P&G measure their customer satisfaction based on two critical ‘moment of truth’; The first moment of truth is when the consumer stands at the store shelf and makes the purchase decision on a particular brand. This became the centre for P&G ’ which works back through the supply network starting from the store shelf. The second moment of truth was when the consumers use the product and decide whether it was satisfactory or not. Therefore‚ the complex consumer goods supply chain system of P&G‚ linked
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of buyers 8 D. Threat of substitute products/services 9 E. Intensity of rivalry among competitor 10 III. Company analysis 11 A. H&M 11 1. H&M Vision‚ Values‚ Goal and Strategy 11 2. H&M’s internationalization process 11 3. H&M’s organizational structure 12 4. H&M’s Global Role 13 B. SWOT Analysis 14 1. H&M in Japan 14 2. ZARA in Japan 17 C. Value Chain Analysis 19 1. Logistics. 19 2. Operation. 20 3. Marketing & sales. 21
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Strategic Audit of Kimberly-Clark Competition in the diaper industry raged on as Kimberly-Clark (KC) strived to stay ahead of its main competitor‚ Proctor and Gamble (P&G). By the end of 1989‚ KC’s Huggies controlled 32% of the market share—the highest of any single product competing in the diaper market. Now facing significant financial constraints‚ the leader in personal care products endeavored to create product improvements that would hold market share and outperform Proctor and Gamble’s
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80 common and uncommon errors in company valuation 80 common and uncommon errors in company valuation Pablo Fernández PricewaterhouseCoopers Professor of Corporate Finance IESE Business School. University of Navarra. Camino del Cerro del Aguila 3. 28023 Madrid‚ Spain. Telephone 34-91-357 08 09. Fax 34-91-357 29 13. e-mail: fernandezpa@iese.edu ABSTRACT This paper contains a collection and classification of 80 errors seen in company valuations performed by financial analysts‚ investment banks
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Born August 17th 1864 in Ann Arbor‚ Michigan‚ Charles Horton Cooley was an American sociologist who may be best known for his work on Symbolic Interactionism. Cooley studied at and graduated from the University of Michigan in 1887‚ he then returned the following year to train in mechanical engineering at the same school. In 1888‚ he returned yet again to pursue a Master’s degree in political economics‚ with a minor in sociology. He began teaching sociology and economics subjects at the University
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stores in 48 markets and a strong employee base of approximately 94000 (MarketLine Case Study‚ 2012). H&M Group also includes independent brands i.e. COS‚ Cheap Monday‚ Monki and Weekday. For the sake of simplicity‚ this report will look only at the brand H&M. The target customers of H&M are mostly price sensitive and belong to the age bracket 15-35 years. The key competitors with whom H&M shares these customers are Primark‚ Zara‚ Next and Benetton. In 2011‚ the online retail sector
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Background of the Brand H&M Hennes & Mauritz‚ better known as H&M‚ is a worldwide apparel company‚ which sells clothing for women‚ men and children as well as cosmetics and home furnishings. H&M is continually working toward the goal of "giving the customer unbeatable value through the combination of fashion‚ quality and price" and it is no surprise that the corporation is homed in Sweden‚ which is the home of all things affordably trendy or trendily affordable such as IKEA‚ Ericsson
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H&M’s value chain: The value chain‚ made by Michael Porter‚ is really important to see how a company structure is created. The value chain is constituted by two parts: support activities (firm infrastructure‚ human resource management‚ technology development‚ procurement) and primary activities (inbound logistic‚ operations‚ outbound logistic‚ marketing and sales‚ service). (Johnson et al. 2011‚ p.97-99) Support activities: * Firm infrastructure: H&M is present in 44 markets in the
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1-2 1.0 Company Background 1.1 H&M History 1.2 Products‚ Strategy‚ Vision and Mission Statement 2-3 2.0 Strategy Planning 2.1 Establishment & Effectiveness of Vision‚ Mission and Goals 2.2 External Analysis 2.2.1 Opportunities 2.2.2 Threats 2.3 Internal Analysis 2.3.1 Strengths 2.3.2 Weaknesses 2.4 SWOT Analysis 2.5 Benchmarking 2.6 Hierarchy of strategy 2.7 BCG Matrix 4-9 3.0 Conclusion 3.1 Advice 3.2 Future Plan Reference History of H&M H&M were established in Vasteras
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Enclosure 1 10 Introduction In 2009 H&M and Zara were accused of using child labour (www.ilo.org). Even though H&M is a huge company the scandal damaged the reputation of H&M and without the right recovering strategy the damages might have been fatal. Since the scandal H&M has worked towards a better image by implementing CSR and taking a clear stand towards social responsibility. We have chosen to make a marketing audit on the company H&M‚ their use of CSR‚ and the consequences
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