St Atanagio is a remote island in the Atlantic. The inhabitants grow corn and breed poultry. The accompanying table shows the maximum annual output combinations of corn and poultry that can be produced. Obviously‚ given their limited resources and available technology‚ as they use more of their resources for corn production‚ there are fewer resources available for breeding poultry. Maximum annual output options Quantity of Corn (pounds) Quantity of Poultry (pounds) 1 1200 0 2 1000 300
Premium Economics Costs
1. PRINCIPES OF ECONOMICS-MANKIEW CHAPTER 1- QUESTION FOR REVIEW (18) No 3. What is inflation and what causes it? = Inflation is an increase in the overall level of prices in the economy. Inflation happen because culprit is growth in the quantity o money when a government creates larges quantities of the nation’s money‚ the value of the money. No 5. Explain the two main causes of market failure and give an example of each! = Externality‚ is the impact of one person’s action on the well being
Premium Economics Supply and demand Microeconomics
Experiment 6: Microbial Cultivation Objectives: To successfully cultivate microorganisms from different sources to medium. Materials: Broth‚ Agar‚ Sterilized cotton swab‚ Procedure: 1) Get your broth with cotton swab inside containing your bacteria. 2) Remove the cotton and flame sterilize the mouth of the testtube. 3) Get your cotton swab inside‚ flame sterilize again the mouth of the testtube then plug it with cotton. 4) Grab the inverted plated media and flame sterilize the
Free Agar plate Petri dish Bacteria
Econ 2200 Midterm #1 fall 2011 Section I Answer Four of the following six questions. Each question is worth 5 points. a. What is the difference between the Income Effect and a Change in Income? b. True or False: The slope of the budget line represents the rate at which the consumer is willing to trade one good for another at any given bundle. Explain. c. An Engel curve can be both positively and negatively sloped‚ why does this happen? d. What do we mean by the term “Consumer Surplus”? e
Premium Consumer theory Supply and demand
Opportunity cost of an activity (or goods) is equal to the best next alternative foregone. Although opportunity cost can be hard to quantify‚ the effect of opportunity cost is universal and very real on the individual level. In fact‚ this principle applies to all decisions‚ not just economic ones. Since the work of the Austrian economist Friedrich von Wieser‚ opportunity cost has been seen as the foundation of the marginal theory of value[citation needed]. Opportunity cost is one way to measure
Premium Economics Microeconomics
QUESTION 1 a. A downward-sloping demand curve shows in both graphs when the quantity at each price is doubled what it was. However‚ the curve in demand for pharmaceutical drugs is drawn with a relatively steep slope as inelastic products. Equilibrium price down-sloping along the demand curve while quantity in both market increased to some extent. b. In inelastic demand of pharmaceutical drugs‚ the percentage change in price is greater than the percentage change in quantity demanded. While in elastic
Premium Supply and demand
Understanding the internal and external organisational environments This section covers: Organisational theory Organisation structure Centralisation and decentralization Levels of the organization Mintzberg’s nine design parameters Formal organisational relationships Definition of an organisation: Systems of activities and behaviours to enable humans and their machines to accomplish goals and objectives a joint function of human characteristics and the nature of the task environment. Organisational
Premium Organizational structure Management Structure
The possibility that microorganisms exist was discussed for many centuries before their actual discovery in the 17th century. The existence of unseen microbiological life was postulated by Jainism‚ which is based on Mahavira’s teachings as early as 6th century BCE.[19] Paul Dundas notes that Mahavira asserted existence of unseen microbiological creatures living in earth‚ water‚ air and fire.[20] Jain scriptures also describe nigodas‚ which are sub-microscopic creatures living in large clusters and
Premium Infectious disease Avicenna Centuries
Subject: Business Economics Subject Code: BUECO5903 Course Coordinator / Moderator: Paul McPhee / David Spiers Assignment A: Microeconomics Student Name: Noor Aini Faiz Student Number: 30120381 Lecturer: Dr. Ganeshamoorthy Question 1: (a) Explain and illustrate using suitable diagrams‚ the impact of external costs and
Premium Supply and demand Externality Market failure
company’s marketing environment that affect its ability to serve its target customers effectively.The marketing environment can be defined as everything that surrounds an organization’s environment and can affect its operation.The business environment consists of the actors and forces that affect an organization’s ability to develop and maintain business with its targeted customers. These are the Micro Environment‚ the Macro environment and the internal environment.The micro-environment of an organization
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