Proceedings of IEEE CCIS2012 AN ID-BASED MULTIPLE AUTHENTICATION SCHEME AGAINST ATTACKS IN WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS Siwei Peng Dept. of Computer Science‚ Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications‚ Beijing 100876‚ China Abstract A wireless sensor network (WSN) consists of a number of tiny‚ low-cost‚ and resource-constrained sensor nodes‚ but is often deployed in unattended and harsh environments to perform various monitoring tasks. Therefore‚ WSN is venerable
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AP World History Chapter 14: Economic Transformations (Commerce and Consequence) 1450-1750 Directions: Define the following terms for chapter one. Describe who or what it is and explain the significance or importance. Prester John Trading post Empire Vasco da Gama Ferdinand Magellan Spanish Philippines British AND Dutch East India Companies Tokugawa Shogunate (and Shogun‚ daimyo and samurai AND relations with the world) Silver drain Potosí‚ Bolivia Little Ice Age and “soft gold” Atlantic slave
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two inverse attitudes to things‚ events or life. They cause different results. Offred and Ophelia are two women who have contrary destinies because of their different attitudes. Offred is a powerless woman in "the Handmaid’s Tale". She’s a handmaid of a commander in Gilead. She has no freedom. She belongs to him as a property. Her only duty is to have sex with the commander and give birth to a baby. Ophelia is also a weak woman in "Hamlet" play. She has no power over anybody. But their fates in the
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AP US HISTORY ID’s/ Objective Questions ID’s 1) The English Civil War- The English Civil War took place during the years 1642-1646. The English Civil War was the conflict between King Charles I of England and a large body of his subjects‚ generally called the “parliamentarians‚” that culminated in the defeat and execution of the king and the establishment of a republican commonwealth. The parliamentary army’s leader‚ Oliver Cromwell‚ during the so-called Commonwealth period ruled. But after
historical status at the time. Although Gertrude is the Queen of Denmark and Ophelia is the prince ’s lovers‚ they have no standing in the society and their voices are never heard. Their actions and fates are greatly influenced by the men ’s decisions. All their lives Ophelia and Gertrude are led by the men ’s power; they together make a weak image of dependent women at Shakespeare ’s time. Although Gertrude and Ophelia are not well developed through out the play‚ their actions‚ language and influence
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Book Review of A Sand County Almanac and Sketches Here and There By Aldo Leopold Biodiversity as one significant element of ecosystem is closely related to ecological development and of high value to human. In recent years‚ people are increasing concerned about the serious condition of other creature‚ but they still put too much emphasis on economic value that they ignore the understanding of ecological system and conservation of biodiversity. However‚ Aldo Leopold’s A Sand County Almanac provides
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Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 1 MB0042 – Managerial Economics - 4 Credits (Book ID: B1131) Assignment Set- 2 Ques1. Define Pricing Policy. Explain the various objective of pricing policy. Ans. Pricing Policies A detailed study of the market structure gives us information about the way in which prices are determined under different market conditions. However‚ in reality‚ a firm adopts different policies
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Q1. List the barriers to effective communication. What are the ways in which an organisation can overcome the barriers to communication? | Answer : Here are a few of the most commonly-found barriers in communication in an organization: 1. Physical barriers are easy to spot – doors that are closed‚ walls that are erected‚ and distance between people all work against the goal of effective communication. While most agree that people need their own personal areas in the workplace‚ setting up an
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Hamlet Critical Essay Death: when the heart stops beating‚ the brain shuts down‚ and never wakes up again‚ and the pain the deceased was feeling when alive‚ is transferred to their loved ones in the form of grief. This pain and suffering can be exhibited in a multitude of different ways. From rage to calmness‚ the effects are different from person to person. According to Freud’s Model of Bereavement‚ the bereaved is letting go of many attachments that are involved in the relationship they had made
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Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 1 MB0038 –Management Process and Organizational Behaviour - 4 Credits (Book ID:B1127) Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks) Q1. Define emotional intelligence. Explain Goleman’s model of emotional intelligence. Ans: Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to the ability to perceive‚ control and evaluate emotions. Some researchers suggest that emotional intelligence can be learned and strengthened‚ while others claim it is an inborn characteristic. Since1990
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