Ethnicity Ethnicity Intelligence: controversial (racist?) notions (Eysenck‚ Jensen‚ Hernstein & Murray) Outside school factors: material deprivation; social class background; gender; street culture (Sewell); high number of single parent‚ female-headed families Inside school factors: institutional & cultural racism (Coard‚ Gilborn); setting & streaming (Gilborn & Youdell); language (Labov‚ Mac an Ghaill); self-motivation of girls (Fuller‚
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Assess the contribution of functionalism to an understanding of families and households. (24 marks) Functionalists believe that society is based on a shared value consensus‚ this is a set of shared norms and values into which society socialises its members‚ This enables society to work harmoniously and meet society’s needs and goals. Functionalists believe that the family is regarded as a basic building block of society. According to Parsons the family provides two important functions. The first
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Option B Movie Analysis Watching movies is a leisurely activity enjoyed by many people. Not only are movies enjoyable to get a good laugh‚ cry‚ or just to relax to‚ but there are many things to be learned from movies as well. For this project I choose to examine two movies from a sociological perspective. The two movies I chose are‚ Law Abiding Citizen and 8 Mile. Law Abiding Citizen Law Abiding Citizen is a story of a man who takes justice into his own hands after the legal system fails
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Much greater levels of police stop and search on young black African-Caribbean males‚ than whites. After attack on World Trade Center in 2001 and London Underground bombings in 2005‚ a new discourse has emerged regarding Muslim Youths. The new image of them is of being dangerous- a threat to British culture. Offending There are 3 ways on gathering statistics on ethnicity and crime: official stats‚ victimization studies and self-report studies. According to Home Office statistics‚ about 9.5%
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Education is the process by which knowledge is imparted‚ skills developed and abilities trained. It is used to prepare citizens for various roles demanded by social institutions‚ such as family‚ government and economy ( Schaeffer‚ 2001). A society’s survival depends on the ability of its members to maintain and pass on the culture to succeeding generations (Preston & Smith‚ ) Education is an ongoing process that takes place in all locations‚ such as while watching television‚ attending religious
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Sociology is the study of human social relationships and institutions. Sociology ’s subject matter is diverse‚ ranging from crime to religion‚ from the family to the state‚ from the divisions of race and social class to the shared beliefs of a common culture‚ and from social stability to radical change in whole societies. Unifying the study of these diverse subjects of study is sociology ’s purpose of understanding how human action and consciousness both shape and are shaped by surrounding cultural
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What is Sociology‚ Anyway? Introductory Sociology January 20‚ 2015 Use right arrow on keyboard to advance slides People typically do not understand sociology very well. Just ask someone what sociology is and they typically don’t know. Even people that have taken Introductory Sociology still don’t know what it is. For example‚ while evacuated during Hurricane Rita I told someone that I taught sociology and this is what they said: “I studied sociology in college but really didn’t understand it
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There are three sociological perspectives: Symbolic Interactionist‚ functional analysis‚ and conflict. To begin‚ symbolic interactionist study how people use symbols to develop their views of the world and to communicate with one another. Symbolic interactionist analyze how our behaviors depend on the ways we define ourselves and others. Everything is a symbol and without symbols humans would be no more advanced than the animals that surround them. The next sociological perspective is functional
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Write an essay which outlines the view that a consumer society is a divided society. PLAN Intro – What a consumer society is‚ shift from industrial‚ class ect. Paragraph 1 – Largest division Money – ability to consume. Bauman + Veblen Consuming a way of showing wealth and success. Able to be a consumer. Buy products for what they mean not just their purpose. Paragraph 2 – In-crowd vs outsiders Consumer goods aimed at certain market‚ can alienate those who don’t fall into this market eg old
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‘Social Order exists because people are afraid to disobey the rules of society.’ Explain and assess this claim. [25] Social order is the rules and regulations that are in place to steer human behaviour. It is the tool that prevents continuous conflict‚ violence and instability. A society that has succeeded in creating social order is one in which each member of society has the ability to live‚ to a degree‚ a stable life. There are two ways in which the States enforce social order: informal and
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