MICRO AND MACRO MARKETING ENVIRONMENT Introduction Micro marketing Refers to the internal controllable factors or forces which affects the ability of a company to serve its customers. e.g. the organization‚ the market‚ the suppliers‚ market intermediaries and the marketing mix. The micro marketing environment that surrounds organisations can be complex by nature‚ however the company has an element of control over how it operates within this environment. Macro marketing Refers to the external
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Macro Economic System and its Management. 1. Macro Economic Concerns: • Micro vs Macro Economics. • Major Building Blocks of Macro Economics: 1) AD & AS 2) Four Sectors: HHS‚ BS‚ GS & FTS 3) Two Markets: Commodity Market and Money Market. • Specific issues to be addressed in Macro Economics: o Rising Prices o Rising Unemployment o Falling GDP o Balance of Payments Crisis. • Tools of Macro Economic Policy and Management:
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can delegate their statutory responsibility to another. Each agency must act in accordance with its duty of care to safeguard adults at risk when it is satisfied that action is appropriate. Agencies will have their own operational policies and internal procedures applicable to their staff‚ which should be read in conjunction with these procedures. Following is a framework demonstrating the range of investigations which may apply. Date of Issue: July 2012 Responsibilty for Review: West Midlands
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REVISION COMMON TYPES OF MICROBES 1 BACTERIA Difference between Gram Positive and Gram Negative Shapes of bacteria and examples What shapes have you learnt? GRAM STAIN: The process! You should work on your lab notes. LECTURE 2 GRAM STAIN Developed by a Danish called Christian Gram in 1884 Stain a heat-fixed smear with a dye like crystal violet and fix with Iodine Then wash with ethanol or acetone Finally counterstain with a dye of different colour such as safranin (what is its colour
Free Immune system Bacteria
Macro and Micro environment: How external factor can influence marketing decisions. Introduction While the managers making efforts to take advantages of their competitors on the on the inside business structure such as to cut the cost down by simplifying the staff group‚ the macro and micro factors are escaping detection. Unlike internal environment‚ the macro and micro environments of a business are not changed by the behavior of its own whilst it is hard for most firms to be ready for reaction
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Dr. Kris De Jaegher Extra Material complementing Pindyck and Rubinfeld Chapter 2 Learning Objectives 1. Understand the meaning of demand and supply curves‚ and see how equilibrium is established; 2. Understand the meaning of the slope and intercepts of demand (and supply) curves; 3. Understand the difference between movements along demand and supply curves‚ and shifts of demand and supply curves; 4. Understand the effect of price ceilings and price floors; 5. Understand
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Price War between Airasia and Malaysia Airlines The purpose of the analysis is to evaluate the supply and demand of two main air line operators in Malaysia‚ which is Airasia and Malaysia Airlines by determines the price and quantity and change in the market of Airasia and Malaysia Airlines. Airasia is a leading airline company in providing low cost airline services while Malaysia Airlines is more towards providing high quality airline services. In the past time‚ the demand of Malaysia Airlines is
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EE314: CMOS RF Integrated Circuit Design Introduction to Wireless Communication systems Stanford University Hamid Rategh Hamid Rategh Stanford University EE314 HO#1 1 Course Staff Instructor: Dr. Hamid Rategh Email: hamid@smirc.stanford.edu Office Hours: MW 2:15-3:15PM @ CIS-126; Phone: 725-8313 TA: Mehdi Jahanbakht and Deji Akinwande Email: ta314@smirc.stanford.edu Office Hours @ Packard 106 Sunday 3:00 – 3:30 pm (for SCPD students only) Sunday 3:30 – 5:00 pm Thursday 5:00 –
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1.Briefly describe the steps required to aseptically transfer bacteria from an unknown to a tube of liquid broth. Answer: To aseptically transfer bacteria from an unknown to a tube of liquid broth you have to flame the loop or wire before you begin to sterilize it. Then you remove the caps from the tubes and flame the mouths of the tubes to prevent air-borne contamination. Next‚ you have to pick up the inoculums or unknown culture by running the sterile loop or wire down into the tube. Once you
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Christopher Martin ‘Micro-finance programmes are aimed at reducing poverty. What ethical challenges are raised by the operation of micro-finance and which ethical theory can best be applied to assess how Grameen Bank addresses these challenges?’ Introduction: The essay seeks to examine the ethical issues raised by the operation of microfinance. In the first section‚ an overview will be offered. In the second
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