Odysseus lead a ship full of men ready to fight their way back to Ithaca‚ which is where Odysseus and his men are from. Odysseus and his men sail the seas for about 10 years before Odysseus reaches Ithaca‚ and gets to see his family and town back. His leadership was very admirable throughout their journey. Odysseus is an admirable hero because he display the following traits: loyalty‚ cleverness‚ and strength. First‚ Odysseus’s trait‚ loyalty‚ shows him as a admirable hero. In “The Land of the
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them to the Epic hero Odysseus. They share many similarities such as their patriotism and high Intelligence. However‚ while sharing many similarities they share a key difference. Odysseus is sometimes “Hot Headed”‚ or and lets his emotions play a part in his decisions. Which is definitely not ideal‚ and can get him and his men in trouble at times. My first point of comparison is how patriotic they both are. I base this similarity on
Sounds like the movie Wrong Turn? No it’s Homer’s story of Odysseus. The character Odysseus has many strengths‚weaknesses‚and conflicts. The character Odysseus demonstrates immense strengths such as courage and trust. First‚ he lets his crew members tie him up without having wax in his ears. In Homer’s text he states “bind me still the more.” That he’s brave enough to allow himself to be tied up shows his courage. Next‚ Odysseus allows his crew to tie him up and believes they will untie him
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What does it mean to have a virtuous life? Most of Odysseus’ life was not virtuous. To live a virtuous life you must be in a place you are happy in‚ with people you love and you can’t be being faced with constant challenges. A virtuous life means being in a comfortable place. “Nine whole days we sailed‚ nine nights nonstop (231; 33).” This shows Odysseus was not where he wanted to be. He would not waste that amount of time and energy sailing unless he knew he would be happier somewhere else. “Circe
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Trojan War‚ Odysseus‚ the son Laertes‚ was finally able to start his long journey towards home. He arrives at Phaeacia and meets Alcinous. Alcinous offers Odysseus a ship for his travels but asks Odysseus to tell him of his adventures. He agrees and now he is off to start his eventful travels towards home in the peaked sea-mark of Ithaca. As Odysseus starts his quest of getting home the wind starts to pick up. The powerful wind carried him west from Troy and brought him to Ismarus. Odysseus totally
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“Your black is showing.” I’ve been made fun of‚ excluded‚ and‚ of course‚ called a nigger‚ the timeless classic‚ but this comment stung the most. It came from my best friend at the time‚ in computers class. I misunderstood a concept or maybe a joke- I can’t remember now. Since then‚ I’ve thought of thousands of witty retorts‚ many of them bitter and malicious‚ but at the time‚ I sat in stunned silence. Then I slowly laughed along with him‚ because that’s what I’d always done. I used to be under the
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knowledge that Odysseus is considered to be a Greek hero‚ some would even say that he is the one ideal hero of ancient Greece. Yet what is the criteria that puts Odysseus as one of the great Greek heroes? One thing many definitions had for a Greek hero was that they were from divine ancestry‚ favored by the gods‚ and have had the skill to complete their journey successfully. In The Odyssey by Homer‚ Odysseus has fulfilled being demi-god‚ being favored by the gods and mainly showing that he has the
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main heroic figure Odysseus embarks on an epic journey through the known world‚ making him the epic hero of this story. Odysseus is an example of a controversy character when it comes to determining if he is a hero or not. While he falls under the required characteristics‚ his tragic flaws set him back. “He saw the townlands and learned the minds of many distant men and weathered many bitter nights and days in his deep heart at sea‚ while he
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capable of leading a group. The four qualities a leader should possess strength‚ intelligance‚ compassion‚ and most importantly courage. A leader who possesses these qualities is a good example of a leader who can lead their group wisely and carefully. Odysseus has all the qualities that a good leader should obtain in order to lead a group. The four qualities a leader should possess are: strength‚intelligence‚compassion and should be courageous. He has strength because he helps his team out of the situations
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Odyssey and I share a narrative problem. I can compare myself to Odysseus in a lot of ways. Odysseus such a brave man and i’m such a brave young lady. In my situtations I see myself being like Odysseus. Here’s why I think I can relate to Odysseus. Iv’e always have the support of my parents and family members. Anytime I need something I know I can count on my parents. To overcome a lot of things in your life you need the support of your parents. It’s very important in life to have the support
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