men and should be given the opportunity to do so. In academic terms a mixed classwould be a balanced one. On the other hand‚ university seats shouldn’t be allocated according to gender butaccording to other factors like demand and supply for a particular course or meeting entryrequirements. Some courses like teaching have a large number of female applicants whilstothers may not be so popular. I think this has to do with personal preferences rather thansocial conditioning. Perhaps
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