"Pit bull research paper" Essays and Research Papers

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    For The Love of Pit Bulls Pit bulls are just like any other loyal breed of dog. Just like the other breeds‚ pit bulls are only dangerous if they are raised to be dangerous. According to the AVMA‚ it is “mostly the owners‚ not the dogs‚ who are to blame for any bad behavior.” (“Ban Pit Bulls?”). Pit bulls are wonderful companions and friends. The pit bull breed originates from England in the 1800s. These precious animals were initially raised and trained to fight for entertainment. Around “1835

    Premium Pit Bull American Pit Bull Terrier Dog breed

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    pit bulls

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    history of the pit-bull or where this breed comes from; they just go with the common misconception of the dog. The legal definition of a pit bull is a class of dogs that of which includes the following breeds: American pit bull terrier‚ American Staffordshire terrier‚ Staffordshire bull terrier‚ American bulldog and any other pure bred or mixed breed dog that is a combination of these dogs. Weight and shape can vary significantly amongst pit bulls‚ from 35 to 100 plus pounds. Today’s pit bull is a descendant

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    Pit Bulls

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    an owner of an American pit bull terrier‚ I witness first hand how the pit bull is discriminated against on a daily basis. C. Audience Relation How many of you enjoy being categorized by the way you look? Just as we‚ as people‚ are evaluated‚ all animals need to be evaluated by its own qualities‚ not their appearance. D. Central Idea Today‚ I would like to take the time to refute the falsely made claims that have been made against the pit bull breed and provide you with

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    Pit Bulls

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    specifically Pit bulls. Awareness of Pit Bulls Conceptual definition: Overall knowledge of nature vs. nurture theory amongst any breed. Q7: - Do you believe that

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    Pit Bulls

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    Andre Darville Professor Kaefer English 1B 3 March 2013 Pit Bulls: Misconceptions and the Truth Pit Bulls‚ one of the American societies famous bully breeds is too often stereotyped as malicious animals‚ but that stereotype is false due to evidence that pit bulls can be just as loving as the iconic golden retriever.  According to the American Temperament Test‚ which is a test that focuses on and measures different aspects of temperament such as stability‚ shyness‚ aggressiveness‚ friendliness

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    Pit Bulls

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    Pit bulls and terrier breeds were created in early 19th century‚ for the popular spectator sports of bull- and bear-baiting. In 1898 the UKC‚ Britain’s equivalent of the AKC‚ named these bull dogs the American Pit Bull Terrier. The AKC decided to recognize the breed in the early 1930s--but under a new name. Intending to separate it from its pit-fighting past‚ the AKC named it the American Staffordshire terrier‚ also known as a pit bull. These dogs have been used for protection not only in homes but

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    Pit Bulls

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    Proposal: Broward county should prohibit the private ownership of pit bulls. Cambridge Assignment 7th Grade Language Arts Mrs. Cox Coral Springs Charter School 1/30/13 Banning Pit Bulls is Wrong! Within all of the controversy about the pit bull breed and whether or not they should be banned‚ I have formed my own educated opinion; Pit bulls should not be banned. Why should we punish the dogs for the way they are being raised and

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    Should people be allowed to keep pit bull dogs? Pit bull dogs seem to come up in many news topics‚ and it always seems to be bad news. Nine times out of ten when a dog is in the news it seems to be bad mouthing pit bulls‚ the news never shows the good side to the breed‚ which there are a lot of good things about the dogs. As a owner and someone who know many people who own the breed‚ I strongly disagree. Every breed has the potential to be aggressive and will at some point have at least one instance

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    Are Pit-Bulls an overly vicious breed or are they just misunderstood by today’s American society? Jessica Williams Strayer University ENG215046VA016 June 04‚ 2011 When you see a Pit bull‚ what is the first thing that goes through your mind? For some‚ it is a sense of fear and for others it is the thought that this breed is misunderstood. Have you ever stopped and thought about if the Pit bull breed is really a vicious breed‚ or are they just misinterpreted due to the reputation that others

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    Outline Pit Bull Paper

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    Outline Pit Bull Paper 1. Introduction A. Gain Reader Attention and Interest B. Establish Common Ground C. Demonstrate Fairness 2. Background of breed (trainer book) A. How they where breed B. Characteristics of dog good and bad 3. Media’s Influence Over public’s perception of the breed as well as irresponsible owners contribution to this perception (Pit Bull panic – article) A. Identify Goals B. Identify Appeals C. Identify Fallacies 4. Myths about the breed (Bullie

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