Heat resistance of endospores of Bacillus pumilus Abstract Spore suspension of Bacillus pumilus was inoculated into universal bottles containing sterile distilled water in water baths at temperatures of 85°C‚ 90°C and 95°C. At specific time intervals‚ a sample was removed and spread on nutrient agar plates. The number of colonies formed was used to determine the D-value and z-value. The D-value for 85°C is 64.1 minutes‚ 25.7 minutes for 90°C and 8.2 minutes for 95°C while the z-value is 11
Premium Heat Bacillus Bacteria
TITLE Lab #4 Soil –vs- Water Microbiology INTRODUCTION There are 4 learning goals for this lab: 1. Collect samples and compile data from at least 2 sources (soil; water) of your choice. 2. Identify at least 2 Prokaryotes (bacteria) and 2 Eukaryotes (fungus) in your samples. 3. Research the importance of bacteria and fungus to Earth in a non-medical context. 4. Compile a high-quality‚ 3+ resource (excluding the lab worksheet)‚ MLA-cited in-text laboratory report using the scientific method
Premium Gram staining Bacteria Fungus
To A God Unknown Essay In the book To A God Unknown (TAGU) by John Steinbeck‚ there is a man named Joseph Wayne who is sent out on a journey with a blessing from his father. While out on his journey he finds a large area of land and he starts to fall in love with it. He then decides to build upon it and starts a ranch there‚ he also finds an oak tree that he builds his house next to and this tree reminds him of his father. After he settles there he invites his brothers to come and stay with
Premium Jesus
Microbiology Final exam Study reference 1. Gram Stain * Verify if bacteria are present or not. * Controls – positive (purple) – S.aureus negative ( red/pink) – E.coli 2. Endospore Stain Positive controller – B. magneterium Green spore- Positive Pink (vegetative ) – Negative 3. Acid fast Positive control – M. smeagmatis Blue – negative Pink /red- positive 4. Motility Positive control - P.vulgaris A. Non motile is negative test B. Motile is a positive test 5. Carbohydrates
Premium Gram staining Enzyme Bacteria
Name: Danielle Title: Unknown Lab Report Introduction: There are many reasons for identifying an unknown bacterium. The reasons range from medical purposes‚ such as determining if the unknown could cause ailments in living things or knowing what microorganisms are needed to make antibiotics. The experiment was done by applying methods in order to identify an unknown bacterium. An unknown bacterium was handed out by Dr. Honer. The appropriate tests were prepared and applied. The
Premium Bacteria Escherichia coli Microbiology
Jennifer Haynes Anthony Priest English 210 September 26‚ 2012 Fear is a powerful and psychological entity. Fear can make us rise to an occasion or crumble under its mighty psychosis. Fear can arise anywhere. It can come from the known and unknown. Fear can show the strong they are weak and it can show the weak they are strong. A person can learn from fear‚ as I have learned from being afraid. The first day attending a new school is scary to most young children. They know no one and usually
Premium Fear Anxiety Claustrophobia
Unknown Lab Report Microbiology Unknown A Sonia Kabra November 26‚ 2014 Introduction There are numerous reasons for identifying unknown bacteria. Some of these organisms have distinct qualities that set them apart from one another‚ such as the exposure to certain environments. Through out the semester in the laboratory‚ we are able to encounter some of the few microorganisms that we as humans have come into contact with. With the knowledge gained from the sessions in the laboratory‚ we can now
Premium Agar plate Growth medium Bacteria
Part A In the second half of the book Ellie and Graham decide to try being together and start dating. She’s known as the “Unknown Girl” with the paparazzi. Ellie decides to ask her father for money since he is visiting a town nearby Henley with his “regular” family. Graham and Ellie decide to go on a boat over to see her dad‚ even though her dad doesn’t know she is coming. On the way there they run out of gas‚ get caught by the coast guard and drop Ellie’s phone in the water. She ends up running
Premium Family Marriage English-language films
Analysis of an Unknown Mixture Performed: 2/13/14 Submitted: 3/3/14 Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to separate and identify the two unknown compounds. The sample used was 105 and it contain 2-propanol and 2-heptanone. IR spectrums were taken of the contents of the second and sixth test tubes and showed the presence of an OH functional group and a small amount of ketone in test tube two and a large presence of ketone in test tube six. The average boiling points of the test tubes
Premium Chemistry Chemical substance Water
Lab Practical 2 Morphological Staining Techniques Simple Stain- Uses 1 Stain 1. Acid Stains (- Charge)- Stains Background- Nigrosin‚ India Ink and Congo Red 2. Base Stains (+ Charge)- Stains Cell- Methylene Blue‚ Crystal Violet‚ Safranin Differential Staining Techniques- Any Staining Technique using 2 or more stains is differential. It allows us to differentiate between parts. 1. Gram Stain- Two Stains‚ PLUS Reagents- Distinguishes Chemical Composition of Cell Wall PG only (+ Purple)
Premium Enzyme Gram staining Bacteria