Materials to Facilitate Community Empowerment. Washington: World Bank Pretty‚ J N‚ Guijt I‚ Thomson‚ J and Scoones‚ I (1995) A Trainer’s Guide for Participatory Learning and Action IIED SEEP Network (2000). Learning from Clients: Assessment Tools for Microfinance Practitioners: Draft Manual. Washington DC‚ AIMS/MSI. For detailed discussion of methods see also the following web sites: Institute for Development Studies Participation Programme‚ Sussex International Institute
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SWOT Analyses A SWOT (Morrison‚ 2013)—strengths‚ weaknesses‚ opportunities and threats— analyses was undertaken to assess whether entering the Peru market would be worthwhile. (See Table 6 for summary of SWOT analyses). Strengths One of the most important strengths of BNP Paribas that would be relevant to Peru would be its having good digital‚ mobile‚ and internet banking services (BNP Parabas‚ 2015). The bank has positioned itself as particularly strong in this area. These services are some of the
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| | VOL 20 NO 157 REGD NO DA 1589 | Dhaka‚ Thursday‚ March 28 2013 | | Bangladesh Bank mulls agent banking for financial inclusionM S Siddiqui Agent banking is a financial service offered to customers by a third party on behalf of a financial institution (FI). An agent is an entity that is engaged by an FI to provide specific financial services on its behalf using the agent’s premises. It is an additional delivery channel
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Spring 2013 Econ 471 Prof. Bee-Yan Roberts COVER PAGE TO PROBLEM SET #1 Printed Name: While you are permitted to work together as a group‚ you must write out the answers on your own (preferably in a separate room) without any help from those in the group. Problem sets with similar answers in any question will receive a grade of zero. I have not received any help and I have not provided help to other students in writing up the answers to this problem
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Working Paper 2012-7 Effects of Mobile Banking on the Savings Practices of Low Income Users - The Indian Experience Mani A. Nandhi Abstract In 2011‚ sixty-five percent of India’s population did not have access to a bank account (Global Findex 2011). India has the second largest financially excluded poor in the world with more than half of its population considered as financially underserved At the same time‚ India is one of the fastest growing markets for mobile phones. Given the rising mobile phone
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CERTIFICATION This academic report is a product of SANDRINE NJEMO NKA’A from an industrial training program at N ATIONAL PORT AUTHORITY CREDIT UNION LEAGUE [NPACCUL] for the period of August 1 to September 30. This report has been carefully developed in accordance to the conditions and criteria that satisfy the award of B.SC Accounting Degree from the Catholic University Of Bamenda Cameroon [CATUC]. Signature; ………………………………… ……………………………… The Manager NPACCUL
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Introduction For decades the female gender has been considered to be the lesser. In this paper‚ which has been compiled after going through many scholarly articles‚ it is factual that the female gender could easily pass as the most powerful influence on earth and the greatest contributor to the world economies. From the villages of Africa‚ Asia and Latin America‚ the woman has been used as the "beast of burden." Tilling the family land to put food on the table‚ bringing forth life and nurturing
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Development and Economic Sustainability. World Development‚ 28(12)‚ Pp. 2029-2049. Fox‚ K. 2011. Africa ’s mobile economic revolution. Guardian‚[online] 24 July Available at <> [Accessed 20 November 2012] Popov‚ V.‚ 2010. Life Cycle of the Centrally Planned Economy: Why Soviet Growth Rates Peaked in the 1950s. Moscow: Centre for Economic and Financial Research at New Economic School Ranis‚ G.‚
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1. Explain the relationship between business and society and the ways in which they are part of the interactive system. A business is any organization that is engaged in making a product or providing a service for a profit. A society is human beings and the social structure they collectively create. Both business and society are highly interdependent. We borrow “General Systems Theory” from biology to explain this relationship between business and society‚ which was first introduced in the 1940s
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Executive summary: This assignment is done to provide the user information on Brand Audit of GrameenPhone Ltd‚ the telecommunication company in Bangladesh. Telecommunication has been a booming industry during the last two decades. Gradually this industry is matching towards market saturation. So‚ brand audit is also become very important and complex as well. The four major players GP‚ Banglalink‚ Robi‚ and Airtel by name are implementing same unique and confidential branding strategies to grasp
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