Danielle Loutfi Environmental education Pollution I. Definition Pollution occurs when pollutants contaminate the natural surroundings; which brings about changes that affect our normal lifestyles adversely. II. Why it is dangerous? Pollution disturbs our ecosystem and the balance in the environment. With modernization and development in our lives pollution has reached its peak; giving rise to global warming and human illness. III. Types & Causes of Pollution A. Air pollution It occurs when
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d.FOC emissions from certain trees and plants can play a large role in creating photochemical smog. e.Temperature inversions can help to disperse pollutants. 36.Which of the following statements is true? a.Temperature inversion occurs when a layer of cold air prevents warm air from rising. b.Temperature inversions exacerbate pollution problems. c.Temperature inversions last only a few minutes to a few hours. d.Normally‚ cool air near earth’s surface expands
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want our love ones or friends to have these illnesses right? So we must stop smoking in public areas or much more let us stop smoking right now. Other thing is that our Ozone Layer is Thinning that is why we need to stop smoking because it promotes Air Pollution which is considered as the top one destroyer of our Ozone Layer that covers us from the Harsh UV Sun Rays. It also has Nicotine wherein many people get addicted on it‚ it is also considered as a drug. Other People‚ who are using
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smoke‚ or more particularly‚ soot and ash‚ may coat plant leaves directly reducing photosynthesis by preventing light penetration or even by clogging stomatal openings. The pollutants involved in acid rain are sulphur dioxide‚ oxides of nitrogen‚ ozone and various volatile organic vapours given off from gasoline stations. Fossil fuels contain between 1% and 4% sulphur and consequently around 30 million tonnes of sulphur dioxide is emitted from the chimneys of Europe each year. It’s effect in high
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Critically evaluate the possible causes and effects of the phenomenon known as Global Warming Global warming refers to the observed increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans in recent decades‚ which is directly related to an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere leading to an increase in the amount of infrared or thermal radiation near the surface. This essay will evaluate the causes and their resulting effects of the phenomenon known
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GENERAL SCIENCE POINTERS BASIC CONCEPTS AND LAWS Science and Technology Science - is a systematic study that is concerned with facts and principles‚ and methods that could be observed in our natural or physical and social environment. It comes from the Latin word ’scire’ that means ’to know’. - is both a body of knowledge and a process – away of thinking‚ a way of solving problems The Branches of Science THE PHYSICAL SCIENCES • Physics: The study of matter and energy
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of the present lesson are to introduce the student to the history of refrigeration in terms of: 1. Refrigerant development (Section 2.2): i. ii. iii. Early refrigerants (Section 2.2.1) Synthetic fluorocarbon based refrigerants (Section 2.2.2) Non-ozone depleting refrigerants (Section 2.2.3) 2. Compressor development (Section 2.3): i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Low-speed steam engine driven compressors (Section 2.3.1) High-speed electric motor driven compressors (Section 2.3.1) Rotary vane and rolling
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Modern Health Hazards‚ dangers arising from man made circumstances that threaten the wellbeing of humans environment. These are normally taken as hazards arising from the mistakes human’s have made over the past year’s affecting the Healthy status of the entire planet completely. Different hazards threat human life on earth & By the level or extent of threat the effect can be serious and sometimes even cause death. Modern Hazards mainly are pollution of different types ‚Drugs ‚ chemical usage and
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those evolved over periods of 50‚000 to 100‚000 years. http://knowledge.allianz.com/en/globalissues/climate_change/global_warming_basics/global_warming_definition.html What Is The Greenhouse Effect? Seen from space‚ our atmosphere is but a tiny layer of gas around a huge bulky planet. But it is this gaseous outer ring and its misleadingly called greenhouse effect that makes life on Earth possible – and that could destroy life as we know it. The sun is the Earth’s primary energy source‚ a burning
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In todays world‚ Everyone uses some form of transportation. Whether it be a luxury jet or a bicycle‚ These means of transportation out do anything the people in the past could have even dreamed of. Some of these ways of transportation are good and some are not so good. Generally‚ our new ways of transportation opened up so many opportunities in our lives that we are blinded by the bad things that come along with it. For the most part‚ our advanced ways of transportation are positive. Cars and buses
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