Answer: To aseptically transfer bacteria from an unknown to a tube of liquid broth you have to flame the loop or wire before you begin to sterilize it. Then you remove the caps from the tubes and flame the mouths of the tubes to prevent air-borne contamination. Next, you have to pick up the inoculums or unknown culture by running the sterile loop or wire down into the tube. Once you get the inoculums, you drop it into the sterile medium to inoculate it.
2. What is the purpose of aseptic technique?
Answer: It prevents contamination from unknown cultures.
3. Does your lab report contain any messages when your inoculation was not complete? What change in the traffic signals indicates an unsuccessful inoculation?
Answer: The lab report does not contain any messages about inoculation. There’s only a reference if auto-inoculation was used. The traffic signal light will turn red if the inoculation was unsuccessful.
4. Does you lab report contain any messages when you don't follow aseptic procedures for transferring bacteria? What change in the traffic signal indicates contamination?
Answer: The lab report does not contain any message when aseptic procedures for transferring bacteria were not followed. The traffic signals turn red to indicate contamination.
5. What indication is there that the loop has been sterilized?
Answer: the loop will turn red once it is sterile.
6. How much time is provided for users of VUMIE 2012 before the Contamination light turns red?
Answer: only 58 seconds is provided for users of VUMIE before the contamination light turns red.
7. In regards to Phenol Red Sorbitol:
What was the name of the test that used Phenol Red Sorbitol?
Answer: Fermentation Test
Describe BOTH positive and negative results for this test? Be specific.
What results did you get?
8. In regards to the Christiansen's Urea Broth: